How to make Cannabis Cure Oil without alerting the neighbors

The purpose of this blogpost to assist folks in making smaller batches of cannabis cure oil (aka phoenix tears) specifically written for those in situations requiring caution and little smell, whatever those conditions may be (i.e. cancer pts in non legal states). MAKING CANNABIS CURE OIL IS EASIER THAN FOLKS THINK!!! If you wish make a small batch of cannabis cure oil aka phoenix tears on the down low or are worried about the neighbors smelling what you’re cooking, then this guide is for you.  This method works with just a little bit of raw materials to process.  I usually reclaim the alcohol solvent, but for the purposes of this post, i’m going ultra low tech and easy for people who wont take the time to run a still because they are complete novices in need of oil…

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if you are worried about the legality of this oil, I say to you

“When a life is at stake, and breaking a law will save it, abiding by the law is not a virtue.” ~Breezy Kiefair

or perhaps Henry David Thoreau said it better in his work Civil Disobedience”

If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law.
Read more at:


CANNABIS CURE OIL, Please read  the following post

first in addition to this post in its ENTIRETY.******

FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears Therapy for the Beginner

The Frequently asked questions about phoenix tears therapy for the beginner post covers a lot of the science regarding how and why this medication works to combat cancer. The post you are currently reading centers on how to make the cannabis cure oil.

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I am not a doctor or licensed herbalist. I am just a lady who has traveled this path trying to offer information to other people considering walking down this path of their own free will.


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What Are Phoenix Tears?

Quite simply, Phoenix Tears are a potent, concentrated form of the cannabis plant.  This therapy is also known as R.S.O (Rick Simpson Oil), Cannabis Cure Oil, Run From the Cure Oil, F.E.C.O (Fully Extracted Cannabis Oil), Jamaican Hash Oil (like you used to get “back in the day”) Cannabis extract, or simply hash oil. Whatever you call it, it is strong medicine that cures most cancers and can treat many disorders/diseases in the body.

I invite you to also follow the below link for more frequently asked questions on how to use this medication.

FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears Therapy for the Beginner

What kind of cannabis

do I use?

Some of you out there are so new to cannabis that knowing what kind of cannabis to get is a difficult proposition. For others, this is basic information that I am reviewing for you.

Cannabis is divided into two general families. They are referred to as Indicas and Sativas (there are hybrids that are described as a percentage Indica and a percentage sativa)

2013-05-23 0657 indicasativa leaves collage polished

Some of the most commonly recommended strains by the Rick Simpson Camp of oil creation are white widow and white rhino. Both of these strains are good Indica strains but there are many, many other Indica strains. Indica plants have fat leaves and generally are more earthy in their flavor and smell.

You need a strain high in both THC and CBD. I am of the opinion that all of the compounds of the plant work in concert together to heal cancer. Some people will argue with me that chlorophyll is not necessary, but truly that is a small matter.

Indica strains tend to be sleepier and are better in my opinion for nighttime, however for me, Indica plants are also more effective for deep pain.

Indica medical marijuana strains are short, bushy plants with wide leaves. Indica plants typically grow faster and have a higher yield than the sativa variety. Medicine produced from cannabis indica plants have higher CBD and lower THCcounts therefore a pure indica strain will produce a heavier, sleepy type of high. The flowering stage lasts between 6 to 8 weeks.Plant Origins: Afghanistan, Morocco, and Tibet.

Sativa strains are more for daytime. The feeling is more social, more antidepressant, creative, more energetic, and clearer headed. Sativas are also good as a “ distraction” from the pain, they will help you get interested in whatever it is you are doing to help you not notice how much pain you are in.

The sativa strain of marijuana is the complete opposite of the indica strain. Sativa medical marijuana pants are tall, thin plants, with narrow leaves, and generally are a lighter shade of green then their counterpart, the Indica strain. Sativa strains take longer to grow, mature, and require more light. Medicine produced from cannabis sativa plants have lower CBD and higher THC counts which produces a more clear headed, energetic type of high. The flowering stage lasts between 10 to 16 weeks. Plant Origins: Colombia, Mexico, Thailand and Southeast Asia.

remember that cannabis flowers are like roses... roses come in many colors and the right color given to the right person can open many doors... cannabis flowers come with many different effects and the right flower given to the right person with the right illness that flower is good at treating can ease much suffering. —

remember that cannabis flowers are like roses… roses come in many colors and the right color given to the right person can open many doors… cannabis flowers come with many different effects and the right flower given to the right person with the right illness that flower is good at treating can ease much suffering.

I recommend a Cannabis Indica strain or a cannabis Indica dominant hybrid strain for the curing of cancer. If you are treating another disease, you may want to try different strains of cannabis that are more suited for your condition  For example, someone wanting to treat their Post Traumatic Stress Disorder might choose to make their Cannabis Cure Oil from a strain known to be a good treatment for P.T.S.D anxiety symptoms such as Northern Lights. An epileptic or seizure patient may want to make their oil out of strains known to reduce seizure activity such as White Widow, White Rhino, or Life Saver. A chronic fatigue patient may want a sativa based oil for the energetic properties of some of those strains. Likewise, a patient with depression may wish to choose an uplifting euphoric  sativa strain to use as an antidepressant. Cannabis Indica strains tend to be high in both  Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and  Cannabidiol (CBD)

There is nothing wrong with using a mixture of bud and close trim to make phoenix tears oil. I have even known people who used street grade weed (commonly referred to as shwag) to make the oil and saw results. Too often shwag is grown by non-organic methods and harvested before the nutrients have been flushed out of the plant properly. Sometimes, the plant is even harvested before she is completely ripe.  That being said, you cannot argue with the results of people who used shwag because that was all they had access to and were able to cure their cancer with it.  Because of all these concerns, I recommend everyone grow their own bud, or buy the raw materials from a trusted grower.

What you will need:

a quantity of Indica cannabis flowers or cannabis trim

you can make batches with as little and 1/8 ounce of raw materials, though the yield is very small.

a bag made from a scrap of a clean old t-shirt or some cheese cloth

a 1qt mason jar to soak it in

food grade high proof alcohol (ever-clear works well) Please make sure your alcohol is 190 proof or higher! the higher the proof the lower the water content.

Unbleached cone shaped coffee filters

a funnel

an oven and oven thermometer to decarboxylate the cannabis

a plant oil such as coconut oil, olive oil, butter, grapeseed oil, hempseed oil in order to help you get the cannabis oil back out of the jar.


Step 1 Grind it:

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Cut or grind your cannabis into small, loose pieces. This increases the surface area for the solvent and maximizes the amount of medication extracted. This step is particularly important if your raw materials have been compressed in any way.

Step 2 Bake it (decarboxylation):

Place your raw materials in a bag made from t-shirt (jersey) material. preheat your oven to 290 degrees fahrenheit (143.3 degrees celsius) Place your bag of raw materials into a glass dish and put into the oven. Heat for at least 20 minutes and up to 60 minutes. AN OVEN THERMOMETER MAY BE NECESSARY! DO NOT EXCEED THIS LEVEL OF HEAT, or you begin to LOSE YOUR MEDICINE.

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Step 3 SOAK IT:

Freeze your raw materials for a minimum of 2 hours.  Also freeze the alcohol solvent (no it will not become solid and if there is any water in your alcohol, it will freeze to the sides of your container) Put your bag of frozen raw materials into a container to soak. cover with the alcohol you have selected and allow to soak with a lid on it for 2-24 hours. Many different oil makers use different soak times. Some measure their soak time in minutes, some in hours, others in days or weeks. My teacher and I have played with many soak times and have settled upon the 2-24 hour range as ideal for our patients. For small scale extracts, I like 24 hours to maximize the yield.

the soak, after overnight in the freezer

Step 4 Filter it:

Remove the raw material bag being sure you squeeze as much of the alcohol out as possible. Place the bag in a funnel or strainer and allow the alcohol to drain from the bag thoroughly. Collect all the alcohol!  Set up a funnel on top of another container and place a cone shaped coffee filter inside the funnel. Carefully pour the alcohol through the filter and funnel. This removes some of the plant cellulose so that you get a better consistency (less hard) oil in the end process.

Step 5 Evaporate the alcohol:

Leave the filtered alcohol uncovered in a warm cupboard or cabinet. Putting it someplace closed up helps keep the smell away from the neighbors. It may evaporate faster in the open. You want to leave it someplace warm that it is not going to get bumped, spilled or moved. This step can take several days, so be patient. You are left with a thick dark grease like substance in the bottom of the jar. You can access this cannabis cure oil (phoenix tears) in the next step, so dont be worried that you can’t get at the product. If you need ultra concentrated phoenix tears, use a wide mouth flat dish for the evaporation step. you can use a razor blade to scrape the oil off the glass and or a syringe to collect it depending on yield and consistency.

Step 6: time for fats

Add a quantity of coconut oil, olive oil, grapeseed oil, or butter to the jar. Gently heat the jar until the oil is melted and marries with the cannabis oil. Lots of stirring in this step!  The less fat you put in the jar, the more potent the end result is… this is the step where you decide your dose. It is easier to add more oil and make it less potent than to add too much oil. If you add too much fat, the only thing you can do to increase the potency is make another batch of oil and add it to the cannabis infused oil you already have. The end result can be used in a variety of cooking methods or if you prefer can be put into vegetable capsules (works best with coconut oil) for use as pills or suppositories. I really like a blend I make with the cannabis plus equal parts coconut oil and honey. For more information and discussion on the method, please click this sentence 

Step 7 Store it:

if you have access to empty oral syringes, then draw up the phoenix tears into syringes

If you do not have access to oral syringes, consider making up pills from empty vegetable capsules

If neither of the above are an option, a wide mouth glass container is suitable

DO NOT STORE IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT. No need to refrigerate, if you do they may become too thick to work with.


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Need a More in Depth look?

Information on dosing and concerns about side effects can be found at the following post:

FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears Therapy for the Beginner

If you find my method difficult to understand, please seek out other tutorials on this method. A few are below.

need to make a smaller batch?

If you click this sentence, it will take you to the tutorial on how to make the oil


I am not afraid to tell you that I agonized about writing this tutorial. The responsibility of writing this oil creation tutorial weighed  heavy on my mind. I know I need to make the instructions pretty much fool proof. even if i write this flawlessly… with ample warnings and clear language…. what responsibility do i hold karmic or otherwise if someone extracts poorly after reading my tutorial? what level of fool is acceptable for making the oil? How many fools will ignore safety precautions, allow alcohol to build up in the extraction area and become alcohol vapor poisoned or worse will light a joint and go boom for lack of airflow? My teacher is a good oil maker and had to learn his lesson on alcohol vapor poison the hard way… how can I ensure the knowledge I am imparting will not have dangerous consequences if they fall into a fools hands? I have weighed all these concerns in my heart and decided that it was too important of information to with hold it for fear of what people will do with it. In the end, the fear of what people would do with out it is greater than the fear of what they will do with it.

related posts:

How to Extract Cannabis Cure Oil with alcohol (Phoenix Tears)

About Breezy Kiefair

links about breezy blog on youtube ~ Do all that you can to cultivate peace within yourself, that it might shine out from you, and plant the seed of peace in other spirits, for them to cultivate.~ {Remember... it is when we choose act on the issues that are in front of our faces, when we choose to get involved instead of looking the other way as our fellow man struggles, when we choose to take those small simple little actions, working on righting little wrongs in our everyday lives that really make change happen, those seemingly small actions are what really make the world a better place and are a catalyst for greater social change.} ~Both quotes by Breedheen "Bree" O'Rilley Keefer~ an interview in the 420 times Cannabis Health News Magazine... see pages 37-39

Posted on 2014/03/10, in cannabis and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 27 Comments.

  1. Breezy Kiefair

    small url to this post if anyone needs one…


  2. Breezy Kiefair

    come check out the new photo album of me using this method today!


  3. Breezy Kiefair

    video of the method:


  4. Safiya Rose

    hi there my friend has pancreatic cancer and would like to try the oil, is there a way we can purchase the oil without having to make it up ourselves? also would dry bush mj be any good to cook for oil? when i say dry i mean ive had it for along time and it also has a lot of seed. thankyou for any help much appreciated Safiya


    • Breezy Kiefair

      your old dry stuff is fine in a pinch. the medicinal compounds break down over time and in the sunlight, but making oil with that would be better than nothing. I don’t really give referrals for people to buy oil. this is a noncommercial site (despite domain), but email me at and I may have some leads for you,


  5. Action requires kndgoelwe, and now I can act!


  6. Breezy Kiefair

    Cannabis oil cook down that shows many the different things you can make with one batch of cannabis trim


  7. Breezy Kiefair

    The cannabis oil creation method I spent 2 years learning from a well respected oil maker.

    How to Extract Cannabis Cure Oil with alcohol (Phoenix Tears)


  8. Spent the morning doing text based cannabis oil creation consultation conversations. Hope I happened to help someone have a hand up. Since I plan on resuming the consultant calls, my guy dug out a pair of his wireless headphones with a mic so I can avoid the pain that comes with holding the phone up to my ear for long conversations teaching people how to make the cannabis oil at home, for that I am truly grateful as the demand for information is so very high. I do NOT recommend people purchase oil in the mail. It is too easy to get something that was made of raw materials that still contains chemical fertilizers or worse pesticides. Please be sure to check out your raw materials before extraction by burning a bowl. If the ash burns light grey to white, the herb is clean enough to extract into oil, if it burns dark grey to black, keep looking for raw materials. There are many readers willing to make their own oil. Use of a trusted dealer for raw materials is safer than someone mailing the resulting oil cross country on many levels. There are many scam artists in the oil by mail business, and that breaks my heart. I’ve heard of syringes sold at premium price that merely had black construction paper inside, tales of residual chemicals making people sick, folks who extract with unsafe solvents, and more…. Besides, there is a spiritual power when one extracts this oil for a patient they truly love. Making Cannabis cure oil is love made visible; a prayer solidified into reality. I’d rather have oil from a trusted dealer processed by someone who actually cares if I get better or not… These are but a few of the many reasons I teach the METHOD to EMPOWER people to make this amazing oil for those they love. Most who come to me have had a cannabis supplier for many years prior to asking any questions of me. Don’t let the method intimidate you… If you can boil water and read a thermometer and follow directions, you can make cannabis oil. Also, there are many correct methods to achieve cannabis oil, just be careful as you select your solvents. Visit the below link hosted by #greenfaithministry for more information on the various ways to achieve cannabis oil creation.


  9. Soraya Simone

    Thank you for all your amazing info! I wanted to know if I can use already been vaped material for making the oil?
    Thank you ahead of time!


  10. so it seems we bake/ decarb first but that isnt raw material if its over 110.. s o at first I thought freeze then decarb.. hmm

    Liked by 1 person

    • Breezy Kiefair

      You need to de carb first, then freeze it for the solvent stage when the cold helps the crystals break away from the leaf matter.


      • ok great thank you thats what I did … wasnt sure if its like raw food and the 110 degree rule .. or whatever it is someplace in there.. re reading your story so incredible.. thank you for all you have done and do ..

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Breezy Kiefair

    Thanks for sharing my link.


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