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BY: Natalie Gray


Medical marijuana or MMJ has been used for decades now to help people afflicted with serious medical conditions that include, but are not limited to glaucoma, cancer, epilepsy, AIDS, and MS (Multiple Sclerosis). As one of the most effective agents that help people cope with chronic pain, medical marijuana offers patients relief from extreme discomfort by alleviating their symptoms.


Understanding the Science Behind Medical Marijuana

Understanding the science behind the effectiveness of marijuana is important in order to dispel these myths and make a well-informed choice about what it truly offers. When administered under the supervision of a qualified and competent doctor or medical practitioner, medical marijuana reduces the pain and nausea that various health problems cause. Scores of people believe that medical marijuana is extremely addictive, and it increases the dependency on the drug.


Research indicates that there is no evidence to support this belief because to start with, medical cannabis does not even have any chemicals that may trigger addiction in people who use it as a part of their treatment process. Then there are other misconceptions that MMJ may also lead to the use of hard drugs such as cocaine and like the former, this is also just a misconception. While medical marijuana can be smoked like a regular banana kush, this is not the only way that it can be used.


There are mainly two types of cannabinoid receptors; CB1 and CB2 that trigger a cascade of biological events within them. While the former type is mainly found in the nerve cells of the brain and is responsible for the mind altering effects of cannabis, the latter is found all over the body and it could be the prime suspect that triggers the biological effects of these cannabinoids on the other parts of the body apart from the brain. So, designing suitable drugs based on the active ingredients that are found in hash oil may be important for the treatment of cancer.




Medical Marijuana As Alternative Medicine

Right from prescription drugs and pills that contain synthetic forms of medical marijuana to other alternate treatment methods, cannabinoids such as THC can be delivered to the body without smoking MMJ. The marijuna seeds, flowers and leaves can be soaked in a mixture of alcohol to extract the cannabinoids in marijuana. This infusion can either be added to drinks and food or absorbed through skin patches and in this form; it takes MMJ as little as a half hour to produce the desired effect. The active components can also be transferred into cooking oil and butter by simmering the plant in them for several hours. This is usually used to bake cookies and brownies or make other types of food that a patient might find appetizing.


Thought there are tests that show that Medical cannabis can cause short term memory loss in some patients who are undergoing treatment, the truth is that the effect is only temporary. Medical marijuana neither reduces their intelligence nor does it affect their long-term memory. Though medical cannabis is an all-natural substance that is obtained from plants, the misconceptions about it are quite controversial and baseless.





Medical Marijuana Works at A Fundamental Level

It is amazing that smoking cannabis works so much better than many pharmaceuticals, which are always absorbed through the proper medium. By setting a plant on fire, inhaling the resulting smoke, and blowing it out, much more relief can be found than ingesting a pharmaceutical substance that decades of research was put into.


The fact that smoking cannabis works better than pharmaceuticals is a testament to its place as humanity’s greatest medicine, but what really matters are the effects people have been having with extract medicine. There is an entire movement working to spread the truth that extracts are capable of curing/eliminating or completely controlling serious diseases like cancer, heart disease, arthritis, Crohn’s, chronic pain, IBS, hepatitis C, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, mental disorders, and more.


Cannabis works against so many conditions because it functions at a fundamental level, restoring balance to all body systems. Since all disease is an imbalance of some kind, cannabis is the best herb for restoring balance.


Bottom Line

Cannabis is one of the most medicinal plants in the world, and when prepared into extracts, its true power is released. The main problem with the medicinal cannabis movement at this point in time is its focus on smoking marijuana, or even vaporizing it. The bottom line is that’s not the right way to use cannabis as a medicine, as effective as even that can be., and its effects greatly exceed what smoked marijuana could ever achieve. Medicine is not intended to be absorbed in a low concentration through the lungs, it is supposed to go through the digestive system in a highly concentrated form.




Natalie Gray is a Biochemical Engineer. She works in the Research and Development team that focuses on the design and construction of unit processes. She is a recreational marijuana supporter and her love for organic chemistry brought her to medical cannabis. She grows her own flowers, working on different projects and study everything above and under cannabis roots.


For more awareness and news follow me @


Waste not want not Phoenix Tears (FECO) Tutorial January 2018

Waste not want not Phoenix Tears (FECO) Tutorial

need written instructions visit

Appreciate the oil tutorials? Want to help ensure they stick around? is 9 years old now and my yearly dues for the domain are due soon. I’d like to sell some art to cover those fees this year. Any image from Please Bogart My Art and jewellery from Please Bogart My Bead Art are available at the below link.

To Whom It May Concern

I was run over by the truth one day.

Ever since the diagnosis I have been this way

So burn my body with radiation

Tell me lies about cancer.

Heard the alarm clock screaming with pain,

Couldn’t find myself so I went back to sleep again

So fill my veins with Chemo

burn my body with radiation

Tell me lies about cancer.

Every time I shut my eyes all I see is pain.

Made a little ribbon to remember all the names

So empty out my bank account

fill my veins with chemo

burn my body with radiation

Tell me lies about cancer.

I hear they are thinking surgery, hope it’s not my brains.

They’re only gutting fishes for their own personal gain

So numb my brain with Morphine

empty out my bank account

fill my veins with chemo

burn my body with radiation

Tell me lies about cancer.

Where were you at the time of the crime?

Ripping up the hippocratic oath, just to make a dime?

So chain my Life with hopelessness

numb my brain with Morphine

empty out my bank account

fill my veins with chemo

burn my body with radiation

Tell me lies about cancer

You put your doctors in, they take their conscience out,

They take the human being and they twist it all about

So take my world away

chain my Life with hopelessness

numb my brain with Morphine

empty out my bank account

fill my veins with chemo

burn my body with radiation

Tell me lies about cancer

— Adrian Mitchell’s structure. Words by The Art of Breezy Kiefair

there is a cure for cancer… how many beautiful women need butchered because doctors wanna run from the cure for the sake of monetary gain… are you curious about the cure? please if you are curious or need written instructions visit


and educate yourself!


send a pm through facebook to this profile

snail mail:

Bréedhéen O’Rilley Keefer

P.O. Box 849

Franktown, Colorado 80116

Top 10 Posts from 2016 as chosen by readers of

Top 10 Posts from 2016 as chosen by readers of

Below I count down the most read articles from for the year of 2016. You the reader decide whats really worth reading on this site. I thank you all.


Protect Colorado Springs Home Grows


Hannah Hurnard’s “Hind’s Feet on High Places” audiobook video series


Familial Mediterranean Fever ~ a Rare genetic disease


Phoenix Tears Healing a Diabetic Ulcer (updated Journey)


Hemp Seed and Hemp Seed Oil ~ a superfood, but not a cancer cure…


How to make Cannabis Cure Oil without alerting the neighbors


Cannabis Oil Advocate Ronnie Smith Suddenly Dies from Leukemia


A few words on the properties of Isopropyl alcohol


How to Extract Cannabis Cure Oil with alcohol (Phoenix Tears)


FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears for the Beginner



send a pm through facebook to this profile

snail mail:

Bréedhéen O’Rilley Keefer

P.O. Box 849

Franktown, Colorado 80116

2015 Top Kiefair Content by viewer stats

2015 Top Posts from

History of Essential oil Perfumery and Methods of Extracting Herbs

Top 11 Herbs for cats (yes they love cannabis!)

Familial Mediterranean Fever ~ a Rare genetic disease

Hannah Hurnard’s “Hind’s Feet on High Places” audiobook video series

Hemp Seed and Hemp Seed Oil ~ a superfood, but not a cancer cure…

Cannabis Oil Advocate Ronnie Smith Suddenly Dies from Leukemia

How to make Cannabis Cure Oil without alerting the neighbors

A few words on the properties of Isopropyl alcohol

How to Extract Cannabis Cure Oil with alcohol (Phoenix Tears)

FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears Therapy for the Beginner

2015 Top Kiefair Content by viewer stats

Top Videos

10. Patient testimonial “i have cancer, cancer does not have me”

9. Phoenix Tears Makers~ Naphtha is not a healthy Solvent!

8. Hind’s feet on high places video 4 chapters 10-12

7.  Do You Have Greenfaith

6. Hind’s Feet On High Places by Hannah Hurnard video 3 chapters 6-9

5. 2011-12-09 phoenix tears healing a diabetic ulcer

4. Hind’s Feet On High Places by Hannah Hurnard video 2

3. How to make cannabis cure oil without alerting the neighbors

2. Hind’s Feet On High Places by Hannah Hurnard video 1


An In depth look at making Cannabis Cure oil Easily at home


send a pm through facebook to this profile

snail mail:

Bréedhéen O’Rilley Keefer

P.O. Box 849

Franktown, Colorado 80116

5 years of spreading KiefAir is 5 years old today

in its present incarnation, 7 years old if you count the time it was

Each step along our individual paths changes us. Some experiences grow body, mind, and soul. Other experiences cause those same parts of us to shrink and ache endlessly. The trick is to let each step teach you even if it pains you. When you dedicate yourself to a task with little hope of recognition or monetary gain, many steps on the path are painful. No matter how much you give or how many you touch, there are still more in need. We live in a harsh world. My hat/cancer bandana off to anyone on the path to healing themselves and/or helping a loved one get relief in the most natural way possible. It takes a lot of courage and resolve to reach the end of the modern medicine road and only be left with options you may be logically against (such as chemo). It’s just as difficult to dutifully stand by and genuinely unconditionally love someone whose body is in decline.  

As difficult as those decisions are, being public about them makes those choices even harder, but the stories we tell and leave behind in this time when cannabis legality is in its infancy of revival are a testament to the plant, it healing and transformative powers, and the lives of those left searching for comfort when modern medicine can’t offer it. Each of us who has chosen to tell our tale in the public forum of our day (the internet, or public eye in general) is living history. My endless gratitude to all those out there playing nurse to a loved one so limited in physical ability. Watching the cannabis world work to change from prohibition to test markets for medical use to states defying the federal government to decriminalize for adult use has been a heart twisting journey every step of the road. Please don’t forget the chronically ill folks and their caregivers for each recreational bowl you enjoy or sell legally. We still have a long way to go to honor the people who put their entire lives and health on the line in order to create change. Let’s begin by more and more programs to help the low income patients among us.

After many years of dedication to the cause of cannabis education and healing, This is the greatest need I see in the movement today: Just too many folks with too little resources and too much pain while the price of cannabis remains a burden to their largely ssi/ssd funded existences while pounds of useable cannabis are grown in the name of someone suffering and sold elsewhere by their “caregiver” for a profit. We must do better by the low income legal cannabis patient if we ever hope to legalize cannabis for medicinal or recreational use across the board. But as an individual, I can only offer individual mercy. Lately I’ve been giving free oil to individuals legal in Colorado and to cannabis charities such as Greenfaith Ministries. We need to see more of this kind of mercy. 

The Greenfaith community supports a wide range of outreach programs, including:

*At this time, these programs are available only to members in Colorado

Feel free to wander around, wish the site a happy anniversary, comment on and share your favorite articles from years past. Also feel free to comment on this post for any improvements or changes you would like to see to the site. Moving forward, I have a project to preserve samples of products I make and products available in the market for future research. I imagine a time when we are looking back at this period in our shared history as the dawn of cannabis legalization. I imagine scientists wanting to know exactly what we were using. To preserve this history, the best, the good, the bad, and the ugly, I have procured slides and lab vials to make samples to carry on after us.

My next article covers making your own massage oils. As a preview for those eagerly awaiting the write up on that article, Let us have a look at the history of extracting healing compounds or scent compounds from various plants. This history is essential to understanding the next article from

History of Essential oil extraction and perfumery

I invite you to come and visit the site through a sampling of the most read articles. Scroll below the photo for the top read articles according to my site’s stats, 2014 reading statistics. Let’s take a look at what people are reading.

A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. ~ George Bernard Shaw

A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. ~ George Bernard Shaw

Now, some Honorable mentions.

Green Living in a Red State  and Talking to Your Doctor, Support from Social Media, and Living Green in a Red State Part by Verde LoneOwl

DIY Cannabis Cure oil healing: The tale of Wren by Wren SmilingDeer, lady of the wood

The tale of one of many who has taken information they learned on and had the courage to use that knowledge to treat their own illnesses with it.

Hipgnotist’s High Crimes and Hi-jinks

Tolkien was a stoner… Was Lembas Bread made of Hemp Seed?

This post is not to debate with others about if J.R.R. Tolkien was a stoner or not. This post is for people who have already determined for themselves that he did like to suck on a weed pipe every now and again and who wonder about what is really in Lembas Bread.

Duke the Cancer fighting Dog and RIP Duke

A dog who teaches us that not every case is a clear success, but not every gift is wasted… we lost duke but ended up helping his owner.

Naphtha is not good for you!

Certainly one of our most controversial posts. Just check out the associated youtube commentary.

Phoenix Tears Healing a Diabetic Ulcer (the healing begins)

And  Phoenix Tears Healing a Diabetic Ulcer (updated Journey)

Fat Freddy has had a sore on his back for about 3 years and it would not heal! We started putting Rick Simpson Oil on it on November 23, 2011 then the next day we checked it and then checked it every 3 days afterwards, changing the oil and bandage every 3 days as well! I documented the process as long as I was the live in maid/nurse for the patient. (WARNING THIS IS GRAPHIC!)

Familial Mediterranean Fever ~ a Rare genetic disease

I do not look like I have a single drop of Mediterranean blood in me, so why do i care about this rare genetic disorder? Because the color of skin is only skin deep. Because despite the pale appearance of my exterior,  I have the genetic ancestor from that part of the world who handed me this recessive trait. Because I have this disease and have to live with it…

Now, The Top 10 Most Read Posts

10. Hannah Hurnard’s “Hind’s Feet on High Places” audiobook video series

I was rather surprised this one made the countdown because the video series is as yet unfinished.

playlist on youtube:

A set of videos in Tribute to the writing of Hannah Hurnard, “Hind’s Feet on High Places” to Art of Breezy Kiefair i just put music and art to a book that has been a favorite since childhood… my mother used to read me that book…. call it a tribute to her and an introduction of the book to an audience that may otherwise remain unaware of it. I recommend it for anyone with anxiety or PTSD

hind'a feet on high places

9. Remembering Westley Thorin Keaton Roberts, a child murdered… his murderer acquitted 

This is the tale of how I lost my only child and had to watch the individual who logically was guilty walk free. I was rather surprised it made the most read articles list. May Westley’s love and story live on. My maternal heart will never stop longing for what should have been.


8. Dixie Elixirs, Dixie Script, Dixie Dewdrops and The Clinic Colorado Review


7. Cannabis Oil Advocate Ronnie Smith Suddenly Dies from Leukemia

Please also read:  Cannabis Activist Roland a Duby’s Censored Wikipedia Article

Ronnie Lee Smith, aka Roland A Duby made much of possible. In April 2014, he lost his battle with Leukemia after being falsely imprisoned by Yavapai county in Arizona. We got Ronnie out of jail, but only in time for him to die with a pipe in his hands. While Ronnie was alive, he tasked me to keep his oil making method alive. I have done my best to ensure I keep this task entrusted to me by making his method freely available to anyone willing to learn.


 6. A few words on the properties of Isopropyl alcohol


5.  Cannabis products and Colorado Dispensary Reviews

*****Note, I have not updated the review page in quite some time. Some of the dispensaries I have reviewed may no longer be in business. The quality at the locations I have reviewed may have changed due to a change in ownership, grower or extraction agreements. Nearly all of my reviews are of MEDICAL locations, so please check to see if they have a retail location before using any of these reviews for a vacation guide.

6/2/2012 after a feeding

4. How to make Cannabis Cure Oil without alerting the neighbors

Screenshot 2014-03-09 20.13.36 edit

3. Hemp Seed and Hemp Seed Oil ~ a superfood, but not a cancer cure

from wiki Sesame-Oil-Rice-Bran-Oil-Hemp-Seed-Oil

2. How to Extract Cannabis Cure Oil with alcohol (Phoenix Tears)

2013-05-23 0657 indicasativa leaves collage polished

1. FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears Therapy for the Beginner 

A Heart Filled with love is like a phoenix that no cage can imprison ~Rumi

A Heart Filled with love is like a phoenix that no cage can imprison ~Rumi

Here’s to another Great Year!

Grateful Dead Throwing Stones

Check out our videos on Youtube

Do you use Do you support me giving out info on cannabis oil creation for free? Do you support my free oil program with the colorado cannabis charity known as Greenfaith Ministry? Well, you may be unaware that one little lady pays for all costs associated with The way the site stays afloat with its mini library of cannabis related reference information is through sales of art and books. Each year, I must make $300 in PROFITS from the art at my etsy store and my poetry book sales on

Have a look at some samples from my portfolio, all of these images may be purchased to support 

Please remember I only make pennies per art print I sell, so I need to sell a lot of pieces each year. I was very worried about keeping the site open for 2015. The holiday season left me with not one sale. But People pulled together, and We are all set to keep the site open through February 2016!

This is the tale of how I kept the site open this time… previous years, the money had come from my medication budget. This year was different… this happened because a long time patron gifted me $100 to bring the hosting fee bar a little lower, but he was a special case, my first patron ever who seems to still want to pay more for some ceramic figures I did when I was about 14. He always sends me some cash during the winter holidays and on my birthday. In truth this anonymous donor has been more of a father to me than my own. One of the few positive male role models i have had in mu life. The rule is to spend it on something for myself. I misbehaved this year and give the gift to you. This year I’m put it towards continuing to give the gift of information via . Pebbles Trippet, a prominent writer for Skunk Magazine bought a clutch of 4×6 limited edition Maya Angelou memorial prints. Other patrons got posters or 8×10 prints and we made our goal to keep the site open! My thanks to all Patrons!

Each year, I allow you, the reader/viewer to decide if stays alive. If I get sales, all profit (save my usual tithe if 10% of all profits) will go to saving  I hope we can do better on those sales and keep the site alive. Remember the power is yours to make it live or let the library die. Any image from my please bogart my art page is for sale except the maya portrait.

Buy here:

2014-05-29 0420 cooking oil (1)

Portrait of Toni Fox image created by: Breezy Kiefiar

Portrait of Toni Fox by: Breezy Kiefiar Toni Commissioned me to turn one of her favorite digital images of herself into a canvas painting. Toni said she was so pleased with it that she has it displayed in her home office.

RIP MAYA Angelou

Appeared in volume 10 issue 1 of Skunk Magazine Read the article here:

Screenshot 2014-03-09 20.13.36 edit

more motin art here:

Image title: Maiden, Mother, Crone title by: Wren Déjà Vu SmilingDeer Image by: The Art of Breezy Kiefair source image: source image description: Title: Banshee Breezy, Be afraid Title By: Breezy Kiefair Image by: Breezy Kiefair of The Art of Breezy Kiefair

2013-01-12 0651 dark-angel edit 7 august edit

remember that cannabis flowers are like roses... roses come in many colors and the right color given to the right person can open many doors... cannabis flowers come with many different effects and the right flower given to the right person with the right illness that flower is good at treating can ease much suffering. —

2013-04-02 tokin hills for rev b2013-04-02 Fire on the mountain in a Canna Colorado moonrise2013-04-02 caturday in the woods think i saw a lynx with my eye2013-04-02 Blue moon for a green moment

Love the art on please visit:


details: 1. Make your selection at the following link:
2. Complete your transaction here and let the artist know what image you desire. Ms. Breezy will ship you a print in the size you desire right away!

Aurora Borealis through Cannabis Eyes


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Of Pain, Poetry and Pot [Kindle Edition]

Print List Price: $11.11
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Kindle Edition $9.99
Paperback $10.55

Book Description

December 6, 2013
A poetry book centered on pot written by cannabis activist and artist under the influence, Breezy Kiefair. “Of Pain, poetry, and pot.” Is a collection of cannabis centered poetry in a neobeatnik style. It includes updated versions of Allen Allen Ginsberg – Howls “howl” and “america”, along with an update on “to whom it may concern” by Adrian Mitchell , a cannabis parody of Rifleman’s Creed and many other poems that are all my own.

Product Details

  • File Size: 1518 KB
  • Print Length: 31 pages
  • Publisher: Breedheen ORilley, aka Breezy Kiefair; 1 edition (December 6, 2013)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • X-Ray:
  • Word Wise: Not Enabled
  • Lending: Enabled

Customer Reviews

6 Reviews
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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Rare and Lovely, October 2, 2013
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This review is from: Of Pain, Poetry and Pot (Kindle Edition)
Would You Like To Pick Breezy’s Brain? This wonderful book is a chance to witness the creative process at work; author Breezy Kiefair (aka Breedheen O’Rilley) is the real deal, a gifted poet/journalist/activist on the forefront of the battle for medical marijuana patients’ rights and for truth in media. And speaking of truth, emotional truth is exactly what you’ll get here. Breezy isn’t afraid to take an open-eyed, unsparing look at society, at herself, at her illnesses, at the lies we tell ourselves and each other — and at the scintillating, breathtaking beauty which is more real and more powerful than all else. Highly recommended.
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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Beautiful., January 14, 2014
This review is from: Of Pain, Poetry and Pot (Kindle Edition)
Written by someone very intimate with pain on many different levels. Beautiful and honest. I can’t wait to find out more about this amazing young woman. I originally borrowed this book. I have now read it twice and I have to own it. It must become a part of my permanent collection, along with anything else I can find which flows from this beautiful author.
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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Passion and creativity fills these pages, December 27, 2013
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This review is from: Of Pain, Poetry and Pot (Kindle Edition)
The poems and rhythm that comes from the author’s feelings show you that she uses her medical cannabis passion and even frustrations to put her concerns into words we can understand. You can feel her pain – you can feel her pride. The transposed songs were a great touch.
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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Talented, insightful artist and writer,November 25, 2013
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This multi-talented artist and writer amazed me with her insightful and sometimes heartbreaking poetry. Her artwork is not only beautiful, but different from any I have seen. I have actually ordered several individual prints off her website to give as gifts this Christmas. I highly recommend this book.
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Fabulous, February 8, 2014
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This review is from: Of Pain, Poetry and Pot (Kindle Edition)
As an activist,a woman and a HUMAN BEING,, I could feel the pain in Ms. O’Rilley’s poetry. Yet I could also feel the triumph. A must for all “pot’ lovers, I got it for 2.99 for my Kindle and it was MORE than worth it. I’ve read these poems over and over, you will too.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Of Pain, Poetry and Pot, March 13, 2014
This review is from: Of Pain, Poetry and Pot (Kindle Edition)
This is an excellent book written by a very gifted, unique woman Breezy Keifair. I loved the whole book and have read it a couple of times so far. She is an artist that does her work under the influence of pot for the pain she is in and you can feel that pain with her words. I could really relate to that and a lot of other things in the book. I highly recommend this book. She is also a very gifted artist besides being a good poet and writer.
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send a pm through facebook to this profile

snail mail:

Bréedhéen O’Rilley Keefer

P.O. Box 849

Franktown, Colorado 80116

Cannabis Community, Skunk Magazine Honors: Dr. Maya Angelou: Tribute to a Phenomenal Life

Dr. Maya Angelou Tribute to a Phenomenal Life (from Skunk Magazine Volume 10 Issue 1)

By: Pebbles Trippet and others

Breezy Kiefair of Please Bogart My Art and has once again been given special permission from the Skunk Magazine Staff to reprint one of their articles. This time, the article covers the passing of the late, great, Dr. Maya Angelou whose own website touts as “a global renaissance woman” In the below article, the Cannabis Community pays homage to Maya, her cannabis connections, and the ripples her words have made over 50 plus years of public life. This Article appears in Volume 10 Issue 1 of Skunk Magazine.

You may click on any of the below images for a close up for ease of reading except the cover photo. 

2014-07-23 07.10.20 skunk mag volume 10 issue 1 cover (1)

Cover Volume 10 Issue 1 Skunk Magazine (click to visit the skunk store where you can order back issues of skunk!)

2014-08-01 20.04.20 my oh maya skunk volume 10 issue 1 (1)

Rest in meter, rest in rhyme rest poet laureate we are grateful for what time we were allowed to share with you words linger on inspiring and blue ~Breezy Kiefair art by Please Bogart my art

2014-08-01 20.04.20 my oh maya skunk volume 10 issue 1 (3)2014-08-01 20.04.20 my oh maya skunk volume 10 issue 1 (4)

Need to finish reading this article? please click here to purchase a physical copy of the magazine containing it.


So, how would you like to WIN a 16 x20 Poster or 8×10 Print of the portrait of Maya Angelou that appears in this issue of SKUNK!???

How to win 1. Share this image to your wall 2. Buy a copy of skunk volume 10 issue 1 3. Take a selfie holding the magazine 4. Pm it to breezy kiefair or please bogart my art, alternatively you may email the selfie to btokeefer@gmail.con First person to show me proof of pages gets a 16x20 poster of the image honoring Maya Angelou. Second place is an 8x10 print of the same image. Invite your friends and keep your eyes peeled for skunk especially in barnes and nobles and 7/11s Full rules for winning located at event page on facebook:

How to win 1. Share this image to your wall ( ) 2. Buy a copy of skunk volume 10 issue 1 (check your local Barnes and Noble or 7/11 or order from Skunk Magazine’s website 3. Take a selfie holding the magazine 4. Email selfie to, pm to Please Bogart My Art, or you may email the photograph of yourself with the magazine to btokeefer@gmail.con The first person to show me proof of pages WINS A FREE 16×20 inch poster of the image honoring Maya Angelou. Second place is an 8×10 inch print of the same image. Invite your friends and keep your eyes peeled for skunk especially in barnes and nobles and 7/11s Full rules for winning located at event page on facebook:

I began publicizing this contest when I got word that the magazines had been shipped from Canada to the distributors in the USA  around July 18th. Readers Rushed to the racks only to find them strangely void of skunk magazine. Again and again from different parts of the country it was the same story… either the store carried the magazine but only had the best of volume 9 or the store didn’t seem to know what magazine the customer was speaking about. Here is an example and some answers from Pebbles Trippet of Skunk Magazine

I have not had any entries yet from any location to win the 16×20 poster (first prize) or the 8×10 (second prize) in my contest WIN a 16x 20 Poster or 8×10 print of the Skunk Mag Maya Angelou image. My portrait of Maya Angelou appears in an article by Pebbles Trippet in SKUNK Magazine volume 10 issue 1 (page 24)

People seem to be having trouble finding the magazine… so everyone has an equal chance of winning the prints.

Please see the event from Please Bogart My Art and Breezy Kiefair for further details


Finally got to lay eyes on the magazine with my art in it! Thanks to Toni Fox and Pebbles Trippet for making sure that I got a couple of copies in my hands. Thanks for the honor of letting my art honor Maya Angelou I have not had any entries yet from any location to win the 16x20 poster (first prize) or the 8x10 (second prize) in my contest WIN a 16x 20 Poster or 8x10 print of the Skunk Mag Maya Angelou image. My portrait of Maya Angelou appears in an article by Pebbles Trippet in SKUNK Magazine volume 10 issue 1 (page 24) People seem to be having trouble finding the magazine... so everyone has an equal chance of winning the prints. Please see the event from Please Bogart My Art and Breezy Kiefair for further details

Finally got to lay eyes on the magazine with my art in it! Thanks to Toni Fox and Pebbles Trippet for making sure that I got a couple of copies in my hands. Thanks for the honor of letting my art honor Maya Angelou

I have not had any entries yet from any location to win the 16×20 poster (first prize) or the 8×10 (second prize) in my contest WIN a 16x 20 Poster or 8×10 print of the Skunk Mag Maya Angelou image. My portrait of Maya Angelou appears in an article by Pebbles Trippet in SKUNK Magazine volume 10 issue 1 (page 24)

People seem to be having trouble finding the magazine… so everyone has an equal chance of winning the prints.

Please see the event from Please Bogart My Art and Breezy Kiefair for further details

  • Nina Cooper EmersonNot at my local 7-11….I’m still looking!
  • Breezy KiefairThat’s what I’m hearing again and again. Its real sad these retail outlets make deals with magazine companies and do not make the magazines themselves available to customers. I guess we as customers just need to keep bugging them…. maybe we need to start writing barnes and noble and 7/11’s customer service emails???
  • Nina Cooper EmersonThe guy I asked said..”They just bring them when they bring them.” I wonder who distributes for 7-11….hmmm.
  • Pebbles TrippetThat is a good question. And there’s a distinction between franchise and non-franchise. Please find out what you can so we can make Skunk more available in this country..
  • Pebbles TrippetWe have permission from Skunk editor, John Vergados, to make the entire Maya Angelou Tribute, artwork and cover available for reading the text. Open the floodgates, Breezy.
  • Nina Cooper EmersonThe weekly magazines are up front….the guy said that every 7-11 gets them on different days…like one will get on a Tues….another on Wed…etc. But for the monthly/quarterly magazines, it isn’t as clear as to when they come. He didn’t know much more than that… I’ll try to get to Barnes and Noble this weekend.
    • Part of the problem is inherent in distribution of a Canadian marijuana magazine in the US where you don’t know the community terrain–such as head shops & hemp stores with literature sections, used bookstores and local liquor stores. So Skunk Mag found an avenue thru Barnes&Noble Books, a national chain, and certain 7/11 markets and local liquor stores that already carry High Times, tatoo & porn mags. Marijuana prohibition plays a part in this lack of access, which is exactly what it’s supposed to do. What about dispensaries? Some are turned off by anything that is not essentially medical in nature (O’Shaughnessy’s is ok because it is based in high-powered cannabinoid science but Skunk is not, because it is broadly speaking cultural in nature with too much skin on display.) Some of the more broadminded dispensaries concerned about their customers’ broader education eagerly stock Skunk Mag, back issues and all. But someone has to be on the lookout & ask someone in charge at these dispensaries if they will carry a high-powered monthly magazine to sell to their patients. It’s about educating those who appreciate intelligent irreverent views, how-to all-organic grow tips from the rev and in depth interviews of go-to women in the international cannabis community. Carry an issue or two with you when you visit these dispensaries and let me know which ones would like to give it a try. Here’s an example – A Mendocino County dispensary takes up an entire row of glass space with a spectrum of back Skunks, each one available for sale. Sugaree came up in conversation and they instantly went to the Oct 2013 back issue for the winner pictured there.
    • Breezy KiefairI understand pebbles… what I don’t understand is why it took so long to hit outlets like 7/11 (still need to do my due diligence on the local barnes and noble) in a state where its logical more copies could and would be sold. It seems like a poor decision on the part of 7/11 / barnes and nobles. I could see not shipping to areas that they just WON’T sell but in weed states…. its different.
    • 14 hrs · Like · 1
    • Pebbles TrippetI agree, certainly in CO. It shows how literature, as opposed to product, has taken a back seat in our consciousness across the board in the prohibition scheme. Knowledge has largely been passed underground and publications are hailed if they survive aSee More
    • Breezy Kiefairperhaps this is a good topic to bring to the skunk higher ups. they need to at least be aware of the issue and working the problem…. what the solution is yet, even i dont see clearly right now, but wheels in my head are turning and the more heads working the problem the better.
    • 13 hrs · Like · 1
    • Breezy Kiefairi will follow up with a local barnes and noble, more 7/11s, tattered cover… i already talked you up in mile high pipe and tobacco… i usually only buy meds once a month but am looking for a new dispensary close to the new house so will talk skunk up along the way
Pebbles TrippetI told management how unavailable it is in the bustling Bay Area; they were surprised to hear it. That suggests they rely on local distributors. The question is who covers Denver and environs? The plight of print media has forced B&N out of the cities into the suburbs where it is easy to marginalize an already marginalized subject. In both the El Cerrito and Emeryville B&Ns, they had run out early in the month. I left my number, asked the supe to raise the monthly order and to start paying attention to something worthwhile. (ha) Perhaps we need to compile a local list of dispensaries and small businesses interested in adding Skunk Mag to their monthly inventory; then find local existing distributors who want to enhance their repertoire. “If they’re irresponsible we can do better”, we might say. But we do need to know who already exists. Who distributes to Tattered Cover Books? Probably not the same person as distributes to 7/11… Whoever that distributor is may want to step up & carry bulk orders of Skunk at our suggestion, especially if it’s a list we create and vouch for. People don’t know who to trust so they abstain. Here, we’re fulfilling the wish of the voters who approved the importance of access to cannabis which includes credible reliable information. 3D could top that list ordering a year’s worth of monthly Skunk bundles. Her previous free bundle was one time only in appreciation for the interview. The current v10#1 bundle was sent gratis to you, Breezy, %3D one time only for your Angelou artwork, poetry and synthesis. Now we start a new stage, stepping up cannabis consciousness with an improved distribution network of trustworthy outlets where Skunk Mag will be available with cannabis literature unread elsewhere — from Tokin’ Female activists, writers & artists, scientists in organic growing, lawyers who care, editors and publishers who make it happen. And of course the cannakids, who are raising our community in the ways of compassion.
more commentary from Pebbles can be found on these posts:
Breezy Kiefair added 3 new photos.
7-11 located at 12285 south parker road, parker colorado 80134 has copies of this month's skunk magazine on the shelves! 2 copies left. Store Phone # 3038414529 Rush to the racks! Win your free poster or print of my art from the magazine! I'd say it is a fair bet for most 7/11s in the denver metro area now... so, grab a copy... take a selfie with the magazine and win!
7-11 located at 12285 south parker road, parker colorado 80134 has copies of this month's skunk magazine on the shelves! 2 copies left. Store Phone # 3038414529 Rush to the racks! Win your free poster or print of my art from the magazine! I'd say it is a fair bet for most 7/11s in the denver metro area now... so, grab a copy... take a selfie with the magazine and win!
7-11 located at 12285 south parker road, parker colorado 80134 has copies of this month's skunk magazine on the shelves! 2 copies left. Store Phone # 3038414529 Rush to the racks! Win your free poster or print of my art from the magazine! I'd say it is a fair bet for most 7/11s in the denver metro area now... so, grab a copy... take a selfie with the magazine and win!
Pebbles TrippetYou can release your presumed responsibility by telling them you aren’t doing that anymore, meaning routine reviews. Your health comes first. This doesn’t preclude an occasional special tribute…& so be it.


   On the distribution issue, our grassroots insistence that all these various outlets carry marijuana publications that speak for the broader community is critical — headshops, dispensaries, used bookstores, community centers, liquor stores, barnes & noble — all these places we frequent should be asked to carry Skunk Mag, because it represents the interests of a budding marijuana community that can no longer be denied. Everyone in their area needs to reach out on this one, let me know which outlets we can add. If there’s no distribution person in the area, the bundles go out from Montreal direct to the outlet.


Skunk Magazine’s purpose is to represent the interests of the broader marijuana community: intellectuals, artists, writers, home cultivators, patients, feminists, cannafamilies, ill children — the cannabis family worldwide. This month’s issue of Tokin’ Female is a tribute to the phenomenal life of Maya Angelou, featuring Breezy Kiefair’s synthesis of art and poetry and Tokin Woman’s My, Oh Maya on Angelou’s marijuana roots. Skunk Mag has provided space and respect.


Link to facebook event:

How to win
1. Share this image to your wall ( )
2. Buy a copy of skunk volume 10 issue 1 (check your local Barnes and Noble or 7/11 or order from Skunk Magazine’s website
3. Take a selfie holding the magazine
4. Email selfie to, pm to Please Bogart My Art, or you may email the photograph of yourself with the magazine  to btokeefer@gmail.con
The first person to show me proof of pages WINS A FREE 16×20 inch poster of the image honoring Maya Angelou. Second place is an 8×10 inch print of the same image.
Invite your friends and keep your eyes peeled for skunk especially in barnes and nobles and 7/11s
Full rules for winning located at event page on facebook:

How to win 1. Share this image to your wall 2. Buy a copy of skunk volume 10 issue 1 3. Take a selfie holding the magazine 4. Pm it to breezy kiefair or please bogart my art, alternatively you may email the selfie to btokeefer@gmail.con First person to show me proof of pages gets a 16x20 poster of the image honoring Maya Angelou. Second place is an 8x10 print of the same image. Invite your friends and keep your eyes peeled for skunk especially in barnes and nobles and 7/11s Full rules for winning located at event page on facebook:

How to win 1. Share this image to your wall ( ) 2. Buy a copy of skunk volume 10 issue 1 (check your local Barnes and Noble or 7/11 or order from Skunk Magazine’s website 3. Take a selfie holding the magazine 4. Email selfie to, pm to Please Bogart My Art, or you may email the photograph of yourself with the magazine to btokeefer@gmail.con The first person to show me proof of pages WINS A FREE 16×20 inch poster of the image honoring Maya Angelou. Second place is an 8×10 inch print of the same image. Invite your friends and keep your eyes peeled for skunk especially in barnes and nobles and 7/11s Full rules for winning located at event page on facebook:

Related Articles:


send a pm through facebook to this profile

snail mail:

Bréedhéen O’Rilley Keefer

P.O. Box 849

Franktown, Colorado 80116

RIP Maya Angelou honoring her cannabis connections


My, Oh Maya

Revered author Maya Angelou, who was the first poet since Robert Frost to read a poem at a Presidential inauguration, writes about her experiences with marijuana in Gather Together, the second installment of her autobiography after the acclaimedI Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.  Angelou, who started life as Rita Johnson from Stamps, Arkansas, was raped at the age of 7, and had an illegitimate child in her teens. Working as a waitress to support her son in San Diego, 18-year-old Rita met two lesbian prostitutes who frequented the bar where she worked. One night, the women invited her to their house for dinner. Angelou recounts: “Let’s have a little grifa before dinner.” Johnnie Mae gave an order, not an invitation. She turned to me.  “You like grifa?” “Yes. I smoke.” The truth was I had smoked cigarettes for over a year, but never marijuana….I was prepared to refuse anything else they offered me, so I didn’t feel I could very well refuse the pot…. I inhaled the smoke as casually as if the small brown cigarette I held were the conventional commercial kind. “No. No. Don’t waste the grifa. Hand it here….try it like this…” I opened my throat and kept my tongue flat so that the smoke found no obstacle in its passage from my lips to my throat…. The food was the best I’d ever tasted. Every morsel was an experience of sheer delight. I lost myself in a haze of sensual pleasure, enjoying not only the tastes but the feel of the food in my mouth, the smells, and the sound of my jaws chewing.  “She’s got a buzz. That’s her third helping.”  …I decided to dance for my hostesses. The music dipped and swayed, pulling and pushing. I let my body rest on the sound and turned and bowed in the tiny room. The shapes and forms melted until I felt I was in a charcoal sketch, or a sepia watercolor. (pp. 52-55) By the end of the evening Rita had arranged to rent the women’s house, putting them to work for her as prostitutes, with her barganing for their services with cab drivers and taking a cut. Meanwhile, she read Dostoevsky and studied dance. Soon the arrangement turned sour and she had to flee back to Stamps, where drinking Sloe gin “numbed my brain” and she had to make herself sick to get rid of the poison.

Rita went back to the West Coast and tried joining the Army in San Francisco, but was turned down because the The California Labor school, where she’d studied dance and drama, was deemed a Communist organization. So she started waitressing again, and smoking pot. Smoking grass eased the strain for me. I made a connection at a restaurant nearby. People called it Mary Jane, hash, grass, gauge, weed, pot, and I had absolutely no fear of using it. In the black ghetto of the forties, marijuana, cocaine, hop (opium) and heroin were only a little harder to obtain than rationed whiskey. Although my mother didn’t use anything but Scotch (Black & White), she often sang a song popular in the thirties that at its worst didn’t condemn grass, and at its best extolled its virtues. “Dream about a reefer five foot long Vitamin [sic] but not too strong You’ll be high but not for long If you’re a viper…” From a natural stiffness I melted into a grinning tolerance. Walking on the streets became high adventure, eating my mother’s huge dinners an opulent entertainment, and playing with my son was side-cracking hilarity. For the first time, life amused me. … I disciplined myself. One joint on Sunday and one on the morning of my day off. The weed always had an intense and immediate effect. Before the cigarette was smoked down to roach length, I had to smother my giggles. Just to see the falling folds of the curtains or the sway of a chair was enough to bring me to audible laughter. After an hour the hysteria of the high would abate and I could trust myself in public. (p. 154).  After a brief stint dancing professionally, she met a married man who told her her, “It’s gauge that’s breaking my marriage….My silly dilly wife stopped letting me have any and she goes around laughing and giggling all the time.” She flushed her pot for him and soon let him lead her into prostitution herself, where she was told if she was good she’d be given some “white girl” (cocaine) but, “They won’t let you smoke hemp, though. They say it makes a ‘ho too frisky. ‘Hos get their heads bad and forget about tending to business.” At the close of the book, another man named Troubador shows her how he shot heroin, and makes her promise to keep her innocence. He gives her his clothes to sell so that she can escape and head back to her Mother’s house. In the following autobiographical installment, Singin’ and Swingin’ and Gettin’ Merry Like Christmas, Rita is discovered while dancing at a strip club in San Francisco and develops a Calypso singing act, changing her name and eventually finding her way to activism with Martin Luther King andMalcolm X, as well as writing with the encouragement of James Baldwin and others. Angelou received over 50 honorary degrees and three Grammys. She was awarded the Presidential Medal of Arts in 2000 and the Lincoln Medal in 2008. PS: Angelou isn’t the only revered US poet to sing the praises of pot. In his book of Haiku She Was Just 17, former poet laureate (2001-2003) Billy Collins wrote: So many nicknames for you  But none as lovely as  marijuana

1 comment:

Breezy KiefAir said…

mayi have permission to reprint this on with credit given to you as the author and links back to your blog?

normelle <>

11:51 AM (16 minutes ago)

to me
Yes, you may repost with link to Tokin Woman blog. (Doesn’t need my name).

Watching the Stats

“Watching The Stats”

People say I’m crazy doing what I’m doing,
Well they give me all kinds of warnings to save me from ruin,
When I say that I’m o.k. they look at me kind of strange,
Surely your not happy now you no longer play the game,

People say I’m lazy toking my life away,
Well they give me all kinds of advice designed to strengthen the light in me,
When I tell that I’m doing Fine watching smoke play on the wall,
Don’t you miss the big time girl you best get on the ball!

I’m just sitting here watching the stats go up and up,
They really love to read my words,
I tell them all the things the money hounds,
dont want the people to know,

People asking questions lost in confusion,
Well I warn them when i know of a problem,
Offering solutions,
Well they shake their heads and they look at me as if I’ve lost my mind,
I tell them there’s no hurry…
I’m just sitting here smokin kind,

I’m just sitting here watching the stats go up and up,
They really love to read my words,
I tell them all the things the money hounds,
dont want the people to know,.
Of Poetry, Pain and PotThe Art of Breezy Kiefair


see also:


send a pm through facebook to this profile

snail mail:

Bréedhéen O’Rilley Keefer

P.O. Box 849

Franktown, Colorado 80116

How to make Cannabis Cure Oil without alerting the neighbors

The purpose of this blogpost to assist folks in making smaller batches of cannabis cure oil (aka phoenix tears) specifically written for those in situations requiring caution and little smell, whatever those conditions may be (i.e. cancer pts in non legal states). MAKING CANNABIS CURE OIL IS EASIER THAN FOLKS THINK!!! If you wish make a small batch of cannabis cure oil aka phoenix tears on the down low or are worried about the neighbors smelling what you’re cooking, then this guide is for you.  This method works with just a little bit of raw materials to process.  I usually reclaim the alcohol solvent, but for the purposes of this post, i’m going ultra low tech and easy for people who wont take the time to run a still because they are complete novices in need of oil…

Screenshot 2014-03-09 20.13.36 edit

if you are worried about the legality of this oil, I say to you

“When a life is at stake, and breaking a law will save it, abiding by the law is not a virtue.” ~Breezy Kiefair

or perhaps Henry David Thoreau said it better in his work Civil Disobedience”

If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law.
Read more at:


CANNABIS CURE OIL, Please read  the following post

first in addition to this post in its ENTIRETY.******

FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears Therapy for the Beginner

The Frequently asked questions about phoenix tears therapy for the beginner post covers a lot of the science regarding how and why this medication works to combat cancer. The post you are currently reading centers on how to make the cannabis cure oil.

*******************     *******************     


I am not a doctor or licensed herbalist. I am just a lady who has traveled this path trying to offer information to other people considering walking down this path of their own free will.


*******************     *******************     

What Are Phoenix Tears?

Quite simply, Phoenix Tears are a potent, concentrated form of the cannabis plant.  This therapy is also known as R.S.O (Rick Simpson Oil), Cannabis Cure Oil, Run From the Cure Oil, F.E.C.O (Fully Extracted Cannabis Oil), Jamaican Hash Oil (like you used to get “back in the day”) Cannabis extract, or simply hash oil. Whatever you call it, it is strong medicine that cures most cancers and can treat many disorders/diseases in the body.

I invite you to also follow the below link for more frequently asked questions on how to use this medication.

FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears Therapy for the Beginner

What kind of cannabis

do I use?

Some of you out there are so new to cannabis that knowing what kind of cannabis to get is a difficult proposition. For others, this is basic information that I am reviewing for you.

Cannabis is divided into two general families. They are referred to as Indicas and Sativas (there are hybrids that are described as a percentage Indica and a percentage sativa)

2013-05-23 0657 indicasativa leaves collage polished

Some of the most commonly recommended strains by the Rick Simpson Camp of oil creation are white widow and white rhino. Both of these strains are good Indica strains but there are many, many other Indica strains. Indica plants have fat leaves and generally are more earthy in their flavor and smell.

You need a strain high in both THC and CBD. I am of the opinion that all of the compounds of the plant work in concert together to heal cancer. Some people will argue with me that chlorophyll is not necessary, but truly that is a small matter.

Indica strains tend to be sleepier and are better in my opinion for nighttime, however for me, Indica plants are also more effective for deep pain.

Indica medical marijuana strains are short, bushy plants with wide leaves. Indica plants typically grow faster and have a higher yield than the sativa variety. Medicine produced from cannabis indica plants have higher CBD and lower THCcounts therefore a pure indica strain will produce a heavier, sleepy type of high. The flowering stage lasts between 6 to 8 weeks.Plant Origins: Afghanistan, Morocco, and Tibet.

Sativa strains are more for daytime. The feeling is more social, more antidepressant, creative, more energetic, and clearer headed. Sativas are also good as a “ distraction” from the pain, they will help you get interested in whatever it is you are doing to help you not notice how much pain you are in.

The sativa strain of marijuana is the complete opposite of the indica strain. Sativa medical marijuana pants are tall, thin plants, with narrow leaves, and generally are a lighter shade of green then their counterpart, the Indica strain. Sativa strains take longer to grow, mature, and require more light. Medicine produced from cannabis sativa plants have lower CBD and higher THC counts which produces a more clear headed, energetic type of high. The flowering stage lasts between 10 to 16 weeks. Plant Origins: Colombia, Mexico, Thailand and Southeast Asia.

remember that cannabis flowers are like roses... roses come in many colors and the right color given to the right person can open many doors... cannabis flowers come with many different effects and the right flower given to the right person with the right illness that flower is good at treating can ease much suffering. —

remember that cannabis flowers are like roses… roses come in many colors and the right color given to the right person can open many doors… cannabis flowers come with many different effects and the right flower given to the right person with the right illness that flower is good at treating can ease much suffering.

I recommend a Cannabis Indica strain or a cannabis Indica dominant hybrid strain for the curing of cancer. If you are treating another disease, you may want to try different strains of cannabis that are more suited for your condition  For example, someone wanting to treat their Post Traumatic Stress Disorder might choose to make their Cannabis Cure Oil from a strain known to be a good treatment for P.T.S.D anxiety symptoms such as Northern Lights. An epileptic or seizure patient may want to make their oil out of strains known to reduce seizure activity such as White Widow, White Rhino, or Life Saver. A chronic fatigue patient may want a sativa based oil for the energetic properties of some of those strains. Likewise, a patient with depression may wish to choose an uplifting euphoric  sativa strain to use as an antidepressant. Cannabis Indica strains tend to be high in both  Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and  Cannabidiol (CBD)

There is nothing wrong with using a mixture of bud and close trim to make phoenix tears oil. I have even known people who used street grade weed (commonly referred to as shwag) to make the oil and saw results. Too often shwag is grown by non-organic methods and harvested before the nutrients have been flushed out of the plant properly. Sometimes, the plant is even harvested before she is completely ripe.  That being said, you cannot argue with the results of people who used shwag because that was all they had access to and were able to cure their cancer with it.  Because of all these concerns, I recommend everyone grow their own bud, or buy the raw materials from a trusted grower.

What you will need:

a quantity of Indica cannabis flowers or cannabis trim

you can make batches with as little and 1/8 ounce of raw materials, though the yield is very small.

a bag made from a scrap of a clean old t-shirt or some cheese cloth

a 1qt mason jar to soak it in

food grade high proof alcohol (ever-clear works well) Please make sure your alcohol is 190 proof or higher! the higher the proof the lower the water content.

Unbleached cone shaped coffee filters

a funnel

an oven and oven thermometer to decarboxylate the cannabis

a plant oil such as coconut oil, olive oil, butter, grapeseed oil, hempseed oil in order to help you get the cannabis oil back out of the jar.


Step 1 Grind it:

2014-03-09 22.23.50

Cut or grind your cannabis into small, loose pieces. This increases the surface area for the solvent and maximizes the amount of medication extracted. This step is particularly important if your raw materials have been compressed in any way.

Step 2 Bake it (decarboxylation):

Place your raw materials in a bag made from t-shirt (jersey) material. preheat your oven to 290 degrees fahrenheit (143.3 degrees celsius) Place your bag of raw materials into a glass dish and put into the oven. Heat for at least 20 minutes and up to 60 minutes. AN OVEN THERMOMETER MAY BE NECESSARY! DO NOT EXCEED THIS LEVEL OF HEAT, or you begin to LOSE YOUR MEDICINE.

2014-03-09 22.23.31

Step 3 SOAK IT:

Freeze your raw materials for a minimum of 2 hours.  Also freeze the alcohol solvent (no it will not become solid and if there is any water in your alcohol, it will freeze to the sides of your container) Put your bag of frozen raw materials into a container to soak. cover with the alcohol you have selected and allow to soak with a lid on it for 2-24 hours. Many different oil makers use different soak times. Some measure their soak time in minutes, some in hours, others in days or weeks. My teacher and I have played with many soak times and have settled upon the 2-24 hour range as ideal for our patients. For small scale extracts, I like 24 hours to maximize the yield.

the soak, after overnight in the freezer

Step 4 Filter it:

Remove the raw material bag being sure you squeeze as much of the alcohol out as possible. Place the bag in a funnel or strainer and allow the alcohol to drain from the bag thoroughly. Collect all the alcohol!  Set up a funnel on top of another container and place a cone shaped coffee filter inside the funnel. Carefully pour the alcohol through the filter and funnel. This removes some of the plant cellulose so that you get a better consistency (less hard) oil in the end process.

Step 5 Evaporate the alcohol:

Leave the filtered alcohol uncovered in a warm cupboard or cabinet. Putting it someplace closed up helps keep the smell away from the neighbors. It may evaporate faster in the open. You want to leave it someplace warm that it is not going to get bumped, spilled or moved. This step can take several days, so be patient. You are left with a thick dark grease like substance in the bottom of the jar. You can access this cannabis cure oil (phoenix tears) in the next step, so dont be worried that you can’t get at the product. If you need ultra concentrated phoenix tears, use a wide mouth flat dish for the evaporation step. you can use a razor blade to scrape the oil off the glass and or a syringe to collect it depending on yield and consistency.

Step 6: time for fats

Add a quantity of coconut oil, olive oil, grapeseed oil, or butter to the jar. Gently heat the jar until the oil is melted and marries with the cannabis oil. Lots of stirring in this step!  The less fat you put in the jar, the more potent the end result is… this is the step where you decide your dose. It is easier to add more oil and make it less potent than to add too much oil. If you add too much fat, the only thing you can do to increase the potency is make another batch of oil and add it to the cannabis infused oil you already have. The end result can be used in a variety of cooking methods or if you prefer can be put into vegetable capsules (works best with coconut oil) for use as pills or suppositories. I really like a blend I make with the cannabis plus equal parts coconut oil and honey. For more information and discussion on the method, please click this sentence 

Step 7 Store it:

if you have access to empty oral syringes, then draw up the phoenix tears into syringes

If you do not have access to oral syringes, consider making up pills from empty vegetable capsules

If neither of the above are an option, a wide mouth glass container is suitable

DO NOT STORE IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT. No need to refrigerate, if you do they may become too thick to work with.


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Need a More in Depth look?

Information on dosing and concerns about side effects can be found at the following post:

FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears Therapy for the Beginner

If you find my method difficult to understand, please seek out other tutorials on this method. A few are below.

need to make a smaller batch?

If you click this sentence, it will take you to the tutorial on how to make the oil


I am not afraid to tell you that I agonized about writing this tutorial. The responsibility of writing this oil creation tutorial weighed  heavy on my mind. I know I need to make the instructions pretty much fool proof. even if i write this flawlessly… with ample warnings and clear language…. what responsibility do i hold karmic or otherwise if someone extracts poorly after reading my tutorial? what level of fool is acceptable for making the oil? How many fools will ignore safety precautions, allow alcohol to build up in the extraction area and become alcohol vapor poisoned or worse will light a joint and go boom for lack of airflow? My teacher is a good oil maker and had to learn his lesson on alcohol vapor poison the hard way… how can I ensure the knowledge I am imparting will not have dangerous consequences if they fall into a fools hands? I have weighed all these concerns in my heart and decided that it was too important of information to with hold it for fear of what people will do with it. In the end, the fear of what people would do with out it is greater than the fear of what they will do with it.

related posts:

How to Extract Cannabis Cure Oil with alcohol (Phoenix Tears)

Of Poetry Pain and Pot new verses


Here is some new poetry from the author of the book,

“Of Poetry, Pain and Pot”

Of Pain, poetry, and pot.” Is a collection of cannabis centered poetry in a neobeatnik style. It includes updated versions of Allen Ginsberg – Howls “howl” and “america”, along with an update on “to whom it may concern” by Adrian Mitchell , a cannabis parody of Rifleman’s Creed and many other poems that are all my own. I hope ya grab your free download while it is available and be sure to lend it to your friends (I have enabled book lending on this piece). The next day to download it for free is December 21


The river is broad, deep and still.
The cattle lowe upon the bank
Stately she glides upon a ship of gopher wood 
drifting upon the rivers ebb and tide.
It is a houseboat, a royal palace,
A temple wherein she and her healing reside
Her sails hempen homespun
Her mast the finest teak
Gossamer crystalline curtains beckon you within
A temple throneroom green and golden
You feel a peace and safety such as never has been.
And then you see her, such a rare and powerful beauty
Seated upon her high cannabis throne.
That is when you know, you have come home.

Poem fragment 12-2-2013 12:36am
Breezy Kiefair author Of Poetry, Pain and Potartist under the influence of cannabis at The Art of Breezy Kiefair, editor, Kiefair.comReefer Gurl and Gardening Tips for the Medically Damned


I have the strangest fantasy of how things would be if I could disembody me literally

To disassemble the sum of my parts to allow each bit to focus on arts, healing written, and viewed and then I’d like to lay about the room.

Near the ceiling in the North East Corner of the room floats my stomach and digestive tract that has been lifted up in prayer so often it just floats like a gruesome garland rising from the earth to the air.

On the bed reclines a disembodied spine each vertebrae pulled apart so it can finally breathe

I separate my eyes always watching detached from all and yet they see what is, what was, what yet may come to be.

The eye that sees well closely i park like an orb web cam along with half abrain and my left hand. Grateful they blaze to work free of the body and shining in internet land.

The right hand, the other half of the bran and the longer sighted eye work leisurely on art’s beautiful sigh.

Above my stomach floats my mouth with a funnel filling system with nutritious fuel even if i get tired of digesting gruel.

My nose I leave in a bed of potpouri flowers.

My lungs float ever filled with smoke from an equally disembodied bottomless bowl.

My heart is broken and hides locked in a crate ever trying to put the pieces back together shattered by fate. Its physical hole and emotional hole preventing all hope for a fulfilled heart that’s whole.

My veins make a maze hoooked to the digestive tract with estuaries leading to confined heart and runs likewise to pancreas, liver, kidneys and it does to the heart.

My female organs are in pickle jars before the tv always in the line of view reminding me of what I lost being unable to see.

In a heap under the bed lies pathetic immune system hiding and waiting for a sterile enviornment

Muscles drape about the room like laundry drying finally feeling relief of tension.

The remaining bones save the skull are in a pile on the south wall waiting for the pain to burn them out of existance.

my blood is an aquarium in the west ever being purified and recycled.

one leg kicks asses online with brain hand and eye, and one leg disembodied hikes 14,000 ft mountains in memory of past strength within I

What is left of my sex lies secreted in a box beneath my pillow, beneath skull and spine in safekeeping mourning the loss of love.

What a gruesome sight this disembodiment would be. And somehow it is comforting fantasy to me.

Still alive, yet detached in so many ways from the pain and the anguissh that limits my accomplishments each and every day. 

I have the strangest fantasy of how things would be if I could disembody me literally

To disassemble the sum of my parts to allow each bit to focus on arts, healing written, and viewed and then I’d like to lay about the room.

11/07/2013 1:07 am

Breezy Kiefair


November 22, 2013 at 4:34pm
At the daily appointed time, she hides in darkness stretching the leafy dime. She inhales and ponders the days events and does her best to fear circumvent. She is filled with sorrow for so many who do without this simple comfort she has made her life about. In the winter twilight she shivers and smokes and prays for those who wish with her to shiver and toke. For the suffering smokeless masses are so very many and yet when I point them out I’m treated like a crazy ninny. I shiver and smoke and cry and toke and still have a heart for those who are broke. The feds raid and I wonder about the needs of the end user how will they suffer because of a possible regulation abuser? All this pain could be gone if we all just accepted growing and using a plant is not wrong.


Have yourself a merry canna christmas
Toke until you’re light
How many years must we sow our grow out of sight

Have yourself a merry canna christmas
And if you cannot pay
next year charity might just give meds away

When will it be as in olden days
Happy toking days of yore
Hempy fields that are dear to us
Were grown near to us before.

Through the years we keep fighting this battle
Till the fates allow
A prohibition repeal but till then we’ll muddle through some how.
So have yourself a merry canna christmas now.
Breezy Kiefair, Of Poetry, Pain and Pot, The Art of Breezy Kiefair, Gardening Tips for the Medically Damned

parody of the christmas carol Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas


January 7 at 4:09pm

For whatever reason, my creator gave me talents and gifts wrapped in genetics and circumstances promising me a difficult and unique life. I seek to find a way to share that gift with the world in a way that does not daily enrage me or break my fragile heart that already lays on the floor of my chest like glass waiting for a blower to put them to the torch and forge something new. If sacrificing most portions of my activism on the altar of artistic integrity is the price to find a path to peace, then it is a toll I cheerfully pay to gain entry to a path of potential higher art. Sacrifice is a part of most any artists path in one form or another. I pick my sacrifices carefully and am likewise selective as to what altars I bow down and sacrifice at. My muses rarely steer me wrong or into peril if I but trust them. Their whispers come from the same creator who formed me as I am and set the stage of circumstances. What have I to fear?


576483_572377506106301_1369787859_n book cover edit 8x 11 w text small


January 10 at 5:51pm

I would rather be left alone with ghosts of poets, artists, historians, historical figures and other beings whose energies echo yet to this day with integrity than to sell my artistic and immortal soul to a community so corrupt as to profit off the weak, sick and dying. One company feels like pure ethereal silk upon the skin of the soul sweet and pure as you dance upon the clouds of nirvana, the other is a harsh dirty sack cloth on the soul in eternity that scratches the soul’s skin and makes the heat of an eternal flame more evident.


Oh sore and throbbing knot that doth reoccur behind mine left ear. Why must thou swell and ache? Why when I find hope that you have moved to lungs and nearly expelled you from my realm do you redouble your efforts and climb back into my ear? Since 2006 you have dwelled in the swell behind mine ear of feminine creativity, body mine won’t you expell this bacterial or viral lodger and perhaps restore some function and quality of life to me? Nae, nae, instead it begins with sweats in the night and by the next night doth progress to unquiet discomfort yet again. Heat and herbal oils friends through the night. I shall call the physician tomorrow to update her on my plight.

 January 12 at 5:08pm


Maiden, mother, crone… the triangle of stength and life each female soul must roam. We all begin as maidens latent powers to attract, mythical beings such as unicorns but in our world people see the power and detract. They impose their power, their ideas, their rules of what a maiden is and what life she must choose. Mother is a shadowy thing that some have choosen, some stumble into, and some supplicate and seek in neverending prayer like a treasure they are seeking to serve a larger thing to which they are beholden. If we have enough years, we all become a crone latent power here of a matriarch on her throne. Aged quiet power and knowledge residing in her bones. Remember dear ladies we all dance this triangle of power solitarily yet we all dance and never are alone.

January 14, 2014 11:16 am


One thing I can do without lifting my head. I can express my love and gratitude for those who are interested and kind. I can send prayers and virtual tokes to those worse off than I to whom the world seems blind. I can dance upon ethereal planes and perhaps a spiritual healing I’ll find…. all these are more peaceful choices than listening to the pain seeping from my ear into my mind.
January 15, 2013 

Solstice Gift! free ecopy “Of Pain, Poetry and Pot” One Day Only!


Hurry over to and download your free ecopy Of Poetry, Pain and Pot, by Breezy Kiefair featuring works from The Art of Breezy Kiefair and Don’t own a kindle? no worries…. download Kindle for PC or Amazon Kindle for Android to access the book without purchasing the Amazon Kindle hardware. The Book is free today in honor of the Winter solstice celebration

Of Pain, Poetry and Pot is a poetry book centered on pot written by cannabis activist and artist under the influence of cannabis , Breezy Kiefair. “Of Pain, poetry, and pot.” Is a collection of cannabis centered poetry in a neobeatnik style. It includes updated versions of Allen Ginsberg – Howl and “america”, along with an update on “to whom it may concern” by Adrian Mitchell , a cannabis parody of Rifleman’s Creed and many other poems that are all my own.

I just published a poetry book with…..this is the book cover. It is called “Of Pain, Poetry and Pot”

Of Pin, Poetry and Pot cover

Of Pin, Poetry and Pot cover

the electronic edition is still free for one more day folks! Please distribute the following link for people to get their free copy

“Of Pain, poetry, and pot.” Is a collection of cannabis centered poetry in a neobeatnik style. It includes updated versions of Allen Allen Ginsberg – Howls “howl” and “america”, along with an update on “to whom it may concern” by Adrian Mitchell , a cannabis parody of Rifleman’s Creed and many other poems that are all my own. I hope ya grab your free download while it is available and be sure to lend it to your friends (I have enabled book lending on this piece). Yes, I am aware of the odd format in the table of contents. I assure you that is semi-intentional. and please! Share these links around so the pot poetry can be read easily.
another link for the paperback

What the reviews are saying: (dec 20, 2013)

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Talented, insightful artist and writer, November 25, 2013
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
This review is from: Of Pain, Poetry and Pot (Paperback)

This multi-talented artist and writer amazed me with her insightful and sometimes heartbreaking poetry. Her artwork is not only beautiful, but different from any I have seen. I have actually ordered several individual prints off her website to give as gifts this Christmas. I highly recommend this book.

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Rare and Lovely, October 2, 2013
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)

Would You Like To Pick Breezy’s Brain? This wonderful book is a chance to witness the creative process at work; author Breezy Kiefair (aka Breedheen O’Rilley) is the real deal, a gifted poet/journalist/activist on the forefront of the battle for medical marijuana patients’ rights and for truth in media. And speaking of truth, emotional truth is exactly what you’ll get here. Breezy isn’t afraid to take an open-eyed, unsparing look at society, at herself, at her illnesses, at the lies we tell ourselves and each other — and at the scintillating, breathtaking beauty which is more real and more powerful than all else. Highly recommended.

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A bit of Cancer poetry for thought…

To Whom It May Concern
I was run over by the truth one day.
Ever since the diagnosis I have been this way
So burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer.

Heard the alarm clock screaming with pain,
Couldn’t find myself so I went back to sleep again
So fill my veins with Chemo
burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer. Every time I shut my eyes, all I see is pain.
Made a little ribbon to remember all the names
So empty out my bank account
fill my veins with chemo
burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer. I hear they are thinking surgery, hope it’s not my brains.
They’re only gutting fishes for their own personal gain.
So numb my brain with Morphine
empty out my bank  account
fill my veins with chemo
burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer. Where were you at the time of the crime?
Ripping up the Hippocratic oath, just to make a dime?
So chain my Life with hopelessness
numb my brain with Morphine
empty out my bank account
fill my veins with chemo
burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer

You put your doctors in, they take their conscience out,
They take the human being and they twist it all about
So take my world away
chain my Life with hopelessness
numb my brain with Morphine
empty out my bank account
fill my veins with chemo
burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer– 

Adrian Mitchell’s structure.

Words by The Art of Breezy Kiefair

There is a cure for cancer…

how many beautiful women and men need to be butchered

because doctors want to run from the cure

for the sake of monetary gain?

Of Pain, Poetry and Pot

I just published a poetry book with…..this is the book cover. It is called “Of Pain, Poetry and Pot”

Of Pin, Poetry and Pot cover

Of Pin, Poetry and Pot cover

the electronic edition is still free for one more day folks! Please distribute the following link for people to get their free copy

the paperback edition is out as well.…/ref=cm_sw_r_fa_dp_47gssb1B996P0K2N

“Of Pain, poetry, and pot.” Is a collection of cannabis centered poetry in a neobeatnik style. It includes updated versions of Allen Allen Ginsberg – Howls “howl” and “america”, along with an update on “to whom it may concern” by Adrian Mitchell , a cannabis parody of Rifleman’s Creed and many other poems that are all my own. I hope ya grab your free download while it is available and be sure to lend it to your friends (I have enabled book lending on this piece). Yes, I am aware of the odd format in the table of contents. I assure you that is semi-intentional. and please! Share these links around so the pot poetry can be read easily.
another link for the paperback


A bit of Cancer poetry for thought…

To Whom It May Concern
I was run over by the truth one day.
Ever since the diagnosis I have been this way
So burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer.

Heard the alarm clock screaming with pain,
Couldn’t find myself so I went back to sleep again
So fill my veins with Chemo
burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer. Every time I shut my eyes, all I see is pain.
Made a little ribbon to remember all the names
So empty out my bank account
fill my veins with chemo
burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer. I hear they are thinking surgery, hope it’s not my brains.
They’re only gutting fishes for their own personal gain.
So numb my brain with Morphine
empty out my bank  account
fill my veins with chemo
burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer. Where were you at the time of the crime?
Ripping up the Hippocratic oath, just to make a dime?
So chain my Life with hopelessness
numb my brain with Morphine
empty out my bank account
fill my veins with chemo
burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer

You put your doctors in, they take their conscience out,
They take the human being and they twist it all about
So take my world away
chain my Life with hopelessness
numb my brain with Morphine
empty out my bank account
fill my veins with chemo
burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer– 

Adrian Mitchell’s structure.

Words by The Art of Breezy Kiefair

There is a cure for cancer…

how many beautiful women and men need to be butchered

because doctors want to run from the cure

for the sake of monetary gain?


send a pm through facebook to this profile

snail mail:

Bréedhéen O’Rilley Keefer

P.O. Box 849

Franktown, Colorado 80116

Breezy Kiefair a poem by Maggie Slighte

Breezy Kiefair

by: Maggie Slighte

A Sick Rose,
an angel-
and rare.
can compare
to the artist,
the being,
who is
Breezy Kiefair:Wings
and torn-
like the
that adorn-
her art
pure and wise.
Her dreams
and hope
she shares
with us,
green-tinted eyes.Sharing
a fragment-
a potential-
yet barely
a little girl
but no longer
and flying,
and fro-
soul soil
where love
might just
and searching
for those
and war-torn
than she:
in need.Praying
the Creator
them hope
with a smile;
on the wings
of change
her energy
over the
miles.A fragile
yet wise,
Ginsberg sort
of a Girl;
On the
of being –
out of
this world.Searching
Hoping to find-
All she
can help
in her very short time.Her maggic
is sacred –
Her intent
is so pure;
gods and godesses
of old
seek to them
to bring
her near.Demons abound
a fount
believing they
to have found;
Yet to one-
her Creator
she so is bound

A heart
in desire,
for absence
of animosity.
In her
once beheld

Her heart bruised
yet open
to one
and to all-
True to
the Creator
for that,
none shall fall.

A lighte
of the ages-
A friend
true and rare-
Such is the woman
known as
Breezy Kiefair!!

at 12:26 AMfrom

Poetry and Random Reflections of Maggie Slighte. “Everything I do; I do, Slightely”

Open your closed eyelid
Which is gently brushed by a virginal dream!
I am the ghost of the rose
That you wore last night at the ball.
You took me when I was still sprinkled with pearls
Of silvery tears from the watering-can,
And, among the sparkling festivities,
You carried me the entire night.

O you, who caused my death:
Without the power to chase it away,
You will be visited every night by my ghost,
Which will dance at your bedside.
But fear nothing; I demand
Neither Mass nor De Profundis;
This mild perfume is my soul,
And I’ve come from Paradise.

My destiny is worthy of envy;
And to have a fate so fine,
More than one would give his life
For on your breast I have my tomb,
And on the alabaster where I rest,
A poet with a kiss
Wrote: “Here lies a rose,
Of which all kings may be jealous.”

Hannah Hurnard’s “Hind’s Feet on High Places” audiobook video series

hind'a feet on high places

playlist on youtube:

A set of videos in Tribute to the writing of Hannah Hurnard, “Hind’s Feet on High Places” to Art of Breezy Kiefair i just put music and art to a book that has been a favorite since childhood… my mother used to read me that book…. call it a tribute to her and an introduction of the book to an audience that may otherwise remain unaware of it. I recommend it for anyone with anxiety or PTSD

Preface to the allegory

The Preface chapter  to Art of Breezy Kiefair and the Music of Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

Preface to the allegory

info on the book: “Hinds’ Feet on High Places” From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hinds’ Feet on High Places

Hinds’ Feet on High Places
Author(s) Hannah Hurnard
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Genre(s) Christian
Publisher Christian Literature Crusade
Publication date 1955
Media type Print (Hardback &Paperback)
Pages 158 pp.
ISBN ISBN 0 86065 192 4

Hinds’ Feet on High Places is an allegorical novel by English author Hannah HurnardHinds’ Feet was written in 1955 and has become a very successful work of Christian fiction, seeing new editions published as recently as July, 2005.

Plot introduction[edit]

It is the story of a young woman named Much Afraid, and her journey away from her Fearing family and into the High Places of the Shepherd, guided by her two companions Sorrow and Suffering. It is an allegory of a Christian devotional life from salvation through maturity. It aims to show how a Christian is transformed from unbeliever to immature believer to mature believer, who walks daily with God as easily on the High Places of Joy in the spirit as in the daily life of mundane and often humiliating tasks that may cause Christians to lose perspective.

The book takes its title from Habakkuk 3:19, “The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places.”

The story begins in the Valley of Humiliation with Much Afraid, being beset by the unwanted advances of her cousin, Craven Fear, who wishes to marry her. The Family of Fearings seems to have some strong similarities to the Addams Family. Much Afraid is ugly from all outward appearances, walking on club feet, sporting gnarled, deformed hands, and speaking from a crooked mouth that seems to have been made so by a stroke or the like.

The Good Shepherd is tender and gentle with Much Afraid, especially in the beginning. However, His many sudden departures may strike the reader as bizarre, given the human penchant to expect kindly souls to never do everything that may be interpreted as rude or as hurtful in any way. Yet, though the Shepherd leaves in a moment, He returns the same way at the first furtive cry of the forlorn little protagonist. “Come, Shepherd, for I am much afraid!”

When Much Afraid intimates that she would love to be able to dance upon the high places as do the surefooted deer, the Shepherd commends her for this desire. In order to accomplish this, he offers to “plant the seed of love” into her heart. At first sight of the long, black hawthorne-looking seed, she shrieks in fear. Soon, she relents, and after the initial intense pain, she senses that something is indeed different in her, though she still looks the same, for now.

Just when the reader thinks that Much Afraid is about to reach the High Places, the path turns downward towards a seemingly endless desert. There is incident with an extremely high cliff that must be ascended by a steep, slippery and very narrow zig-zagging track, with the help of her two companions, Sorrow and Suffering. Then days are spent in a forest that is shrouded in a thick cloud of fog. During this time Much Afraid is sequestered with her two friends in a log cabin. The climax is an unexpected twist that comes as Much Afraid despairs of ever reaching the High Places.

Allusions/references to other works[edit|edit source]

The book bears some stylistic similarities to John Bunyan‘s The Pilgrim’s Progress. The name of the protagonist, Much-Afraid, also appears first in Bunyan’s work.


Bosman, Ellen. “Hind’s Feet on High Places” in Masterplots II: Christian Literature. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, 2007: 779-782. Bezzina, Christopher Felix. ‘Journey to the High Places. Hannah Hurnard’s Spirituality and the Song of Songs.’

Related articles

How to Extract Cannabis Cure Oil with alcohol (Phoenix Tears)

Phoenix Tears Alcohol Extraction Tutorial

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to make Phoenix Tears Therapy. I learned to make the tears from Mr. Ronnie Lee Smith, who is currently sitting in jail as I write. I was Mr Smith‘s apprentice for a year and a half before he was arrested. He has asked me to make the method available to all so that anyone who is in need of this life saving information can access it.

if you are worried about the legality of this oil, I say to you

“When a life is at stake, and breaking a law will save it, abiding by the law is not a virtue.” ~Breezy Kiefair

or perhaps Henry David Thoreau said it better in his work Civil Disobedience”

If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law.
Read more at:


CANNABIS CURE OIL, Please read  the following post

first in addition to this post in its ENTIRETY.******

FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears Therapy for the Beginner

The Frequently asked questions about phoenix tears therapy for the beginner post covers a lot of the science regarding how and why this medication works to combat cancer. The post you are currently reading centers on how to make the cannabis cure oil.

*******************     *******************     


I am not a doctor or licensed herbalist. I am just a lady who has traveled this path trying to offer information to other people considering walking down this path of their own free will.


*******************     *******************     

What Are Phoenix Tears?

Quite simply, Phoenix Tears are a potent, concentrated form of the cannabis plant.  This therapy is also known as R.S.O (Rick Simpson Oil), Cannabis Cure Oil, Run From the Cure Oil, F.E.C.O (Fully Extracted Cannabis Oil), Ronnie Smith Oil, Jamaican Hash Oil (like you used to get “back in the day”) Cannabis extract, or simply hash oil. Whatever you call it, it is strong medicine that cures most cancers and can treat many disorders/diseases in the body.

I invite you to also follow the below link for more frequently asked questions on how to use this medication.

FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears Therapy for the Beginner

What Solvent to use?

What solvent you use to create your cannabis oil is very important. If you are thinking of making your own oil, please take the time to educate yourself on the benefits and risks of any solvent you are thinking of using.  When selecting your solvent, it is essential to be as educated as possible about the properties of that solvent.

I recommend use of food grade alcohol and nothing else for beginners (because the solvent is already food grade, it is good for beginners who are learning the method… that way, IF any solvent is left behind due to inexperience, it is still safe to consume.)  Those proficient with use of alcohol as a solvent may then begin using  isopropyl alcohol 91% (rubbing alcohol) once they have learned to tell when no alcohol  remains. If you use a still, you can reclaim your solvent for reuse to cut down on costs.
Another option is moonshine if  you  have a trusted source  but note the word trusted. you want someone who has been making shine a long time with lots of living long term customers… if you get my drift

Please read this article: 

A few words on the properties of Isopropyl alcohol

Dry Ice/ CO2 / Carbon Dioxide extraction

Dry ice, sometimes referred to as “Cardice” or as “card ice” (chiefly British English), is the solid form of carbon dioxide. It is used primarily as a cooling agent. Its advantages include lower temperature than that of water ice and not leaving any residue (other than incidental frost from moisture in the atmosphere). It is useful for preserving frozen foods, ice cream, etc., where mechanical cooling is unavailable.  You may read the Wikipedia article about the propertied of Dry ice by clicking this sentence.

I must admit, I have never used extract, however, I have had the pleasure of smoking hashes that have been extracted with this method. Unlike butane or Naphtha products, I do not have any adverse effects from concentrates extracted with this method. The CO2 extraction method for cannabis cure oil relies on freezing the medication crystals so they “break away” from the remaining plant material. As I said, I have not extracted with COpersonally, so I can offer no more tutorial on carbon dioxide extraction method than this small blurb.

What Solvents NOT TO USE


Butane is something I know a lot of folks love. But there are just too many folks like me too sensitive to petrol ppms left in the end product. I have tried plenty of well made bho, shatter, earwax or whatever you want to call butane extractions. They will get ya good and stoned, but I find an increase in symptoms above symptom levels before smoking (joint pain especially and muscle tension) when it begins to wear off.

I (and many others) cannot tolerate butane extracted hash. It makes my body ache every time I smoke it. For some people, butane may be an option, but I will follow my common sense and you follow yours….  I personally experience side effects from any concentrate that has been extracted with a petroleum based solvent.

“Despite its usefulness, butane is also a toxic chemical. Inhalation of the gas can lead to drowsiness, narcosis, cardiac arrhythmia, frostbite, and death from asphyxiation, acute toxicity, and ventricular fibrillation. Butane inhalation is the most common single cause of solvent-related death. Thus, butane needs to be handled with care.”


Naphtha is not good for you!

I do not believe that Naphtha should be used to create this medication for ANYONE. I have received a great deal of hate for taking this position, however this substance is dangerous on MANY levels and I cannot in good conscience stop educating people on it’s dangers when others are actively encouraging its use. Many people have subtle or undiagnosed multiple chemical sensitivitiesThere are many reasons Naphtha is not a healthy solvent. I encourage you to read this post that speaks in detail about the dangers (just click this sentence)

and watch this video:

Please also be sure to read the commentary on both versions of this video. I kindly call it a debate, but anyone who reads it will see that I have taken a great deal of heat for educating people to the dangers of using the petrochemical naphtha  to create cannabis oil.

Commentary on the first version of the video.

Commentary on the second version of the video.

What kind of cannabis

do I use?

Some of you out there are so new to cannabis that knowing what kind of cannabis to get is a difficult proposition. For others, this is basic information that I am reviewing for you.

Cannabis is divided into two general families. They are referred to as Indicas and Sativas (there are hybrids that are described as a percentage Indica and a percentage sativa)

2013-05-23 0657 indicasativa leaves collage polished

Some of the most commonly recommended strains by the Rick Simpson Camp of oil creation are white widow and white rhino. Both of these strains are good Indica strains but there are many, many other Indica strains. Indica plants have fat leaves and generally are more earthy in their flavor and smell.

You need a strain high in both THC and CBD. I am of the opinion that all of the compounds of the plant work in concert together to heal cancer. Some people will argue with me that chlorophyll is not necessary, but truly that is a small matter.

Indica strains tend to be sleepier and are better in my opinion for nighttime, however for me, Indica plants are also more effective for deep pain.

Indica medical marijuana strains are short, bushy plants with wide leaves. Indica plants typically grow faster and have a higher yield than the sativa variety. Medicine produced from cannabis indica plants have higher CBD and lower THCcounts therefore a pure indica strain will produce a heavier, sleepy type of high. The flowering stage lasts between 6 to 8 weeks.Plant Origins: Afghanistan, Morocco, and Tibet.

Sativa strains are more for daytime. The feeling is more social, more antidepressant, creative, more energetic, and clearer headed. Sativas are also good as a “ distraction” from the pain, they will help you get interested in whatever it is you are doing to help you not notice how much pain you are in.

The sativa strain of marijuana is the complete opposite of the indica strain. Sativa medical marijuana pants are tall, thin plants, with narrow leaves, and generally are a lighter shade of green then their counterpart, the Indica strain. Sativa strains take longer to grow, mature, and require more light. Medicine produced from cannabis sativa plants have lower CBD and higher THC counts which produces a more clear headed, energetic type of high. The flowering stage lasts between 10 to 16 weeks. Plant Origins: Colombia, Mexico, Thailand and Southeast Asia.

remember that cannabis flowers are like roses... roses come in many colors and the right color given to the right person can open many doors... cannabis flowers come with many different effects and the right flower given to the right person with the right illness that flower is good at treating can ease much suffering. —

remember that cannabis flowers are like roses… roses come in many colors and the right color given to the right person can open many doors… cannabis flowers come with many different effects and the right flower given to the right person with the right illness that flower is good at treating can ease much suffering. —

remember that cannabis flowers are like roses… roses come in many colors and the right color given to the right person can open many doors… cannabis flowers come with many different effects and the right flower given to the right person with the right illness that flower is good at treating can ease much suffering.

I recommend a Cannabis Indica strain or a cannabis Indica dominant hybrid strain for the curing of cancer. If you are treating another disease, you may want to try different strains of cannabis that are more suited for your condition  For example, someone wanting to treat their Post Traumatic Stress Disorder might choose to make their Cannabis Cure Oil from a strain known to be a good treatment for P.T.S.D anxiety symptoms such as Northern Lights. An epileptic or seizure patient may want to make their oil out of strains known to reduce seizure activity such as White Widow, White Rhino, or Life Saver. A chronic fatigue patient may want a sativa based oil for the energetic properties of some of those strains. Likewise, a patient with depression may wish to choose an uplifting euphoric  sativa strain to use as an antidepressant. Cannabis Indica strains tend to be high in both   Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and  Cannabidiol (CBD)

What about quality?

The man who taught me to make the oil can handle this question for me jump to about 4:19 seconds into the video if you are in a hurry.

There is nothing wrong with using a mixture of bud and close trim to make phoenix tears oil. I have even known people who used street grade weed (commonly referred to as shwag) to make the oil and saw results. Too often shwag is grown by non-organic methods and harvested before the nutrients have been flushed out of the plant properly. Sometimes, the plant is even harvested before she is completely ripe.  That being said, you cannot argue with the results of people who used shwag because that was all they had access to and were able to cure their cancer with it.  Because of all these concerns, I recommend everyone grow their own bud, or buy the raw materials from a trusted grower.


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I am not a doctor or licensed herbalist. I am just a lady who has traveled this path trying to offer information to other people considering walking down this path of their own free will.


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What you will Need

here is a list on so you can see the items discussed in this post

a quantity of Indica cannabis flowers or cannabis trim

you can make batches with as little and 1 ounce of raw materials, though the yield is very small.

1 lb of bud generally yields 2 ounces of oil

1.2-1.5 pounds of cannabis trim yields about 2 ounces of oil depending on the crystal content of the raw materials.

a bag made of t-shirt material (a pillow case made of this fabric works well)

If you buy a set of jersey fabric sheets that comes in a bag, the bag it comes in and the pillow cases are perfect to put raw material in for soaking. if you don’t want to buy a sheet set or pillowcases, sewing up a new (or old) CLEAN t-shirt into a bag will serve just as well.”

a container to soak in

for soaking the raw material and alcohol. Some substitute a large plastic container, but I prefer glass and metal start to finish”

food grade high proof alcohol (ever-clear works well) Please make sure your alcohol is 190 proof or higher! the higher the proof the lower the water content.

A stainless steel colander or strainer

A Still  (if you wish to reclaim your solvent) or a rice cooker very small batches can be made in a coffee pot, but you likely won’t ever wish to use it to make coffee again. if the above still link does not work, try this:

The temperatures in the rice cooker or still are appropriate for decarboxylation. Basically the process of evaporating the alcohol off the essential oil extract accomplishes the step of heating it so it is suitable for ingestion.

Unbleached cone shaped coffee filters

a funnel

toothpicks to stir with

a small heavy glass dish about 4 inches in diameter at the bottom

A desktop heated coffee or tea warmer


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I am not a doctor or licensed herbalist. I am just a lady who has traveled this path trying to offer information to other people considering walking down this path of their own free will.


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Step 1 Grind it:

Cut or grind your cannabis into small, loose pieces. This increases the surface area for the solvent and maximizes the amount of medication extracted. This step is particularly important if your raw materials have been compressed in any way.

Step 2 Freeze it:

Place your raw materials in a bag made from t-shirt (jersey) material. Freeze your raw materials for a minimum of 2 hours.  Also freeze the alcohol solvent (no it will not become solid and if there is any water in your alcohol, it will freeze to the sides of your container)

Step 3 SOAK IT:

Put your bag of frozen raw materials into a container to soak. cover with the alcohol you have selected and allow to soak with a lid on it for 2-24 hours. Many different oil makers use different soak times. Some measure their soak time in minutes, some in hours, others in days or weeks. My teacher and I have played with many soak times and have settled upon the 2-24 hour range as ideal for our patients.

Step 4 Filter it:

 Remove the raw material bag being sure you squeeze as much of the alcohol out as possible. Place the bag in a stainless steel colander or strainer and allow the alcohol to drain from the bag thoroughly. Set up a funnel on top of another container and place a cone shaped coffee filter inside the funnel. Carefully pour the alcohol through the filter and funnel. This removes some of the plant cellulose so that you get a better consistency (less hard) oil in the end process.

Step 5 Cook it:

Open a window or otherwise ensure proper 

ventilation for the duration of this step!

You may need a fan in the window to help ventilate the alcohol fumes.

If you need to ensure others do not smell your cook,

Please do so using your own common sense!

Please be careful about any flames in the cooking

room, or near the window outside of your cook.

Put your filtered alcohol into the device you intend to cook with (still, rice cooker or coffee pot) and turn on the device. Pay close attention to the cook. check it frequently and stir it often with a wooden apparatus you don’t mind being stained for life.

As the oil becomes thicker, you will need to stir it about every 10 minutes.

You may find some hard material as you stir. this will want to stick together. allow it to do so and press this harder material against the side of the container. this material contains residual plant cellulose and is of slightly lower medication value. It is suitable to be put into capsules and swallowed, or made into suppositories for anal or vaginal use.

While there is still enough alcohol left in the mixture for you to pour it, transfer the oil into a small glass dish placed on a desktop coffee or tea warmer.

Continue stirring every ten minutes and pay attention to the bubbles that rise up through the oil. At first, the bubbles with be large, then they will become smaller and smaller as the oil becomes thicker.


MORE BUBBLES show and the oil appears to be a still black mirror

Step 6 Store it:

if you have access to empty oral syringes, then draw up the phoenix tears into syringes

If you do not have access to oral syringes, consider making up pills from empty vegetable capsules

If neither of the above are an option, a wide mouth glass container is suitable

DO NOT STORE IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT. No need to refrigerate, if you do they may become too thick to work with.


send a pm through facebook to this profile

snail mail:

Bréedhéen O’Rilley Keefer

P.O. Box 849

Franktown, Colorado 80116

Information on dosing and concerns about side effects can be found at the following post:

FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears Therapy for the Beginner

If you find my method difficult to understand, please seek out other tutorials on this method. A few are below.

need to make a smaller batch?

If you click this sentence, it will take you to the tutorial on how to make the oil



send a pm through facebook to this profile

snail mail:

Bréedhéen O’Rilley Keefer

P.O. Box 849

Franktown, Colorado 80116