***** Disclaimer****** This is the site of a Medical Marijuana Activist!


by Breezy Kiefair on Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at 4:38pm ·

This is the site of vocal a Medical Marijuana Activist!

I understand some of my buds here, and family/friends of my buds may find some of my viewpoints controversial and/or objectionable. If you have recently added me as a friend and any of my behavior/posts are bothering you, please send me a private message so we can work it out just between you and I. Do not get me wrong, I encourage lively respectful debate on my site, however remarks on a persons behavior are best brought directly to the person who has committed the offense, not in a public forum. I remind everyone that you have the power to decide what does or doesn’t remain on your facebook page.

If you do not agree with the way I choose to use my freedom of speech, feel free to take me off your friends list. That is why it is called freedom of speech. I have the freedom to speak, you have the freedom to listen or walk away.

I am sorry if I come off needy, but the patients I am trying to help are out of time. At the moment I suffer along side the people it is my goal to help. I use my story as a way to advocate THEIR needs by telling my own story! Many people who I speak to want confidentiality and i offer them that, however if there is something in my own story that can be used to advocate for a voiceless individual I am going to share it.

I’d like to also mention that and as long as I make a reasonable attempt to quote the original source of the intellectual property (the person who actually created the relevant portion of the information, not just who posted it to facebook today), who cares where I first came across the link? You don’t like what I say, that’s fine. Go with my love and blessing. I will soldier on!

Feel free to share away on all my posts btw. If it is obviously something I wrote, and is my intellectual property, I ask you pay me the respect of quoting your source.

Peace, Love and Blessings,

Breezy Kiefair

Kiefair Keepsakes


About Breezy Kiefair

links about breezy blog http://breedheenorilleykeefer.com/ on youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/Mr8MrsKiefAir?feature=mhsn ~ Do all that you can to cultivate peace within yourself, that it might shine out from you, and plant the seed of peace in other spirits, for them to cultivate.~ {Remember... it is when we choose act on the issues that are in front of our faces, when we choose to get involved instead of looking the other way as our fellow man struggles, when we choose to take those small simple little actions, working on righting little wrongs in our everyday lives that really make change happen, those seemingly small actions are what really make the world a better place and are a catalyst for greater social change.} ~Both quotes by Breedheen "Bree" O'Rilley Keefer~ an interview in the 420 times http://the420times.com/2010/06/the-faces-of-medical-marijuana-an-interview-with-breez/ Cannabis Health News Magazine... see pages 37-39 http://cannabishealthnewsmagazine.com/PDF/CHNM_Feb2010_small.pdf

Posted on 2010/01/26, in cannabis and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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