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How to make Cannabis Cure Oil without alerting the neighbors

The purpose of this blogpost to assist folks in making smaller batches of cannabis cure oil (aka phoenix tears) specifically written for those in situations requiring caution and little smell, whatever those conditions may be (i.e. cancer pts in non legal states). MAKING CANNABIS CURE OIL IS EASIER THAN FOLKS THINK!!! If you wish make a small batch of cannabis cure oil aka phoenix tears on the down low or are worried about the neighbors smelling what you’re cooking, then this guide is for you.  This method works with just a little bit of raw materials to process.  I usually reclaim the alcohol solvent, but for the purposes of this post, i’m going ultra low tech and easy for people who wont take the time to run a still because they are complete novices in need of oil…

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if you are worried about the legality of this oil, I say to you

“When a life is at stake, and breaking a law will save it, abiding by the law is not a virtue.” ~Breezy Kiefair

or perhaps Henry David Thoreau said it better in his work Civil Disobedience”

If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law.
Read more at:


CANNABIS CURE OIL, Please read  the following post

first in addition to this post in its ENTIRETY.******

FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears Therapy for the Beginner

The Frequently asked questions about phoenix tears therapy for the beginner post covers a lot of the science regarding how and why this medication works to combat cancer. The post you are currently reading centers on how to make the cannabis cure oil.

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I am not a doctor or licensed herbalist. I am just a lady who has traveled this path trying to offer information to other people considering walking down this path of their own free will.


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What Are Phoenix Tears?

Quite simply, Phoenix Tears are a potent, concentrated form of the cannabis plant.  This therapy is also known as R.S.O (Rick Simpson Oil), Cannabis Cure Oil, Run From the Cure Oil, F.E.C.O (Fully Extracted Cannabis Oil), Jamaican Hash Oil (like you used to get “back in the day”) Cannabis extract, or simply hash oil. Whatever you call it, it is strong medicine that cures most cancers and can treat many disorders/diseases in the body.

I invite you to also follow the below link for more frequently asked questions on how to use this medication.

FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears Therapy for the Beginner

What kind of cannabis

do I use?

Some of you out there are so new to cannabis that knowing what kind of cannabis to get is a difficult proposition. For others, this is basic information that I am reviewing for you.

Cannabis is divided into two general families. They are referred to as Indicas and Sativas (there are hybrids that are described as a percentage Indica and a percentage sativa)

2013-05-23 0657 indicasativa leaves collage polished

Some of the most commonly recommended strains by the Rick Simpson Camp of oil creation are white widow and white rhino. Both of these strains are good Indica strains but there are many, many other Indica strains. Indica plants have fat leaves and generally are more earthy in their flavor and smell.

You need a strain high in both THC and CBD. I am of the opinion that all of the compounds of the plant work in concert together to heal cancer. Some people will argue with me that chlorophyll is not necessary, but truly that is a small matter.

Indica strains tend to be sleepier and are better in my opinion for nighttime, however for me, Indica plants are also more effective for deep pain.

Indica medical marijuana strains are short, bushy plants with wide leaves. Indica plants typically grow faster and have a higher yield than the sativa variety. Medicine produced from cannabis indica plants have higher CBD and lower THCcounts therefore a pure indica strain will produce a heavier, sleepy type of high. The flowering stage lasts between 6 to 8 weeks.Plant Origins: Afghanistan, Morocco, and Tibet.

Sativa strains are more for daytime. The feeling is more social, more antidepressant, creative, more energetic, and clearer headed. Sativas are also good as a “ distraction” from the pain, they will help you get interested in whatever it is you are doing to help you not notice how much pain you are in.

The sativa strain of marijuana is the complete opposite of the indica strain. Sativa medical marijuana pants are tall, thin plants, with narrow leaves, and generally are a lighter shade of green then their counterpart, the Indica strain. Sativa strains take longer to grow, mature, and require more light. Medicine produced from cannabis sativa plants have lower CBD and higher THC counts which produces a more clear headed, energetic type of high. The flowering stage lasts between 10 to 16 weeks. Plant Origins: Colombia, Mexico, Thailand and Southeast Asia.

remember that cannabis flowers are like roses... roses come in many colors and the right color given to the right person can open many doors... cannabis flowers come with many different effects and the right flower given to the right person with the right illness that flower is good at treating can ease much suffering. —

remember that cannabis flowers are like roses… roses come in many colors and the right color given to the right person can open many doors… cannabis flowers come with many different effects and the right flower given to the right person with the right illness that flower is good at treating can ease much suffering.

I recommend a Cannabis Indica strain or a cannabis Indica dominant hybrid strain for the curing of cancer. If you are treating another disease, you may want to try different strains of cannabis that are more suited for your condition  For example, someone wanting to treat their Post Traumatic Stress Disorder might choose to make their Cannabis Cure Oil from a strain known to be a good treatment for P.T.S.D anxiety symptoms such as Northern Lights. An epileptic or seizure patient may want to make their oil out of strains known to reduce seizure activity such as White Widow, White Rhino, or Life Saver. A chronic fatigue patient may want a sativa based oil for the energetic properties of some of those strains. Likewise, a patient with depression may wish to choose an uplifting euphoric  sativa strain to use as an antidepressant. Cannabis Indica strains tend to be high in both  Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and  Cannabidiol (CBD)

There is nothing wrong with using a mixture of bud and close trim to make phoenix tears oil. I have even known people who used street grade weed (commonly referred to as shwag) to make the oil and saw results. Too often shwag is grown by non-organic methods and harvested before the nutrients have been flushed out of the plant properly. Sometimes, the plant is even harvested before she is completely ripe.  That being said, you cannot argue with the results of people who used shwag because that was all they had access to and were able to cure their cancer with it.  Because of all these concerns, I recommend everyone grow their own bud, or buy the raw materials from a trusted grower.

What you will need:

a quantity of Indica cannabis flowers or cannabis trim

you can make batches with as little and 1/8 ounce of raw materials, though the yield is very small.

a bag made from a scrap of a clean old t-shirt or some cheese cloth

a 1qt mason jar to soak it in

food grade high proof alcohol (ever-clear works well) Please make sure your alcohol is 190 proof or higher! the higher the proof the lower the water content.

Unbleached cone shaped coffee filters

a funnel

an oven and oven thermometer to decarboxylate the cannabis

a plant oil such as coconut oil, olive oil, butter, grapeseed oil, hempseed oil in order to help you get the cannabis oil back out of the jar.


Step 1 Grind it:

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Cut or grind your cannabis into small, loose pieces. This increases the surface area for the solvent and maximizes the amount of medication extracted. This step is particularly important if your raw materials have been compressed in any way.

Step 2 Bake it (decarboxylation):

Place your raw materials in a bag made from t-shirt (jersey) material. preheat your oven to 290 degrees fahrenheit (143.3 degrees celsius) Place your bag of raw materials into a glass dish and put into the oven. Heat for at least 20 minutes and up to 60 minutes. AN OVEN THERMOMETER MAY BE NECESSARY! DO NOT EXCEED THIS LEVEL OF HEAT, or you begin to LOSE YOUR MEDICINE.

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Step 3 SOAK IT:

Freeze your raw materials for a minimum of 2 hours.  Also freeze the alcohol solvent (no it will not become solid and if there is any water in your alcohol, it will freeze to the sides of your container) Put your bag of frozen raw materials into a container to soak. cover with the alcohol you have selected and allow to soak with a lid on it for 2-24 hours. Many different oil makers use different soak times. Some measure their soak time in minutes, some in hours, others in days or weeks. My teacher and I have played with many soak times and have settled upon the 2-24 hour range as ideal for our patients. For small scale extracts, I like 24 hours to maximize the yield.

the soak, after overnight in the freezer

Step 4 Filter it:

Remove the raw material bag being sure you squeeze as much of the alcohol out as possible. Place the bag in a funnel or strainer and allow the alcohol to drain from the bag thoroughly. Collect all the alcohol!  Set up a funnel on top of another container and place a cone shaped coffee filter inside the funnel. Carefully pour the alcohol through the filter and funnel. This removes some of the plant cellulose so that you get a better consistency (less hard) oil in the end process.

Step 5 Evaporate the alcohol:

Leave the filtered alcohol uncovered in a warm cupboard or cabinet. Putting it someplace closed up helps keep the smell away from the neighbors. It may evaporate faster in the open. You want to leave it someplace warm that it is not going to get bumped, spilled or moved. This step can take several days, so be patient. You are left with a thick dark grease like substance in the bottom of the jar. You can access this cannabis cure oil (phoenix tears) in the next step, so dont be worried that you can’t get at the product. If you need ultra concentrated phoenix tears, use a wide mouth flat dish for the evaporation step. you can use a razor blade to scrape the oil off the glass and or a syringe to collect it depending on yield and consistency.

Step 6: time for fats

Add a quantity of coconut oil, olive oil, grapeseed oil, or butter to the jar. Gently heat the jar until the oil is melted and marries with the cannabis oil. Lots of stirring in this step!  The less fat you put in the jar, the more potent the end result is… this is the step where you decide your dose. It is easier to add more oil and make it less potent than to add too much oil. If you add too much fat, the only thing you can do to increase the potency is make another batch of oil and add it to the cannabis infused oil you already have. The end result can be used in a variety of cooking methods or if you prefer can be put into vegetable capsules (works best with coconut oil) for use as pills or suppositories. I really like a blend I make with the cannabis plus equal parts coconut oil and honey. For more information and discussion on the method, please click this sentence 

Step 7 Store it:

if you have access to empty oral syringes, then draw up the phoenix tears into syringes

If you do not have access to oral syringes, consider making up pills from empty vegetable capsules

If neither of the above are an option, a wide mouth glass container is suitable

DO NOT STORE IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT. No need to refrigerate, if you do they may become too thick to work with.


send a pm through facebook to this profile


Need a More in Depth look?

Information on dosing and concerns about side effects can be found at the following post:

FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears Therapy for the Beginner

If you find my method difficult to understand, please seek out other tutorials on this method. A few are below.

need to make a smaller batch?

If you click this sentence, it will take you to the tutorial on how to make the oil


I am not afraid to tell you that I agonized about writing this tutorial. The responsibility of writing this oil creation tutorial weighed  heavy on my mind. I know I need to make the instructions pretty much fool proof. even if i write this flawlessly… with ample warnings and clear language…. what responsibility do i hold karmic or otherwise if someone extracts poorly after reading my tutorial? what level of fool is acceptable for making the oil? How many fools will ignore safety precautions, allow alcohol to build up in the extraction area and become alcohol vapor poisoned or worse will light a joint and go boom for lack of airflow? My teacher is a good oil maker and had to learn his lesson on alcohol vapor poison the hard way… how can I ensure the knowledge I am imparting will not have dangerous consequences if they fall into a fools hands? I have weighed all these concerns in my heart and decided that it was too important of information to with hold it for fear of what people will do with it. In the end, the fear of what people would do with out it is greater than the fear of what they will do with it.

related posts:

How to Extract Cannabis Cure Oil with alcohol (Phoenix Tears)

How to Extract Cannabis Cure Oil with alcohol (Phoenix Tears)

Phoenix Tears Alcohol Extraction Tutorial

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to make Phoenix Tears Therapy. I learned to make the tears from Mr. Ronnie Lee Smith, who is currently sitting in jail as I write. I was Mr Smith‘s apprentice for a year and a half before he was arrested. He has asked me to make the method available to all so that anyone who is in need of this life saving information can access it.

if you are worried about the legality of this oil, I say to you

“When a life is at stake, and breaking a law will save it, abiding by the law is not a virtue.” ~Breezy Kiefair

or perhaps Henry David Thoreau said it better in his work Civil Disobedience”

If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law.
Read more at:


CANNABIS CURE OIL, Please read  the following post

first in addition to this post in its ENTIRETY.******

FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears Therapy for the Beginner

The Frequently asked questions about phoenix tears therapy for the beginner post covers a lot of the science regarding how and why this medication works to combat cancer. The post you are currently reading centers on how to make the cannabis cure oil.

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I am not a doctor or licensed herbalist. I am just a lady who has traveled this path trying to offer information to other people considering walking down this path of their own free will.


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What Are Phoenix Tears?

Quite simply, Phoenix Tears are a potent, concentrated form of the cannabis plant.  This therapy is also known as R.S.O (Rick Simpson Oil), Cannabis Cure Oil, Run From the Cure Oil, F.E.C.O (Fully Extracted Cannabis Oil), Ronnie Smith Oil, Jamaican Hash Oil (like you used to get “back in the day”) Cannabis extract, or simply hash oil. Whatever you call it, it is strong medicine that cures most cancers and can treat many disorders/diseases in the body.

I invite you to also follow the below link for more frequently asked questions on how to use this medication.

FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears Therapy for the Beginner

What Solvent to use?

What solvent you use to create your cannabis oil is very important. If you are thinking of making your own oil, please take the time to educate yourself on the benefits and risks of any solvent you are thinking of using.  When selecting your solvent, it is essential to be as educated as possible about the properties of that solvent.

I recommend use of food grade alcohol and nothing else for beginners (because the solvent is already food grade, it is good for beginners who are learning the method… that way, IF any solvent is left behind due to inexperience, it is still safe to consume.)  Those proficient with use of alcohol as a solvent may then begin using  isopropyl alcohol 91% (rubbing alcohol) once they have learned to tell when no alcohol  remains. If you use a still, you can reclaim your solvent for reuse to cut down on costs.
Another option is moonshine if  you  have a trusted source  but note the word trusted. you want someone who has been making shine a long time with lots of living long term customers… if you get my drift

Please read this article: 

A few words on the properties of Isopropyl alcohol

Dry Ice/ CO2 / Carbon Dioxide extraction

Dry ice, sometimes referred to as “Cardice” or as “card ice” (chiefly British English), is the solid form of carbon dioxide. It is used primarily as a cooling agent. Its advantages include lower temperature than that of water ice and not leaving any residue (other than incidental frost from moisture in the atmosphere). It is useful for preserving frozen foods, ice cream, etc., where mechanical cooling is unavailable.  You may read the Wikipedia article about the propertied of Dry ice by clicking this sentence.

I must admit, I have never used extract, however, I have had the pleasure of smoking hashes that have been extracted with this method. Unlike butane or Naphtha products, I do not have any adverse effects from concentrates extracted with this method. The CO2 extraction method for cannabis cure oil relies on freezing the medication crystals so they “break away” from the remaining plant material. As I said, I have not extracted with COpersonally, so I can offer no more tutorial on carbon dioxide extraction method than this small blurb.

What Solvents NOT TO USE


Butane is something I know a lot of folks love. But there are just too many folks like me too sensitive to petrol ppms left in the end product. I have tried plenty of well made bho, shatter, earwax or whatever you want to call butane extractions. They will get ya good and stoned, but I find an increase in symptoms above symptom levels before smoking (joint pain especially and muscle tension) when it begins to wear off.

I (and many others) cannot tolerate butane extracted hash. It makes my body ache every time I smoke it. For some people, butane may be an option, but I will follow my common sense and you follow yours….  I personally experience side effects from any concentrate that has been extracted with a petroleum based solvent.

“Despite its usefulness, butane is also a toxic chemical. Inhalation of the gas can lead to drowsiness, narcosis, cardiac arrhythmia, frostbite, and death from asphyxiation, acute toxicity, and ventricular fibrillation. Butane inhalation is the most common single cause of solvent-related death. Thus, butane needs to be handled with care.”


Naphtha is not good for you!

I do not believe that Naphtha should be used to create this medication for ANYONE. I have received a great deal of hate for taking this position, however this substance is dangerous on MANY levels and I cannot in good conscience stop educating people on it’s dangers when others are actively encouraging its use. Many people have subtle or undiagnosed multiple chemical sensitivitiesThere are many reasons Naphtha is not a healthy solvent. I encourage you to read this post that speaks in detail about the dangers (just click this sentence)

and watch this video:

Please also be sure to read the commentary on both versions of this video. I kindly call it a debate, but anyone who reads it will see that I have taken a great deal of heat for educating people to the dangers of using the petrochemical naphtha  to create cannabis oil.

Commentary on the first version of the video.

Commentary on the second version of the video.

What kind of cannabis

do I use?

Some of you out there are so new to cannabis that knowing what kind of cannabis to get is a difficult proposition. For others, this is basic information that I am reviewing for you.

Cannabis is divided into two general families. They are referred to as Indicas and Sativas (there are hybrids that are described as a percentage Indica and a percentage sativa)

2013-05-23 0657 indicasativa leaves collage polished

Some of the most commonly recommended strains by the Rick Simpson Camp of oil creation are white widow and white rhino. Both of these strains are good Indica strains but there are many, many other Indica strains. Indica plants have fat leaves and generally are more earthy in their flavor and smell.

You need a strain high in both THC and CBD. I am of the opinion that all of the compounds of the plant work in concert together to heal cancer. Some people will argue with me that chlorophyll is not necessary, but truly that is a small matter.

Indica strains tend to be sleepier and are better in my opinion for nighttime, however for me, Indica plants are also more effective for deep pain.

Indica medical marijuana strains are short, bushy plants with wide leaves. Indica plants typically grow faster and have a higher yield than the sativa variety. Medicine produced from cannabis indica plants have higher CBD and lower THCcounts therefore a pure indica strain will produce a heavier, sleepy type of high. The flowering stage lasts between 6 to 8 weeks.Plant Origins: Afghanistan, Morocco, and Tibet.

Sativa strains are more for daytime. The feeling is more social, more antidepressant, creative, more energetic, and clearer headed. Sativas are also good as a “ distraction” from the pain, they will help you get interested in whatever it is you are doing to help you not notice how much pain you are in.

The sativa strain of marijuana is the complete opposite of the indica strain. Sativa medical marijuana pants are tall, thin plants, with narrow leaves, and generally are a lighter shade of green then their counterpart, the Indica strain. Sativa strains take longer to grow, mature, and require more light. Medicine produced from cannabis sativa plants have lower CBD and higher THC counts which produces a more clear headed, energetic type of high. The flowering stage lasts between 10 to 16 weeks. Plant Origins: Colombia, Mexico, Thailand and Southeast Asia.

remember that cannabis flowers are like roses... roses come in many colors and the right color given to the right person can open many doors... cannabis flowers come with many different effects and the right flower given to the right person with the right illness that flower is good at treating can ease much suffering. —

remember that cannabis flowers are like roses… roses come in many colors and the right color given to the right person can open many doors… cannabis flowers come with many different effects and the right flower given to the right person with the right illness that flower is good at treating can ease much suffering. —

remember that cannabis flowers are like roses… roses come in many colors and the right color given to the right person can open many doors… cannabis flowers come with many different effects and the right flower given to the right person with the right illness that flower is good at treating can ease much suffering.

I recommend a Cannabis Indica strain or a cannabis Indica dominant hybrid strain for the curing of cancer. If you are treating another disease, you may want to try different strains of cannabis that are more suited for your condition  For example, someone wanting to treat their Post Traumatic Stress Disorder might choose to make their Cannabis Cure Oil from a strain known to be a good treatment for P.T.S.D anxiety symptoms such as Northern Lights. An epileptic or seizure patient may want to make their oil out of strains known to reduce seizure activity such as White Widow, White Rhino, or Life Saver. A chronic fatigue patient may want a sativa based oil for the energetic properties of some of those strains. Likewise, a patient with depression may wish to choose an uplifting euphoric  sativa strain to use as an antidepressant. Cannabis Indica strains tend to be high in both   Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and  Cannabidiol (CBD)

What about quality?

The man who taught me to make the oil can handle this question for me jump to about 4:19 seconds into the video if you are in a hurry.

There is nothing wrong with using a mixture of bud and close trim to make phoenix tears oil. I have even known people who used street grade weed (commonly referred to as shwag) to make the oil and saw results. Too often shwag is grown by non-organic methods and harvested before the nutrients have been flushed out of the plant properly. Sometimes, the plant is even harvested before she is completely ripe.  That being said, you cannot argue with the results of people who used shwag because that was all they had access to and were able to cure their cancer with it.  Because of all these concerns, I recommend everyone grow their own bud, or buy the raw materials from a trusted grower.


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I am not a doctor or licensed herbalist. I am just a lady who has traveled this path trying to offer information to other people considering walking down this path of their own free will.


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What you will Need

here is a list on so you can see the items discussed in this post

a quantity of Indica cannabis flowers or cannabis trim

you can make batches with as little and 1 ounce of raw materials, though the yield is very small.

1 lb of bud generally yields 2 ounces of oil

1.2-1.5 pounds of cannabis trim yields about 2 ounces of oil depending on the crystal content of the raw materials.

a bag made of t-shirt material (a pillow case made of this fabric works well)

If you buy a set of jersey fabric sheets that comes in a bag, the bag it comes in and the pillow cases are perfect to put raw material in for soaking. if you don’t want to buy a sheet set or pillowcases, sewing up a new (or old) CLEAN t-shirt into a bag will serve just as well.”

a container to soak in

for soaking the raw material and alcohol. Some substitute a large plastic container, but I prefer glass and metal start to finish”

food grade high proof alcohol (ever-clear works well) Please make sure your alcohol is 190 proof or higher! the higher the proof the lower the water content.

A stainless steel colander or strainer

A Still  (if you wish to reclaim your solvent) or a rice cooker very small batches can be made in a coffee pot, but you likely won’t ever wish to use it to make coffee again. if the above still link does not work, try this:

The temperatures in the rice cooker or still are appropriate for decarboxylation. Basically the process of evaporating the alcohol off the essential oil extract accomplishes the step of heating it so it is suitable for ingestion.

Unbleached cone shaped coffee filters

a funnel

toothpicks to stir with

a small heavy glass dish about 4 inches in diameter at the bottom

A desktop heated coffee or tea warmer


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I am not a doctor or licensed herbalist. I am just a lady who has traveled this path trying to offer information to other people considering walking down this path of their own free will.


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Step 1 Grind it:

Cut or grind your cannabis into small, loose pieces. This increases the surface area for the solvent and maximizes the amount of medication extracted. This step is particularly important if your raw materials have been compressed in any way.

Step 2 Freeze it:

Place your raw materials in a bag made from t-shirt (jersey) material. Freeze your raw materials for a minimum of 2 hours.  Also freeze the alcohol solvent (no it will not become solid and if there is any water in your alcohol, it will freeze to the sides of your container)

Step 3 SOAK IT:

Put your bag of frozen raw materials into a container to soak. cover with the alcohol you have selected and allow to soak with a lid on it for 2-24 hours. Many different oil makers use different soak times. Some measure their soak time in minutes, some in hours, others in days or weeks. My teacher and I have played with many soak times and have settled upon the 2-24 hour range as ideal for our patients.

Step 4 Filter it:

 Remove the raw material bag being sure you squeeze as much of the alcohol out as possible. Place the bag in a stainless steel colander or strainer and allow the alcohol to drain from the bag thoroughly. Set up a funnel on top of another container and place a cone shaped coffee filter inside the funnel. Carefully pour the alcohol through the filter and funnel. This removes some of the plant cellulose so that you get a better consistency (less hard) oil in the end process.

Step 5 Cook it:

Open a window or otherwise ensure proper 

ventilation for the duration of this step!

You may need a fan in the window to help ventilate the alcohol fumes.

If you need to ensure others do not smell your cook,

Please do so using your own common sense!

Please be careful about any flames in the cooking

room, or near the window outside of your cook.

Put your filtered alcohol into the device you intend to cook with (still, rice cooker or coffee pot) and turn on the device. Pay close attention to the cook. check it frequently and stir it often with a wooden apparatus you don’t mind being stained for life.

As the oil becomes thicker, you will need to stir it about every 10 minutes.

You may find some hard material as you stir. this will want to stick together. allow it to do so and press this harder material against the side of the container. this material contains residual plant cellulose and is of slightly lower medication value. It is suitable to be put into capsules and swallowed, or made into suppositories for anal or vaginal use.

While there is still enough alcohol left in the mixture for you to pour it, transfer the oil into a small glass dish placed on a desktop coffee or tea warmer.

Continue stirring every ten minutes and pay attention to the bubbles that rise up through the oil. At first, the bubbles with be large, then they will become smaller and smaller as the oil becomes thicker.


MORE BUBBLES show and the oil appears to be a still black mirror

Step 6 Store it:

if you have access to empty oral syringes, then draw up the phoenix tears into syringes

If you do not have access to oral syringes, consider making up pills from empty vegetable capsules

If neither of the above are an option, a wide mouth glass container is suitable

DO NOT STORE IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT. No need to refrigerate, if you do they may become too thick to work with.


send a pm through facebook to this profile

snail mail:

Bréedhéen O’Rilley Keefer

P.O. Box 849

Franktown, Colorado 80116

Information on dosing and concerns about side effects can be found at the following post:

FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears Therapy for the Beginner

If you find my method difficult to understand, please seek out other tutorials on this method. A few are below.

need to make a smaller batch?

If you click this sentence, it will take you to the tutorial on how to make the oil



send a pm through facebook to this profile

snail mail:

Bréedhéen O’Rilley Keefer

P.O. Box 849

Franktown, Colorado 80116

From Shaved head to cancer free in a little under a month!

Breezy‘s cancer came back… and we had to shave the back of my head to better monitor and treat it. here is the hair cutting video.

Let’s begin with a bit of my personal cancer history


anyone else notice the big lump on the left? look just above the leaves over my shoulder. It began as a lump behind my left ear the ulcer on the top of the head has been there off and on since I was about 9 years old… it would heal up and reopen unexpectedly years later.
there is a cure for cancer… how many beautiful women need butchered because doctors wanna run from the cure for the sake of monetary gain… are you curious about the cure?

I have a genetic disorder that gives me an extremely high tolerance, and I ate 4-10 grams a day for about a month and cured my cancer. VERY few individuals can tolerate that much oil that quickly. It is not going to kill you  no matter how much you take (given that the tears have been made properly and no solvents remain). Most people just can’t take as much as I did and function on any level. I am a unique case on several levels, so my path and speed down that path need not be yours. You know your own body better than anyone else does (with the exception of your understanding of a creator if you have one.) You should be your own judge of what your body needs.

I am not a doctor or licensed herbalist. I am just a lady who has travelled this path trying to offer information to other people considering walking down this path of their own free will.

Just this August, I had cancer for the fourth time.

I fought with myself for a long time about even going to a doctor. MY FREE WILL said that a doctor visit is only a diagnostic tool…. I knew I would not be allowing any cutting… I would not be allowing any chemo… I seriously doubted I’d even submit to imaging (radiation of its own).  Another part of me thought that perhaps I would find some benefit from seeing a western medicine doctor for my cancer… I have had it 3 times before… Still, it was not as if I did not know what I was in for…. I make the cure… I’m was left wondering what to do or to think about it, and it was torture for me and everyone I am connected with…. I made up my own damn mind as always (would you expect anything less?) but, took wise take counsel in many forms before coming to a decision… I hate doctors with a passion, but for the good of my sanity and those around me, I went to the doctor. He said “malignant”, and I went home to eat oil.

I began using the phoenix tears therapy in November 2011 ( 1 drop – 1/4 gram of cannabis oil per day) to aid in the agony that had been diagnosed as “fibromyalgia” (a misdiagnosis, but we will get to that part of the tale later) Even before I went in to see the doctor, I had been stepping up my dosing of phoenix tears from my previous dosing.

On August 20, 2012, my facebook status message read:

my mission for the day? do good and try to heal my own body (we have not gone into a doc, but the phoenix tears is pulling some “very bad things” out of me) We have not decided if a trip to see an oncologist is in order, and even if it is in order, i’m not sure i wanna go see the butchers, submit to the diagnostic torture, and fight with them about my alternative therapy choices… so is my remission at an end or not? does it really matter? the answer is the same… I live in a house that makes the cure…. So I will be doing high dose phoenix tears therapy until all these masses are gone… By the way, I have DVD copies of Run From The Cure available for anyone who needs them… I intend to hand them out free at hospitals and Run for the Cure events……

I fulfilled that mission. I have given out at least 50 free copies of the “Run from the Cure” that I had paid a company to make for me. I still have around 50 to go. Some went to dispensaries (as you would expect), some were handed out in the doctor’s office(s) I visited, others went to health food stores, some went to herbalists and naturopathic healers, some went to people I happened to speak to in the grocery store line, more went in random places where it was up to fate to decide whose hands the video ended up in… like outside of tobacco shops, liquor stores, and gambling dens. 

After a conversation with a Dude collecting donations for homeless vets. Before giving, I made sure the vets are allowed to medicate with weed. They are and brother man has his red card.I donated $108 to his cause when I meant to donate $9… there is a benjamin doing good things for homeless vets… wow am i glad i asked if they had a place for the vets to use their canna-medicine if they have a colorado license to do so… 

I had to shave the back of my head to make topical application of the cannabis oil thinned slightly with olive oil an easier thing to do. I remembered a haircut that had been popular in my youth, and secure in the knowledge that my treatment would not make my hair fall out, I only shaved the back of my head. If I wore a scarf, no one could tell that the back of my head was so lumpy, uneven and working on using the cancer cure. But it wasn’t just a mass on the back of my head, I also had a mass in my left breast and small masses in various other parts of my body (along the lymphatic system’s pathways).  My digestive tract was so messed up that I have lived on a liquid diet almost exclusively from March 2012-the present (although I have recently been able to eat/digest more solid food). There were a ton of other symptoms as well. It was agony. By taking the phoenix tears in very high doses, I was able to eliminate all the masses the doctors had found. They were shocked, amazed, and educated by my “miraculous healing”. They had given me about a month to live, and within that month, I made all the cancer go away using cannabis oil.

On September 24, 2012 at 10:46pm my Facebook status proudly read:

Doc says I am cancer free…. Doc said the remaining portion of the mass on the back of my head is acute muscle tension (thank you fibro). Doc says my doggie gave me a minor head injury while playing with me… doc also says I have Acute Pancreatitis and need to be on bed-rest and clear liquids for a while….. I was afraid of people showing up at the er, so I had to say it was a bud of mine and not me…. They wanted to keep me at the hospital for a few days to control the pain and ensure I was ok, but I just couldn’t handle that and I know I can get a shit-ton of things done on bedrest at home where as I couldn’t get jack and shit done at the hospital…. Thanks for the love and support guys…. I needed it and still do….

Issues with my gut continued. I was diagnosed later with pancreatitis, then colitis, and finally a root cause to all my pain was discovered. I have a rare genetic disease called Familial Mediterranean Fever. Sadly, cannabis cannot cure a defect in my genes (to my knowledge) but it remains an important part of my pain control regimen to ensure I function. You can read more about my crazy genes by clicking this paragraph.

The good news is I can eat solid foods again (sometimes) and I am getting a lot more sleep than I have been capable of in years with the addition of the new treatment based on the diagnosis of Familial Mediterranean Fever.


read even more about phoenix tears here:

FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears Therapy for the Beginner

Telemarketer’s machine gets a cannabis cancer cure turn around

Rick Simpson on Visual Inspection and Quality of Oils: Debunked

Phoenix Tears Healing a Diabetic Ulcer (8 months of treatment)

Duke the Cancer fighting Dog

REBLOG: Do you still need proof that marijuana cures cancer?


Top 11 Herbs for cats (yes they love cannabis!)

This is Hermione. She loves her cannabis. Here she is nibbling away at a fresh cannabis leaf from our grow.

To The music of Stevie Ray Vaughan “Tightrope”

ref: you’re lucky enough to have a garden, a balcony, or even just a sunny window sill, then you can grow your own herb garden. Herbs grow easily, are delicious, and certain plants are not only adored by your kitty, but can also be very good for her health (not to m

ention yours), and useful for treating certain ailments she might have.Even if you don’t have a green thumb, herbs tend to be easy to grow and are worth the minimal effort. And the bonus is, you can grow some for your own cooking pot, too.CatnipAh, the king of cat herbs. Catnip is beloved by felines the world over, and for good reason, it makes them very happy. It’s sort of like an after work cocktail for cats, relieving them of stress and nervousness. Also, if your cat is always scratching, and seems to have itchy skin, a catnip “tea bath” can soothe kitty’s skin.Cat ThymeIf your cat doesn’t react to catnip, then cat thyme may just be you and your cat’s best friend. That is, if you can withstand its awful odor. Cat thyme has the same soothing effects as catnip, with the attendant feelings of contentment. And everyone loves a content cat. If you do go for cat thyme, however, you may want to pot a few plants, as they are very slow growing.


This pungent herb is best known for helping people to relax and get a good night’s sleep. Not so for Mr. Whiskers. Valerian works as a stimulant on cats; good for transforming lazy, fat cats into exercise machines. Pair this with the fact that cats actually like eating the plant and you’ve got the perfect formula for a healthy, furry feline.

Peppermint, Pennyroyal and Rosemary

While not quite the right combination (or the right amount of herbs) for a Simon and Garfunkel song, the oil from these three herbs have soothing properties and act as natural insect repellents. If your cat has fleas or is intensely scratching itself, any one (or a combination of all three) can help boost your flea treatment. The most common application for these herbs is in the form of a bath. (Note: Pennyroyal may be harmful or fatal if swallowed, so do not leave the herb lying around where the cat may get to it.)

Licorice Root

Not only does it taste good to your cat, licorice root is good for you, too. As a natural cortisone, licorice root can be used to soothe itchy kitties with allergies, endocrine (the endocrine gland affects metabolism, growth and mood) and digestive issues, as well as respiratory problems like colds, since it soothes mucus membranes. Other benefits of the licorice root include blood cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties, so it can be very useful for cats with arthritis.

Cat’s Claw and Dandelion Root

Both of these herbs are good for you and your cat. A tincture made out of dandelion root and cat’s claw can help with itching for cats, especially those with allergies, as it contains natural cortisone. If kitty is trying to watch her figure, try making her a salad with dandelion leaves.


No, this isn’t the title of a new James Bond film, but an herb that’s useful for your cat. Goldenseal can be used as a natural disinfectant on wounds, and, in conjunction with saline, may help shrink swollen eyes due to infections and allergies.

Of course, with any treatment, herbal or otherwise, make sure you consult your vet prior to treatment. You can also check in with your local holistic pet store for advice, and read our how-to guide for growing an indoor or outdoor herb garden. Like you, your cat should benefit from these natural wellness boosters, but only under professional supervision. Happy herb growing.

CANNABIS! any grower knows that cats love cannabis…. and grows need to be secured from kitty for that reason…. Be that as it may, it can be fun to watch your cat nibble up a fan leaf (be it moist or dry) and some cats even appreciate a slow blow of smoke into the face or EXTRA gently in the ears. Other cats my just “know” where the smoke in a room tends to hover and may decide that is their favorite perch when mom or dad is medicating. I have used cannabis as an aid (along with lots of love and training) for abused animals who are terrified of humans when they come to live in my forever home. Cats enjoy weed…. and we all know how kitties feel about humans getting in the way of things they enjoy…. Kitty’s unite to legalize Cannabis!


ADDITION making #12 is the humble oat plant!

Many stores market something called “cat grass” and they charge quite a bit for it.  Knowing that catgrass is the humble oat seed in newly sprouted form that the cats love so much.


Shall We Call it Wail Oil or Phoenix Tears?

Its the bitter watches of the night and I wake. I ask myself what it is that has rousted me this day from my slumber. Its not near my body clock’s time of 4am…. There is a wailing in my mind and I must ask myself “whose pain is this?” for I know it is not mine. My body is aching with the storm on the peak, but I’d just found my center and there was no wail with in me like this to speak.

So trying not to wake the other in my bed, I sit quietly and listen to see what it is this wailing voice has come to seek. Its victims so many victims… victims of war, hungry ghosts of a corrupt system, victims of the human butchers and legal poison vendors, victims of industry and victims of hard work, being eaten alive by cancer and bodily disorder of so many shapes and forms it makes me shudder in vibration with this wail. And within me I hold an answer for so many a gift from above that I try to spread without regard to a patient station in life….. It is a wail of responsibility. It is a wail of the profiteer’s victims. It is the wail of prohibitions ugly head……

I light a candle to guard my heart from a wailing so deep in the thick of the night and I still listen to the voice in my mind reminding me of their plight. I sit a while with the lamb in my breath asking that higher than I to step in and take this wail up with my smoke to the sky. I ask for the means to bless those wailing with even a few grams of healing and hope cause I believe in doing what my creator said. And I know that this life and this path I have chosen for myself has never been easy but its not about self.

I give honor to the earth. I burn sacred sage of the earth and cleanse the darkness from my mind until light only remains. I light incense and honor the air. More candles glow and I honor the firey spirit of the soul and I soak in salted and perfumed waters and try to scrub away the victimization of these beautiful souls. Lambs breath fills my pipe and lungs and mind and I try to send a shining beacon of the creators light to these wailing in my mind and in the dark and in their own lives and pain… Dressed for the day I inhale organic tobacco and ponder quietly.

Then another presence comes upon my mind…. and I am taken back though the years and back in time. To a place and time where my body was not constantly sore…. Its boulder its Ginsberg its 1994. Its a little bookish Jewish dude who howled for his time and who brought me to his feet to sit for a time… You see he was my own personal poet willy wonka who saw a bit of my poetry and brought me on up to the Naropa factory to sit at his feet for the anniversary of his beloved school. It was Allen Ginsberg day in Boulder and I was with the master and yet a child myself….. I remember how he opened my eyes and smoked a blended herbal cigarette with me in an intermission…..

What dreams I have of you tonight Allen Ginsberg as you dreamed of Walt Whitman…. with sick people wailing in the night and my soul howling at the moon of my own inner madness.

I wonder where you are tonight while I feel so small and so responsible. I imagine you my zen master in your own nirvana or perhaps your here again in another body and another life… But from wherever you are I seem to hear your voice reminding me of the power of my pen and of the ideals to which you and I both try to keep. You wanted freedom of the plant and so do I. I’m trying to be a willy wonka for others where you were willy wonks for I… and so my musings and prayers and light intercessions complete I turn to what I can do for those wailing from where I am and put actions to the light that I keep.

And so I begin to wail for these folks online saying with my writers voice and my mighty pen:

I begin with this blessing: Virtual early Sunday morning tokes to all of the Rastafarian sacramental strain lambs breath. For me this strain quiets fears and calms my mind. It clears my mind and puts me in a space where i can enter my creators holy throne room with gratitude and peace instead of chaos and turmoil. It makes me still enough to hear the still small voice of my soul. It points me to currents and springs of strength and reminds me of the good i do. All of this i have for me i extend to you virtually and in energy and prayer.

Note***** There are two sacramental strains to the Rastafarian religion. One is called Lamb’s bread (I have never had the pleasure of smoking this strain) and it is said to have cola’s so large that the buds are sliced up like slices of bread. This is said to be more for dancing and rejoicing before the Lamb. Lamb’s breath is characterized by smaller dense highly resinous buds that are mellow, mind clearing and good for quiet contemplation.

I am still looking for new raw material sources to meet demand. I will pay $100 a pound for quality trim. I know a lot of you usually process your own trim but who cant use an extra few dollars around the holidays that the transaction goes to save lives? Call 719 480 0238. you must be in Colorado. I need bulk i need it quick.

I will travel anywhere in the state and negotiate on price for the right weight of the right stuff. I need trim that bad. I am trying to get people served as quickly as possible while longer term sources Relationships are in the works. Call 719 480 0238. A portion of any and all trim purchased goes to provide free phoenix tears to those in need that is why i need good prices. To put goodies into financially challenged cancer and severe illness folks hands. Lets get those free folks their Christmas presents and the paid folks what they deserve. It will make you feel good to give some people tears of joy.

The rest of you who cannot help with actions you may offer you energy to the task. Never underestimate the power of prayer in intercession for someone else. If we focus good vibes on those free peeps and paid peeps their lives can improve exponentially by far more than me just getting Their oil delivered to them. I invite you to join me in that intention…. No, i challenge you to.

Where is the heart that used to beat in this state for the less fortunate? Have you all gone mad with greed? I am willing to pay a fair price so i can give meds away for free. Will no one support me in that cause? Are you all so rich you can laugh at thousands of dollars? Are you all so unmoved by the plight of the less fortunate? Is there no one who believes in me filling hands where mine once needed filled? No one thinks its good to repay kindness by paying
it forward to others?

I just gotta get these people taken care of. For some it means hope to try for another year. There is a couple who lives on the street. One partner has bone cancer and has all but given up. When my oil is there they live as good as they can and enjoy what life they have. Without the oil bone cancer boy gives up. They cant pay and i don’t care. I wanna give them both some hope and quality of life.

There is a writer whom many respect respect within our community whose belly aches him to no end and he cant sleep among other serious issues that are more private. He works hard for our cause but cant afford oil. He is the very picture of a starving writer and artist with a good soul and I wanna get him some rest and comfort so he can continue to serve us all so well.

There is an awesome bud-tend who works for far less than he is worth. The shop he works for sells oil yet it is out of his price range. A grain of rice a day would stop him from needing a diabetic needle yet his pancreas is far overworked. I wanna be sure he can keep giving patients the strains they need with the brain in his head. I have never left his shop with anything other than a strain to treat exactly the conditions I am concerned about that day mostly due to his knowledge that keeps a wide variety of strains for a wide variety of ailments on the shelves and getting into the right hands.

There are Numerous ladies and gents with tumors praying to avoid chemo and folks hoping not to need their noses scraped off their faces Who cant pay and need mercy. How can anyone deny the value of what i”m trying to accomplish? will no one sell me the raw materials i need to enrich these lives. I have shared but the tip of the iceberg.

Someone calls these folks I’m trying to help jewels in my crown. I bristle at the suggestion. I don’t care about jewels in my crown. If the creator blesses me as such that is incidental. I give because i know need better than most and to repay the kindnesses done for me by good people when i had nothing.

I do it because someone needs to and far too many are far too concerned with profit. I do it because these are victims of a corrupt system each and everyone in one way or another.

And i do it because it is in my nature to do it. And to make my murdered son proud of me from where he sits waiting on me in the afterlife and to make his wait have meaning. Help me make these sick people’s wait have meaning too.

So if you have some trim and a heart call me at 719 480 0238 And lets bless some people together. If you have a heart and no trim please just keep these good folks in your thoughts and prayers or however you communicate with the universe offer some strength in the direction of one or more of these people. Don’t direct it at me please. The sick need your love and light far more than i do.

I ask again! Where is the heart that used to beat in this state for the less fortunate? Have you all gone mad with greed? I am willing to pay a fair price so i can give meds away for free. Will no one support me in that cause? Are you all so rich you can laugh at thousands of dollars? Are you all so unmoved by the plight of the less fortunate? Is there no one who believes in me filling hands where mine once needed filled? No one thinks its good to repay kindness by paying it forward to others?

And so I move from being woke in the night, to prayer, to action trying to get some help to those who need it most. Won’t you please help me? I want to buy raw materials to make them medicine. That’s all.

Some Raw Materials images purchased after this post:

This is some sugar out of one of our big bags of trim


virtual tokes from my bag to your bowl.....some bud from an oil making bag of raw materials that came from an awesome friend — in Denver, CO.

virtual tokes from my bag to your bowl…..
some bud from an oil making bag of raw materials that came from an awesome friend — in Denver, CO.

You Can't see my pain with your eyes. The only thing that relieves my pain is Cannabis! You could never imagine the pain I suffer, yet you deny me my freedom.

You Can’t see my pain with your eyes. The only thing that relieves my pain is Cannabis! You could never imagine the pain I suffer, yet you deny me my freedom.

History of Essential oil Perfumery and Methods of Extracting Herbs

I realize that most people don’t know much about perfume making, but perfume making has a long history. To illustrate my point regarding why Naphtha is not a good solvent to make a cancer cure therapy, I’ll share with you a bit of the history of extracting botanicals and the science behind it.

I’ve been making my own perfume since I was a little girl….. we’d go gather fragrant wildflowers and make lovely little blends… Think about the history of collecting a bouquet of flowers to take to a girl you favor… Our ancestors did things with purpose. A girl who would make a good wife would know how to take those flowers and create perfume with them… if you can extract perfume, you likely have some knowledge of plants and herbs. If you have knowledge of plants and herbs, you are likely a fair cook and a source of healing for any illnesses in the children, thus the way a maiden handled her bouquet could let the gentleman in question know how skilled a wife she may make.

This post is an excerpt from article at the link.

So just what are essential oils? what is their history? why do we make them? what are they good for?

An essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from plants. Essential oils are also known as volatile oils, ethereal oils or aetherolea, or simply as the “oil of” the plant from which they were extracted, such as oil of clove. An oil is “essential” in the sense that it carries a distinctive scent, or essence, of the plant. Essential oils do not form a distinctive category for any medical, pharmacological, or culinary purpose.

Essential oils are generally extracted by distillation. Steam distillation is often used. Other processes include expression or solvent extraction. They are used in perfumes, cosmetics, soaps and other products, for flavoring food and drink, and for adding scents to incense and household cleaning products.
Various essential oils have been used medicinally at different periods in history. Medical applications proposed by those who sell medicinal oils range from skin treatments to remedies for cancer, and often are based solely on historical accounts of use of essential oils for these purposes. Claims for the efficacy of medical treatments and treatment of cancers in particular, are now subject to regulation in most countries.
As the use of essential oils has declined in evidence-based medicine, one must consult older textbooks for much information on their use.[1][2] Modern works are less inclined to generalize; rather than refer to “essential oils” as a class at all, they prefer to discuss specific compounds, such as methyl salicylate, rather than “oil of wintergreen”.[3][4]
Interest in essential oils has revived in recent decades with the popularity of aromatherapy, a branch of alternative medicine that claims that essential oils and other aromatic compounds have curative effects. Oils are volatilized or diluted in a carrier oil and used in massage, diffused in the air by a nebulizer, heated over a candle flame, or burned as incense.
The techniques and methods first used to produce essential oils were first mentioned by Ibn al-Baitar (1188–1248), an Andalusian physician, pharmacist and chemist.[5]



The History of Essential Oils

The origins of the holistic method of healing known today as aromatherapy dates back to 18,000 BC. Cave paintings in Lascaux, France depict the burning of aromatic plants, thought to be used to drive out evil spirits. Essential oils have been used in Ayurveda (traditional Indian medicine) for several hundred years. They were used in ancient Greece and Rome and there has been documentation as far back as 2800 BC, during the reign of Khufu in ancient Egypt, of oils, wines and i
ncenses being infused with plant essences. The concentrated plant essences are extracted from leaves, seeds, bark or other plant elements by either distillation or cold pressing. The plant essences are then combined with what’s called a carrier oil and thus they become ‘essential oils’. Carrier oils are generally vegetable oils similar to the oils that we cook with except that are cold pressed to maintain their healing properties.
Essential oils are used to promote healing in both the body and mind. They are found in many bath and body products as well as in candles and various other types of fragrance diffusers sold around the world. They may be inhaled, absorbed through the skin or ingested in food. When inhaled the oils are absorbed into the bloodstream, through the blood vessels in the lungs, and consequently circulated throughout the body. A few drops of essential oil may be added to a bath, massage oil, lotion, or candle to deliver their healing benefits. They are often used in fragrancers to disperse their scent more effectively over a period of time. Fragrancers diffuse the oil into the air through steam, mist, dry heat or evaporation (using a fan). In a pinch 3- 5 drops of an essential oil of your choosing in a cup of hot water will do.When shopping for essential oils the term “wildcrafted” pops up periodically. Wildcrafted plants are gathered from their natural, wild habitat and generally wildcrafting would entail taking only the small parts that are necessary so that the plant remains alive and flourishes. If the whole plant is needed then seeds are taken from the plant and replanted in the same area to maintain the balance.

The following is a list of several essential oils and the ailments that they are used to treat. There are hundreds of different essential oils and each one has a number of healing properties. If you are interested in learning more there is a wealth of information on the Internet or you may also find information at your local health food store. Many health food stores have resource guides available to their customers.

Jasmine – Anxiety, Catarrh, Confidence Booster, Cough, Headache, Laryngitis, Mental Tension, Sensitive or Dry Skin

Tea Tree – Age Spots, Athlete’s Foot, Boils, Burns, Catarrh, Colds, Corns, Cystitis, Dandruff, Fungal Infections, Immune System Booster, Itching, Sunburn, Urinary Tract Infections, Warts

Lavender – Acne, Anxiety, Bronchitis, Burns, Catarrh, Chilblains, Circulatory Problems, Colds, Dandruff, Eczema, Flu, Headaches, Insect Bites, Insomnia, Muscle Aches and Pains, PMS Symptoms, Psoriasis, Rheumatism, Sinusitis, Skin Problems, Sunburn, Tension, Throat Infection, Wounds and Sores

Rosemary – Burns, Cellulite, Colds, Digestive Problems, Fatigue, Flu, Gout, Liver and Gall Bladder Problems, Oily Skin, Poor Circulation, Rheumatism, Water Retention, Wounds

Eucalyptus – Air Disinfectant, Asthma, Bronchitis, Burns, Cuts, Decongestant, Flu, Headaches, Insect Repellant, Muscle Aches, Rheumatism, Sinusitis, Skin Ulcers, Urinary Infections, Wounds

Marjoram – Anxiety, Arthritis, Bronchitis, Bruises, Colic, Constipation, Digestive Problems, Flatulence, Insomnia, Muscle Aches and Pains, PMS Symptoms, Rheumatism, Sinusitis, Sprains

Bergamot – Abscesses, Acne, Boils, Chicken Pox, Colds, Cold Sores, Cystitis, Flatulence, Loss of Appetite, Mouth Infections, Sore Throat

Basil – Bronchitis, Colds, Constipation, Insect Bites, Mental Fatigue, Migraine, Nervous Tension, Rheumatism, Sinus Congestion.

Clary Sage – Asthma, Depression, Digestive Problems, Exhaustion, Muscle Cramps and Spasms, PMS Relief, Respiratory Problems

Ginger – Arthritis, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Colds, Colic, Constipation, Diarrhea, Exhaustion, Flatulence, Flu, Indigestion, Poor Circulation, Rheumatism, Sinusitis

Sandalwood – Anxiety, Bronchitis, Cystitis, Fatigue, Frigidity, Impotence, Immune System Booster, Nervous Tension, Skin Conditions (such as acne, dry skin, eczema), Sore Throat, Stress, Urinary Infections, Water Retention

Myrrh – Arthritis, Bronchitis, Colds, Cough, Digestive Problems, Mouth and Gum Problems, Stimulates Immune System

Rose – Aging Skin, Broken Veins, Depression, Dry Skin, Headache, Insomnia, PMS Symptoms, Sensitive Skin, Sore Throat, Stress

Ylang Ylang – Anxiety, High Blood Pressure, Intestinal Problems, Sexual Dysfunction, Stress

The following is a list of conditions that it has been recommended the corresponding oils not be used under. If you have questions consult a medical herbalist.

During Pregnancy Do Not Use – Basil, Cinnamon, Clary Sage, Cypress, Fennel, Jasmine, Juniper, Marjoram, Myrrh, Origanum, Pennyroyal, Peppermint, Rose, Rosemary, Sage, Savory and Thyme

While Breast Feeding Do Not Use – Mint, Parsley, Sage and Jasmine

If You Have High Blood Pressure Do Not Use – Cypress, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Rose, Rosemary, Sage and Thyme

If You Have Low Blood Pressure Do Not Use – Clary sage, Garlic, Lavender, Lemon, Marjoram and Ylang Ylang

If You Have Epilepsy Do Not Use – Fennel, Hyssop, Rosemary, Sage and Wormwood

Use care when using heavy machinery or driving if you are using Clary Sage and Vertivert

Use care when combining Clary Sage with alcohol.

Essential oils have amazing healing abilities and when used properly they can be quite effective. To assure the most effective treatment as well as avoid any potential problems one should always seek out the advice of a qualified practitioner when using essential oils as with any other method of healing, holistic or otherwise.




More History:

Essential oils are the subtle, aromatic and volatile liquids extracted from the flowers, seeds, leaves, stems, bark and roots of herbs, bushes, shrubs and trees through distillation. In the craft of alchemy, the soul of a plant is its oil, while its spirit is the plant’s alcohol or tincture. According to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese manuscripts, priests and alchemists were using essential oils thousands of y
ears ago to heal the sick. They are the oldest form of medicine and cosmetic known to man and were considered more valuable than gold to the ancients.The ancient Egyptians believed that the sense of smell and ability to detect odors was the most important of our sensory abilities. The considered the sense of smell far more important than sight or even the ability to think. That was because they knew the importance of odors to increase our intrinsic “frequency” and transform us. The utchat pendant shown here, found on the mummy of Tutankhamen, depicts the alchemy of spiritual nourishment both in the afterlife and in the created world. This is the Eye of Ra, symbolizing the Sun and solar energies. It is flanked by Nekhebet the Vulture of Upper Egypt (female intuitive consciousness that becomes pregnant by the Wind) and the Cobra of Lower Egypt (masculine intellectual consciousness that creates existence from duality). Together, the Vulture and Cobra make up the diadem (Third Eye) crown of the pharaohs.The physical eye is the part of the body able to perceive light and is therefore the symbol for spiritual abilities and energy. Egyptian texts that describe the Eye of Ra, portray it in terms of “eating” or absorbing spiritual “food” through the various senses. The senses are ordered according to their importance and how much energy must be “eaten” for an individual to receive a particular sensation or utilize the energy. In this scheme, all sensory data input is considered “food” on the spiritual level. In fact, the amount of spiritual energy derived from this metaphysical feasting is precisely expressed, and the construction of the Eye of Ra follows very definite laws. The parts of the sacred eye are assigned fractional values of the total spiritual nutrition available to us, which is 1 = 64/64 heqat. (The following sensory input channels total 63/64. According to legend, the missing 1/64th is the magical and infinite yet hidden energy supplied by Thoth.) The basic measure of sensory eating is called the “ro” and is equal to one “mouthful.” 320 ro = 1 heqat or one “handful” of food from the sun. The energy intake is assigned as follows: 1/64 heqat = Energy of Touch (physical sensation symbolized by a stalk planted in the ground supporting the eye at the center); 1/32 heqat = Energy of Taste (symbolized by the curly grain or wheat sprout from comes from the planted stalk); 1/16 heqat = Energy of Hearing (symbolized by the left part of eye that points to ear, which absorbs vibration); 1/8 heqat = Energy of Thought (symbolized by the eyebrow that expresses thought and reacts to it); 1/4 heqat = Energy of Sight (symbolized by the pupil of eye that absorbs light images or crystallized thoughtforms). However, the most energy absorption available to the human is assigned to the nose. 1/2 heqat = Energy of Smell (symbolized by the right part of eye that points toward the nose). Smell, then, represents the subtlest sense of odor and intuition, which was the soul-centered “Intelligence of the Heart” to the Egyptians. Without this higher nourishment, our spirit starves, becomes weak, and eventually dies.Oils have been used throughout history to evoke altered states of consciousness and initiate individuals into certain spiritual traditions. To “anoit” (from the Latin inunctus – “to smear with oil) is to make a person sacred, to set them apart and dedicate them to serve a higher spiritual purpose. In fact, the Bible refers to the use of anoiting oils over 150 times, and the Hebrew form of “messiah” and the Greek form of Christ literally mean “anointed.”Our modern science is only now beginning to investigate the incredible healing energy found in essential oils. Clinical research shows, for instance, that frankincense oil contains very high immune stimulating properties. The effectiveness of essential oils cannot be fully understood without some discussion of frequency. Frequency is the measurable rate of electrical energy flow that is constant between any two points. Everything has a frequency. Dr. Robert O. Becker in his book The Body Electric establishes that the human body has an electrical frequency and that much about a person’s health can be determined by it’s frequency. In 1992, Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology, an independent division of Eastern State University in Cheny, Washington, built the first frequency monitor in the world. Tainio has determined that the average frequency of the human body during the daytime is 62-68 Hz. (A healthy body frequency is in the range of 62-72 Hz.) When the frequency drops, the immune system is compromised. If the frequency drops to 58 Hz, cold and flu symptoms appear, at 55 Hz, diseases like Candida take hold, at 52 Hz, Epstein Bar and at 42 Hz, Cancer.According to Dr. Royal R. Rife, every disease has a frequency. He found that certain frequencies can prevent development of disease and that others would destroy disease. Substances with higher frequency will destroy diseases of a lower frequency. The study of frequencies raises important questions concerning the frequencies of substances we eat, breath and absorb. Many pollutants lower healthy frequency. Processed/canned foods have a frequency of zero. Fresh produce has up to 15 Hz, dry herbs from 12 to 22 Hz, and fresh herbs from 20 to 27 Hz. Essential oils start at 52 Hz and go as high as 320 Hz, which is the frequency of Turkish rose oil. Clinical research shows that essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man, creating an environment in which disease, bacteria, virus, fungus, etc., cannot survive.The penetrating characteristic of essential oils greatly enhances their ability to be effective. Essential oils will penetrate into the body when applied to the skin. An essential oil placed on the foot will be distributed to every cell in the body in 21 minutes. They will even penetrate a finger or toe nail to treat fungus underneath. The oils may be sniffed from cupped hands or diffused to elicit higher vibrations or states of consciousness during meditation. They may also be applied topically on the chakra points, neck, face, wrists, ankles, back, behind the ears, on the reflexology points on the bottom of the feet, or added to bath water, or worn as a perfume or cologne to raise the level of your personal environment.ref:
And now that we have a framework of the history of extracting essential oils, lets talk extraction methods commonly used to create these precious essences.

Distillation of essential oils

We owe a great debt to the Arabian alchemist (and physician) Ibn Sina – also known as Avicenna, who lived 980 – 1037 AD, since he was the first one to perfect steam distillation – and his process was so good that it stayed unchanged for a couple of hundred years.

Distillation of essential oils

Distillation converts the volatile liquid (the essential oils) into a vapor and then condenses the vapor back into a liquid – it is the most popular, and cost effective method in use today in producing essential oils.

The downside of distillation is the fact that heat is used in this extraction method, which makes it totally unacceptable for use on very fragile material, or where the oils are extracted with great difficulty.

When this method of extraction is applied, great care has to be taken with the temperature and length of exposure of the heat to prevent damage to the oils.

For more information please click the appropriate hyperlink Distillation of essential oils avicenna steam distillation



Water distillation in the extraction of essential oils

In the manufacture of essential oils using the method of water distillation, the botanic material is completely immersed in water and the still is brought to the boil. This method protects the oils so extracted to a certain degree since the surrounding water acts as a barrier to prevent it from overheating.

water distillation extraction of essential oils

When the condensed material cools down, the water and essential oil is separated and the oil decanted to be used as essential oil.

The water that is so separated in this process is also used and is marketed as “floral waters” (also called hydrosol orsweet water) – such as rosewater, lavender water and orange water.

Water distillation can be done at reduced pressure (under vacuum) to reduce the temperature to less than 100 degrees, which is beneficial in protecting the botanical material, as well as the essential oils.

Neroli oil, which is sensitive to heat, can therefore be successfully extracted using this method.

If extended exposure to hot water is not indicated for a particular plant – such as lavender, it is best to find an extraction method better suited. Any botanical material that contains high amounts of esters do not take well to this extraction method, since the extended exposure to hot water will start to break down the esters to the resultant alcohols and carboxylic acids.


Steam distillation of essential oil manufacture.

When steam distillation is used in the manufacture and extraction of essential oils, the botanical material is placed in a still and steam is forced over the material.

steam distrillation of essential oil

The hot steam helps to release the aromatic molecules from the plant material since the steam forces open the pockets in which the oils are kept in the plant material. The molecules of these volatile oils then escape from the plant material and evaporate into the steam.

The temperature of the steam needs to be carefully controlled – just enough to force the plant material to let go of the essential oil, yet not too hot as to burn the plant material or the essential oil.

The steam which then contains the essential oil, is passed through a cooling system to condense the steam, which forms a liquid from which the essential oil and water is then separated.

The steam is produced at greater pressure than the atmosphere and therefore boils at above 100 degrees Celsius which facilitates the removal of the essential oil from the plant material at a faster rate and in so doing prevents damage to the oil.

Some oils, like Lavender is heat sensitive (thermolabile) and with this extraction method, the oil is not damaged and ingredients like linalyl acetate will not decompose to linalool and acetic acid.


Hydro diffusion in essential oil manufacture

When essential oils are extracted using hydro diffusion it is a type of steam distillation, and only varies in the actual way in which the steam is introduced into the still. With hydro diffusion the steam is fed in from the top onto the botanical material instead of from the bottom as in normal steam distillation.


The condensation of the oil containing steam mixture occurs below the area in which the botanical material is held in place by a grill. The main advantage of this method is that less steam is used, shorter processing time and a higher oil yield.


Cohobation in essential oil extraction

When rose oil is extracted during water distillation, the one main constituent – phenyl ethyl alcohol – dissolves into the water of the distillation still and does not form part of the essential oil that is so extracted.

cohobation rose otto

The oil so extracted is therefore not whole, and is deficient in this rose-smelling ingredient – and in order to produce a “complete” oil, the phenyl ethyl alcohol needs to be distilled from the water in which it dissolved and added back to the “incomplete oil”.

When this phenyl ethyl alcohol is so distilled, it is added back to the original distillate, in the correct proportion, to form a complete and whole rose oil, and is then called Rose Otto.


Rectification in extraction of essential oils

When an essential oil contains any impurities, it can be purified by re-distillation – either in steam or in a vacuum, and this purification by re-distillation is referred to as rectification.

Rectification in extraction of essential oils

An example of this is eucalyptus oil that is marketed as “double-distilled”. This is not the same as chemical or heat refining and is used to produce oil of standard quality.


Combination water and steam distillation

This process is basically a marriage between normal water distillation and that of steam distillation.

The botanical material is immersed in water in a still, which has a heat source, plus live steam is fed into the water and botanical material mixture.

combination distilling Water and steam distillation of essential oils


Fractional distillation

When people talk about fractional distillation, it refers to a normal distillation process, but instead of the essential oil being collected continuously, it is collected in batches (the fractions that are referred to) and material normally so extracted isYlang-Ylang.




Expression extraction in essential oil manufacture

When a “cold pressed” method is referred to in the manufacture of carrier oil and essential oils, it basically refers to the expression method, since no heat is involved in this method.

essential oil manufacture

Most nut and seed oils are also extracted using a “cold pressed” method but here oil is forced from the material under high mechanical pressure and generally produces a good quality oil, but some manufacturers do impair this good quality by excessively refining the oil after extraction by means of chemicals or high heat.

But when we return to look at the expression method of extraction in the manufacture of essential oils, we find that most citrus essential oils are extracted this way and that three different ways are used to accomplish it:


Sponge extraction process

Most citrus essences are extracted by means of expression, and in the past were done by hand where the fruit pulp was removed, with the rind and pith then soaked in warm water to make the rind more pliable, since the pith of the fruit absorbed the water.


After the fruit has absorbed the water and become more elastic, it was inverted which helped to rupture the oil cells and a sponge placed next to the rind. It was then squeezed to release the volatile oil, which was then collected directly into the sponge.

As soon as the sponge became saturated with oil, it was squeezed and the essential oil collected in a vessel and then decanted.


Écuelle à piquer extraction process

This form of expression extraction is used mainly to obtain citrus essential oils, and is a little less labor intensive than that of the sponge method.

ecuelle a piquer essential oil extraction punturing oil cells in peel

This more modern way of essential oil extraction is referred to as the écuelle à piquer process (direct translation = basin, to prick/stick/prod) where the fruit is placed in a device and rotated with spikes on the side puncturing the oil cells in the skin of the fruit.

This cause the oil cells to rupture and the essential oil, and other material such as pigment, to run down to the center of the device, which contains a collection area.

The liquid is thereafter separated and the oil is removed from the water-based parts of the mixture and decanted.

Machine abrasion to produce essential oil

This method of expression extraction is very much like the écuelle à piquer method, and is mostly used in the manufacture of citrus essential oils.

machine abrasion extraction

With machine abrasion a machine strips off the outer peel, which is then removed by running water and is then fed into a centrifugal separator.

The centrifugal separation is done extremely fast but it should be noted that due to the fact that the essential oil is combined with other cell content for some time, some alteration could occur due to enzymatic action.




Solvent extraction and essential oil

When we talk about the broad term of solvent extraction, it does not only refer to chemical solvents like hexane, but also to other forms – such as solid oil and fat as well as carbon dioxide.

solvent extraction

Solvent extraction is particularly suitable for botanical material that has a very low yield of essential oil, or where it is made up of mostly resinous components and as such delivers a far finer fragrance than that of distillation.

During this type of extraction, non-volatile components of the botanical material – such as waxes and pigments are also extracted and in some cases this is then removed during another process.

Under solvent extraction we list the following methods:


Maceration extraction method

With the maceration extraction method, the flowers are soaked in hot oil to have their cell membranes ruptured and the hot oil then absorbs the essence. The oil is then cleared of the botanical and decanted.

maceration oils Maceration extraction essential oil infused oil

This is very much the same technique used in solvent extractions, where solvents are used instead of the hot oil as used in maceration.

Enfleurage extraction of essential oils

Enfleurage could be compared to certain aspects employed in maceration, but is done in a slightly different way.

enfleurage extraction essential oils chassis en verre pour l'enfleurage

Glass plates in a frame (called a chassis) are covered with highly purified and odorless vegetable or animal fat and the petals of the botanical matter that are being extracted are spread across it and pressed in. The flowers are normally freshly picked before so encased in their fatty bed.

Time left in the fat on the chassis Enfleurage extraction of essential oils

The petals remain in this greasy compound for a few days or a couple of weeks (depending on the botanic material used) to allow the essence to disperse into the compound, where the then depleted petals are removed and replaced with a fresh harvest of petals.

This process is repeated until the greasy mix is saturated with the essence, and needs to be repeated a couple of times until saturation is achieved.

Enfleurage extraction of essential oils

When the mix has reached saturation point the flowers are removed and the enfleurage pomade – the fat and fragrant oil – then washed with alcohol to separate the extract from the remaining fat, which is then used to make soap.

As soon as the alcohol evaporates from the mixture you are left with the essential oil. This is a very labor-intensive way of extraction, and needless to say a very costly way to obtain essential oil and is nowadays only sometimes used to extract essential oil from tuberoses and jasmine.


Solvent extraction in essential oil manufacture

Essential oils can be extracted by using solvents such as petroleum ether, methanol, ethanol or hexane and is often used on fragile material such as jasminehyacinthnarcissus and tuberose, which would not be able to handle the heat of steam distillation.

hydrocarbon solvent extraction essential oil

A solvent extracted essential oil is very concentrated and is very close to the natural fragrance of the material used.

Although solvent extraction is used extensively, some people do not believe that it should be used for aromatherapy oils since a residue of solvent could be present in the finished product.

Some reports site a solvent residue of 6 – 20% still present in the finished extraction, but this was normally the case when benzene was the standard solvent used.

With hexane (a hydrocarbon) as the solvent material the solvent residue goes down to about 10 ppm (parts per million) and this is a extremely low concentration of solvent in the resultant product.

As mentioned, benzene is no longer used in the extraction method, since it is regarded as carcinogenic (cancer forming).

After the plant material has been treated with the solvent, it produces a waxy aromatic compound referred to as a “concrete“.


Hypercritical Carbon Dioxide gas
CO2 extraction of essential oils

The use of hypercritical carbon dioxide extraction is a fairly new way to extract essential oils from botanical material and although a bit on the expensive side, does yield good quality oils.

CO2 extraction essential oils hypercritical carbon dioxide gas

Carbon dioxide becomes hypercritical at 33 degrees Celsius, which is a state in which it is not really gas or liquid, but has qualities of both, and is an excellent solvent to use in the extraction of essential oils since the low temperature required and the fact that the process is near to instantaneous.

The carbon dioxide is furthermore inert and therefore does not chemically interact with the essence that is being extracted. To remove the carbon dioxide solvent, you simply need to remove the pressure under which it is kept.

This process has to take place in a closed chamber for the hypercritical pressure required for carbon dioxide is 200 atmospheres – that is 200 times the pressure of normal atmosphere.

To achieve this type of pressure some heavy-duty stainless steel equipment is required, and this is where high capital investment is required for this extraction method.



Why is the art of perfume making important? Safety, purity of medications as well as spiritual use.

Sula Benet (1903 – 1982), also known as Sara Benetowa, was a Polish anthropologist of the 20th century who studied Polish and Judaic customs and traditions.

Born in Poland, Benet was fascinated with peasant culture of Poland since her early youth. This interest eventually led her to enroll as a student of literature and philosophy in the Faculty of Humanities in the University of Warsaw but graduated with a degree in anthropology. Upon receiving her degree in 1935, she attended graduate school at Columbia University, where she received her doctorate in 1944.


  • Festive recipes and festival menus 1957
  • Song, Dance, and Customs of Peasant Poland[when?]Riddles of many lands Carl Withers, Sula Benet – 1956
  • Early Diffusion and Folk Uses of Hemp. 1967
  • Abkhasians: the long-living people of the Caucasus 1974
  • How to live to be 100: the life-style of the people of the Caucasus 1976

[edit]Early Diffusion and Folk Uses of Hemp. 1967

Benet’s writings have gained modern notability[citation needed] for her interpretations of the herb appearing in Hebrew text as kaneh-bosim (Hebrew קְנֵה-בֹשֶׂם) five times in the Hebrew Bible and how it relates to the religious use of cannabisKaneh-bosm is mentioned twice as part of the holy anointing oil used in the temple, and has been interpreted traditionally as calamus (an herb that is known in North American shamanism and in vedic atharva and has been discovered in modern times to contain a molecule known as Asarone that is a precursor of trimethoxyamphetamine, a psychedelic). Through comparative etymology, analysis of ancient texts (including pre-Hebrew Semitic language), and pharmacological consistencies she contends that the word kaneh-bosm actually refers to cannabis and was used in ancient Jewish religious rites, as a medicine and ritual sacrament. Benet’s work claims that cannabis use has a long culturally important history, and that the criminalization and demonization of cannabis is a recent invention (an occurrence of the previous century compared to Torah: dating back at least 3,000 years). While Benet’s conclusion regarding the psychoactive use of cannabis are not generally recognized among Jewishscholars, there is general agreement that hemp (“Kaneh”) is used in talmudic sources to refer to hemp fibers, as hemp was a vital commodity before linen replaced it.[1] Benet claims that traditional identifications of kaneh bosom do not account for hemp shirts being produced from industrial hemp, which Benet claims is “Kaneh” in Hebrew.[2] Benet claims that this kaneh differs from the “fragrant” or “sweet” hemp called especially kaneh bosm, because the latter produces much more of aromatic and psychotropic substances like CBD and THC.[2] [3]Exodus records Moses receiving the instructions for making and distributing the holy anointing oil, as follows:

Then the LORD said to Moses, “Take the following fine spices: 500 shekels of liquid myrrh, half as much of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels of kaneh bosm, 500 shekels of cassia – all according to the sanctuary shekel–and a hind of olive oil. Make these into a sacred anointing oil” (Exodus 30: 22-33)

The Hebrew term kaneh (קָנֶה) is the standard Hebrew word for “cane” or “reed,” occurring 62 times in the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible [4] It usually occurs without the adjective “sweet,” and is translated “reed,” though twice as calamus (Song of Songs 4:14 and Ezekiel 27:19 KJV). It occurs with the adjective “sweet” in three places (Exodus 30:22-33, Isaiah 43:24, Jeremiah 6:20), where kaneh bosm is typically translated as “calamus,” “sweet cane” or “fragrant cane” in English versions.

Sula Benet’s theory is not supported by academic or popular dictionaries of plants in the Hebrew Bible, which typically identify the plant as acorus calamus or cymbopogon citratus.[5][edit]See also


  1. ^ Encyclopedia Judaica. Volume 8. p. 323.
  2. a b Sula Benet, Early Diffusion and Folk Uses of Hemp. (Reprinted in Cannabis and Culture, Vera Rubin, Ed. pg.41 The Hague: Mouton, 1975.) Transcribed and available online by inactive Anchorage NORML chapter, at [1]
  3. ^ Sara Benetowa (Sula Benet), Tracing One Word Through Different Languages. (1936). (Reprinted in The Book of Grass, 1967.)
  4. ^ Hebrew Concordance
  5. ^ Lytton J. Musselman Figs , dates, laurel, and myrrh: plants of the Bible and the Quran p73


Exodus 30:25
Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
25 and make them into a holy anointing oil; blend it and perfume it as would an expert perfume-maker; it will be a holy anointing oil.

other translations:
New International Version (©1984)
Make these into a sacred anointing oil, a fragrant blend, the work of a perfumer. It will be the sacred anointing oil.
New Living Translation (©2007)
Like a skilled incense maker, blend these ingredients to make a holy anointing oil.

English Standard Version (©2001)
And you shall make of these a sacred anointing oil blended as by the perfumer; it shall be a holy anointing oil.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
“You shall make of these a holy anointing oil, a perfume mixture, the work of a perfumer; it shall be a holy anointing oil.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil.

GOD’S WORD® Translation (©1995)
Have a perfumer make these into a holy oil, a fragrant mixture, used only for anointing. This will be the holy oil used for anointing.

King James 2000 Bible (©2003)
And you shall make it an oil of holy anointing, an ointment compounded after the art of the perfumer: it shall be a holy anointing oil.

American King James Version
And you shall make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the are of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil.

American Standard Version
And thou shalt make it a holy anointing oil, a perfume compounded after the art of the perfumer: it shall be a holy anointing oil.

Douay-Rheims Bible
And thou shalt make the holy oil of unction, an ointment compounded after the art of the perfumer,

Darby Bible Translation
and make of it an oil of holy ointment, a perfume of perfumery after the work of the perfumer: it shall be the holy anointing oil.

English Revised Version
and thou shalt make it an holy anointing oil, a perfume compounded after the art of the perfumer: it shall be an holy anointing oil.

Webster’s Bible Translation
And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary: it shall be a holy anointing oil.

World English Bible
You shall make it a holy anointing oil, a perfume compounded after the art of the perfumer: it shall be a holy anointing oil.

Young’s Literal Translation
and thou hast made it a holy anointing oil, a compound mixture, work of a compounder; it is a holy anointing oil.


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Rick Simpson on Visual Inspection and Quality of Oils: Debunked

There is ABSOLUTELY no science behind this… the two types we see in this video are from two extraction methods…. the amber stuff is made from Naphtha. I’ve already made it plain why the petroleum distillate Naphtha is dangerous to use as a solvent in this blogpost. The deep green stuff is produced with alcohol. When you use alcohol as a solvent, you get chlorophyll in your oil. Chlorophyll is among the compounds known to treat and even prevent cancer. Rick is totally contradicting himself and many patients who have cured themselves with the dark green stuff. I’m not an old hippie, but I have sat at the feet of many old heads and respected their wisdom…. Any old head will remember the highly coveted “Jamaican Hash Oil” that always came dark green (perhaps with some red undertones) when it was spread out on a joint-paper. Any old head who remembers Jamaican Hash oil knows it has all the medicine necessary to have a very baked day.

The same substance long coveted by recreational users is now being used to treat seriously ill people for a wide range of illnesses. What makes more sense to your mind? To use a petroleum distillate known to be dangerous that the government monitors heavily, or to use an alcohol solvent that is sustainable, easily recyclable, widely available, and with a long history alongside humans as a solvent to extract medicines?

I realize that most people don’t know much about perfume making, but perfume making has a long history. To illustrate my point regarding why Naphtha is not a good solvent to make a cancer cure therapy, I’ll share with you a bit of the history of extracting botanicals and the science behind it.

I’ve been making my own perfume since I was a little girl….. we’d go gather fragrant wildflowers and make lovely little blends… Think about the history of collecting a bouquet of flowers to take to a girl you favor… Our ancestors did things with purpose. A girl who would make a good wife would know how to take those flowers and create perfume with them… if you can extract perfume, you likely have some knowledge of plants and herbs. If you have knowledge of plants and herbs, you are likely a fair cook and a source of healing for any illnesses in the children, thus the way a maiden handled her bouquet could let the gentleman in question know how skilled a wife she may make.


So just what are essential oils? what is their history? why do we make them? what are they good for?

An essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from plants. Essential oils are also known as volatile oils, ethereal oils or aetherolea, or simply as the “oil of” the plant from which they were extracted, such as oil of clove. An oil is “essential” in the sense that it carries a distinctive scent, or essence, of the plant. Essential oils do not form a distinctive category for any medical, pharmacological, or culinary purpose.

Essential oils are generally extracted by distillation. Steam distillation is often used. Other processes include expression or solvent extraction. They are used in perfumes, cosmetics, soaps and other products, for flavoring food and drink, and for adding scents to incense and household cleaning products.
Various essential oils have been used medicinally at different periods in history. Medical applications proposed by those who sell medicinal oils range from skin treatments to remedies for cancer, and often are based solely on historical accounts of use of essential oils for these purposes. Claims for the efficacy of medical treatments and treatment of cancers in particular, are now subject to regulation in most countries.
As the use of essential oils has declined in evidence-based medicine, one must consult older textbooks for much information on their use.[1][2] Modern works are less inclined to generalize; rather than refer to “essential oils” as a class at all, they prefer to discuss specific compounds, such as methyl salicylate, rather than “oil of wintergreen”.[3][4]
Interest in essential oils has revived in recent decades with the popularity of aromatherapy, a branch of alternative medicine that claims that essential oils and other aromatic compounds have curative effects. Oils are volatilized or diluted in a carrier oil and used in massage, diffused in the air by a nebulizer, heated over a candle flame, or burned as incense.
The techniques and methods first used to produce essential oils were first mentioned by Ibn al-Baitar (1188–1248), an Andalusian physician, pharmacist and chemist.[5]



The History of Essential Oils

The origins of the holistic method of healing known today as aromatherapy dates back to 18,000 BC. Cave paintings in Lascaux, France depict the burning of aromatic plants, thought to be used to drive out evil spirits. Essential oils have been used in Ayurveda (traditional Indian medicine) for several hundred years. They were used in ancient Greece and Rome and there has been documentation as far back as 2800 BC, during the reign of Khufu in ancient Egypt, of oils, wines and i
ncenses being infused with plant essences. The concentrated plant essences are extracted from leaves, seeds, bark or other plant elements by either distillation or cold pressing. The plant essences are then combined with what’s called a carrier oil and thus they become ‘essential oils’. Carrier oils are generally vegetable oils similar to the oils that we cook with except that are cold pressed to maintain their healing properties.
Essential oils are used to promote healing in both the body and mind. They are found in many bath and body products as well as in candles and various other types of fragrance diffusers sold around the world. They may be inhaled, absorbed through the skin or ingested in food. When inhaled the oils are absorbed into the bloodstream, through the blood vessels in the lungs, and consequently circulated throughout the body. A few drops of essential oil may be added to a bath, massage oil, lotion, or candle to deliver their healing benefits. They are often used in fragrancers to disperse their scent more effectively over a period of time. Fragrancers diffuse the oil into the air through steam, mist, dry heat or evaporation (using a fan). In a pinch 3- 5 drops of an essential oil of your choosing in a cup of hot water will do.When shopping for essential oils the term “wildcrafted” pops up periodically. Wildcrafted plants are gathered from their natural, wild habitat and generally wildcrafting would entail taking only the small parts that are necessary so that the plant remains alive and flourishes. If the whole plant is needed then seeds are taken from the plant and replanted in the same area to maintain the balance.

The following is a list of several essential oils and the ailments that they are used to treat. There are hundreds of different essential oils and each one has a number of healing properties. If you are interested in learning more there is a wealth of information on the Internet or you may also find information at your local health food store. Many health food stores have resource guides available to their customers.

Jasmine – Anxiety, Catarrh, Confidence Booster, Cough, Headache, Laryngitis, Mental Tension, Sensitive or Dry Skin

Tea Tree – Age Spots, Athlete’s Foot, Boils, Burns, Catarrh, Colds, Corns, Cystitis, Dandruff, Fungal Infections, Immune System Booster, Itching, Sunburn, Urinary Tract Infections, Warts

Lavender – Acne, Anxiety, Bronchitis, Burns, Catarrh, Chilblains, Circulatory Problems, Colds, Dandruff, Eczema, Flu, Headaches, Insect Bites, Insomnia, Muscle Aches and Pains, PMS Symptoms, Psoriasis, Rheumatism, Sinusitis, Skin Problems, Sunburn, Tension, Throat Infection, Wounds and Sores

Rosemary – Burns, Cellulite, Colds, Digestive Problems, Fatigue, Flu, Gout, Liver and Gall Bladder Problems, Oily Skin, Poor Circulation, Rheumatism, Water Retention, Wounds

Eucalyptus – Air Disinfectant, Asthma, Bronchitis, Burns, Cuts, Decongestant, Flu, Headaches, Insect Repellant, Muscle Aches, Rheumatism, Sinusitis, Skin Ulcers, Urinary Infections, Wounds

Marjoram – Anxiety, Arthritis, Bronchitis, Bruises, Colic, Constipation, Digestive Problems, Flatulence, Insomnia, Muscle Aches and Pains, PMS Symptoms, Rheumatism, Sinusitis, Sprains

Bergamot – Abscesses, Acne, Boils, Chicken Pox, Colds, Cold Sores, Cystitis, Flatulence, Loss of Appetite, Mouth Infections, Sore Throat

Basil – Bronchitis, Colds, Constipation, Insect Bites, Mental Fatigue, Migraine, Nervous Tension, Rheumatism, Sinus Congestion.

Clary Sage – Asthma, Depression, Digestive Problems, Exhaustion, Muscle Cramps and Spasms, PMS Relief, Respiratory Problems

Ginger – Arthritis, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Colds, Colic, Constipation, Diarrhea, Exhaustion, Flatulence, Flu, Indigestion, Poor Circulation, Rheumatism, Sinusitis

Sandalwood – Anxiety, Bronchitis, Cystitis, Fatigue, Frigidity, Impotence, Immune System Booster, Nervous Tension, Skin Conditions (such as acne, dry skin, eczema), Sore Throat, Stress, Urinary Infections, Water Retention

Myrrh – Arthritis, Bronchitis, Colds, Cough, Digestive Problems, Mouth and Gum Problems, Stimulates Immune System

Rose – Aging Skin, Broken Veins, Depression, Dry Skin, Headache, Insomnia, PMS Symptoms, Sensitive Skin, Sore Throat, Stress

Ylang Ylang – Anxiety, High Blood Pressure, Intestinal Problems, Sexual Dysfunction, Stress

The following is a list of conditions that it has been recommended the corresponding oils not be used under. If you have questions consult a medical herbalist.

During Pregnancy Do Not Use – Basil, Cinnamon, Clary Sage, Cypress, Fennel, Jasmine, Juniper, Marjoram, Myrrh, Origanum, Pennyroyal, Peppermint, Rose, Rosemary, Sage, Savory and Thyme

While Breast Feeding Do Not Use – Mint, Parsley, Sage and Jasmine

If You Have High Blood Pressure Do Not Use – Cypress, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Rose, Rosemary, Sage and Thyme

If You Have Low Blood Pressure Do Not Use – Clary sage, Garlic, Lavender, Lemon, Marjoram and Ylang Ylang

If You Have Epilepsy Do Not Use – Fennel, Hyssop, Rosemary, Sage and Wormwood

Use care when using heavy machinery or driving if you are using Clary Sage and Vertivert

Use care when combining Clary Sage with alcohol.

Essential oils have amazing healing abilities and when used properly they can be quite effective. To assure the most effective treatment as well as avoid any potential problems one should always seek out the advice of a qualified practitioner when using essential oils as with any other method of healing, holistic or otherwise.




More History:

Essential oils are the subtle, aromatic and volatile liquids extracted from the flowers, seeds, leaves, stems, bark and roots of herbs, bushes, shrubs and trees through distillation. In the craft of alchemy, the soul of a plant is its oil, while its spirit is the plant’s alcohol or tincture. According to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese manuscripts, priests and alchemists were using essential oils thousands of y

ears ago to heal the sick. They are the oldest form of medicine and cosmetic known to man and were considered more valuable than gold to the ancients.The ancient Egyptians believed that the sense of smell and ability to detect odors was the most important of our sensory abilities. The considered the sense of smell far more important than sight or even the ability to think. That was because they knew the importance of odors to increase our intrinsic “frequency” and transform us. The utchat pendant shown here, found on the mummy of Tutankhamen, depicts the alchemy of spiritual nourishment both in the afterlife and in the created world. This is the Eye of Ra, symbolizing the Sun and solar energies. It is flanked by Nekhebet the Vulture of Upper Egypt (female intuitive consciousness that becomes pregnant by the Wind) and the Cobra of Lower Egypt (masculine intellectual consciousness that creates existence from duality). Together, the Vulture and Cobra make up the diadem (Third Eye) crown of the pharaohs.The physical eye is the part of the body able to perceive light and is therefore the symbol for spiritual abilities and energy. Egyptian texts that describe the Eye of Ra, portray it in terms of “eating” or absorbing spiritual “food” through the various senses. The senses are ordered according to their importance and how much energy must be “eaten” for an individual to receive a particular sensation or utilize the energy. In this scheme, all sensory data input is considered “food” on the spiritual level. In fact, the amount of spiritual energy derived from this metaphysical feasting is precisely expressed, and the construction of the Eye of Ra follows very definite laws. The parts of the sacred eye are assigned fractional values of the total spiritual nutrition available to us, which is 1 = 64/64 heqat. (The following sensory input channels total 63/64. According to legend, the missing 1/64th is the magical and infinite yet hidden energy supplied by Thoth.) The basic measure of sensory eating is called the “ro” and is equal to one “mouthful.” 320 ro = 1 heqat or one “handful” of food from the sun. The energy intake is assigned as follows: 1/64 heqat = Energy of Touch (physical sensation symbolized by a stalk planted in the ground supporting the eye at the center); 1/32 heqat = Energy of Taste (symbolized by the curly grain or wheat sprout from comes from the planted stalk); 1/16 heqat = Energy of Hearing (symbolized by the left part of eye that points to ear, which absorbs vibration); 1/8 heqat = Energy of Thought (symbolized by the eyebrow that expresses thought and reacts to it); 1/4 heqat = Energy of Sight (symbolized by the pupil of eye that absorbs light images or crystallized thoughtforms). However, the most energy absorption available to the human is assigned to the nose. 1/2 heqat = Energy of Smell (symbolized by the right part of eye that points toward the nose). Smell, then, represents the subtlest sense of odor and intuition, which was the soul-centered “Intelligence of the Heart” to the Egyptians. Without this higher nourishment, our spirit starves, becomes weak, and eventually dies.Oils have been used throughout history to evoke altered states of consciousness and initiate individuals into certain spiritual traditions. To “anoit” (from the Latin inunctus – “to smear with oil) is to make a person sacred, to set them apart and dedicate them to serve a higher spiritual purpose. In fact, the Bible refers to the use of anoiting oils over 150 times, and the Hebrew form of “messiah” and the Greek form of Christ literally mean “anointed.”Our modern science is only now beginning to investigate the incredible healing energy found in essential oils. Clinical research shows, for instance, that frankincense oil contains very high immune stimulating properties. The effectiveness of essential oils cannot be fully understood without some discussion of frequency. Frequency is the measurable rate of electrical energy flow that is constant between any two points. Everything has a frequency. Dr. Robert O. Becker in his book The Body Electric establishes that the human body has an electrical frequency and that much about a person’s health can be determined by it’s frequency. In 1992, Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology, an independent division of Eastern State University in Cheny, Washington, built the first frequency monitor in the world. Tainio has determined that the average frequency of the human body during the daytime is 62-68 Hz. (A healthy body frequency is in the range of 62-72 Hz.) When the frequency drops, the immune system is compromised. If the frequency drops to 58 Hz, cold and flu symptoms appear, at 55 Hz, diseases like Candida take hold, at 52 Hz, Epstein Bar and at 42 Hz, Cancer.According to Dr. Royal R. Rife, every disease has a frequency. He found that certain frequencies can prevent development of disease and that others would destroy disease. Substances with higher frequency will destroy diseases of a lower frequency. The study of frequencies raises important questions concerning the frequencies of substances we eat, breath and absorb. Many pollutants lower healthy frequency. Processed/canned foods have a frequency of zero. Fresh produce has up to 15 Hz, dry herbs from 12 to 22 Hz, and fresh herbs from 20 to 27 Hz. Essential oils start at 52 Hz and go as high as 320 Hz, which is the frequency of Turkish rose oil. Clinical research shows that essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man, creating an environment in which disease, bacteria, virus, fungus, etc., cannot survive.The penetrating characteristic of essential oils greatly enhances their ability to be effective. Essential oils will penetrate into the body when applied to the skin. An essential oil placed on the foot will be distributed to every cell in the body in 21 minutes. They will even penetrate a finger or toe nail to treat fungus underneath. The oils may be sniffed from cupped hands or diffused to elicit higher vibrations or states of consciousness during meditation. They may also be applied topically on the chakra points, neck, face, wrists, ankles, back, behind the ears, on the reflexology points on the bottom of the feet, or added to bath water, or worn as a perfume or cologne to raise the level of your personal environment.ref:

And now that we have a framework of the history of extracting essential oils, lets talk extraction methods commonly used to create these precious essences.

Distillation of essential oils

We owe a great debt to the Arabian alchemist (and physician) Ibn Sina – also known as Avicenna, who lived 980 – 1037 AD, since he was the first one to perfect steam distillation – and his process was so good that it stayed unchanged for a couple of hundred years.

Distillation of essential oils

Distillation converts the volatile liquid (the essential oils) into a vapor and then condenses the vapor back into a liquid – it is the most popular, and cost effective method in use today in producing essential oils.

The downside of distillation is the fact that heat is used in this extraction method, which makes it totally unacceptable for use on very fragile material, or where the oils are extracted with great difficulty.

When this method of extraction is applied, great care has to be taken with the temperature and length of exposure of the heat to prevent damage to the oils.

For more information please click the appropriate hyperlink Distillation of essential oils avicenna steam distillation



Water distillation in the extraction of essential oils

In the manufacture of essential oils using the method of water distillation, the botanic material is completely immersed in water and the still is brought to the boil. This method protects the oils so extracted to a certain degree since the surrounding water acts as a barrier to prevent it from overheating.

water distillation extraction of essential oils

When the condensed material cools down, the water and essential oil is separated and the oil decanted to be used as essential oil.

The water that is so separated in this process is also used and is marketed as “floral waters” (also called hydrosol orsweet water) – such as rosewater, lavender water and orange water.

Water distillation can be done at reduced pressure (under vacuum) to reduce the temperature to less than 100 degrees, which is beneficial in protecting the botanical material, as well as the essential oils.

Neroli oil, which is sensitive to heat, can therefore be successfully extracted using this method.

If extended exposure to hot water is not indicated for a particular plant – such as lavender, it is best to find an extraction method better suited. Any botanical material that contains high amounts of esters do not take well to this extraction method, since the extended exposure to hot water will start to break down the esters to the resultant alcohols and carboxylic acids.


Steam distillation of essential oil manufacture.

When steam distillation is used in the manufacture and extraction of essential oils, the botanical material is placed in a still and steam is forced over the material.

steam distrillation of essential oil

The hot steam helps to release the aromatic molecules from the plant material since the steam forces open the pockets in which the oils are kept in the plant material. The molecules of these volatile oils then escape from the plant material and evaporate into the steam.

The temperature of the steam needs to be carefully controlled – just enough to force the plant material to let go of the essential oil, yet not too hot as to burn the plant material or the essential oil.

The steam which then contains the essential oil, is passed through a cooling system to condense the steam, which forms a liquid from which the essential oil and water is then separated.

The steam is produced at greater pressure than the atmosphere and therefore boils at above 100 degrees Celsius which facilitates the removal of the essential oil from the plant material at a faster rate and in so doing prevents damage to the oil.

Some oils, like Lavender is heat sensitive (thermolabile) and with this extraction method, the oil is not damaged and ingredients like linalyl acetate will not decompose to linalool and acetic acid.


Hydro diffusion in essential oil manufacture

When essential oils are extracted using hydro diffusion it is a type of steam distillation, and only varies in the actual way in which the steam is introduced into the still. With hydro diffusion the steam is fed in from the top onto the botanical material instead of from the bottom as in normal steam distillation.


The condensation of the oil containing steam mixture occurs below the area in which the botanical material is held in place by a grill. The main advantage of this method is that less steam is used, shorter processing time and a higher oil yield.


Cohobation in essential oil extraction

When rose oil is extracted during water distillation, the one main constituent – phenyl ethyl alcohol – dissolves into the water of the distillation still and does not form part of the essential oil that is so extracted.

cohobation rose otto

The oil so extracted is therefore not whole, and is deficient in this rose-smelling ingredient – and in order to produce a “complete” oil, the phenyl ethyl alcohol needs to be distilled from the water in which it dissolved and added back to the “incomplete oil”.

When this phenyl ethyl alcohol is so distilled, it is added back to the original distillate, in the correct proportion, to form a complete and whole rose oil, and is then called Rose Otto.


Rectification in extraction of essential oils

When an essential oil contains any impurities, it can be purified by re-distillation – either in steam or in a vacuum, and this purification by re-distillation is referred to as rectification.

Rectification in extraction of essential oils

An example of this is eucalyptus oil that is marketed as “double-distilled”. This is not the same as chemical or heat refining and is used to produce oil of standard quality.


Combination water and steam distillation

This process is basically a marriage between normal water distillation and that of steam distillation.

The botanical material is immersed in water in a still, which has a heat source, plus live steam is fed into the water and botanical material mixture.

combination distilling Water and steam distillation of essential oils


Fractional distillation

When people talk about fractional distillation, it refers to a normal distillation process, but instead of the essential oil being collected continuously, it is collected in batches (the fractions that are referred to) and material normally so extracted isYlang-Ylang.




Expression extraction in essential oil manufacture

When a “cold pressed” method is referred to in the manufacture of carrier oil and essential oils, it basically refers to the expression method, since no heat is involved in this method.

essential oil manufacture

Most nut and seed oils are also extracted using a “cold pressed” method but here oil is forced from the material under high mechanical pressure and generally produces a good quality oil, but some manufacturers do impair this good quality by excessively refining the oil after extraction by means of chemicals or high heat.

But when we return to look at the expression method of extraction in the manufacture of essential oils, we find that most citrus essential oils are extracted this way and that three different ways are used to accomplish it:


Sponge extraction process

Most citrus essences are extracted by means of expression, and in the past were done by hand where the fruit pulp was removed, with the rind and pith then soaked in warm water to make the rind more pliable, since the pith of the fruit absorbed the water.


After the fruit has absorbed the water and become more elastic, it was inverted which helped to rupture the oil cells and a sponge placed next to the rind. It was then squeezed to release the volatile oil, which was then collected directly into the sponge.

As soon as the sponge became saturated with oil, it was squeezed and the essential oil collected in a vessel and then decanted.


Écuelle à piquer extraction process

This form of expression extraction is used mainly to obtain citrus essential oils, and is a little less labor intensive than that of the sponge method.

ecuelle a piquer essential oil extraction punturing oil cells in peel

This more modern way of essential oil extraction is referred to as the écuelle à piquer process (direct translation = basin, to prick/stick/prod) where the fruit is placed in a device and rotated with spikes on the side puncturing the oil cells in the skin of the fruit.

This cause the oil cells to rupture and the essential oil, and other material such as pigment, to run down to the center of the device, which contains a collection area.

The liquid is thereafter separated and the oil is removed from the water-based parts of the mixture and decanted.

Machine abrasion to produce essential oil

This method of expression extraction is very much like the écuelle à piquer method, and is mostly used in the manufacture of citrus essential oils.

machine abrasion extraction

With machine abrasion a machine strips off the outer peel, which is then removed by running water and is then fed into a centrifugal separator.

The centrifugal separation is done extremely fast but it should be noted that due to the fact that the essential oil is combined with other cell content for some time, some alteration could occur due to enzymatic action.




Solvent extraction and essential oil

When we talk about the broad term of solvent extraction, it does not only refer to chemical solvents like hexane, but also to other forms – such as solid oil and fat as well as carbon dioxide.

solvent extraction

Solvent extraction is particularly suitable for botanical material that has a very low yield of essential oil, or where it is made up of mostly resinous components and as such delivers a far finer fragrance than that of distillation.

During this type of extraction, non-volatile components of the botanical material – such as waxes and pigments are also extracted and in some cases this is then removed during another process.

Under solvent extraction we list the following methods:


Maceration extraction method

With the maceration extraction method, the flowers are soaked in hot oil to have their cell membranes ruptured and the hot oil then absorbs the essence. The oil is then cleared of the botanical and decanted.

maceration oils Maceration extraction essential oil infused oil

This is very much the same technique used in solvent extractions, where solvents are used instead of the hot oil as used in maceration.

Enfleurage extraction of essential oils

Enfleurage could be compared to certain aspects employed in maceration, but is done in a slightly different way.

enfleurage extraction essential oils chassis en verre pour l'enfleurage

Glass plates in a frame (called a chassis) are covered with highly purified and odorless vegetable or animal fat and the petals of the botanical matter that are being extracted are spread across it and pressed in. The flowers are normally freshly picked before so encased in their fatty bed.

Time left in the fat on the chassis Enfleurage extraction of essential oils

The petals remain in this greasy compound for a few days or a couple of weeks (depending on the botanic material used) to allow the essence to disperse into the compound, where the then depleted petals are removed and replaced with a fresh harvest of petals.

This process is repeated until the greasy mix is saturated with the essence, and needs to be repeated a couple of times until saturation is achieved.

Enfleurage extraction of essential oils

When the mix has reached saturation point the flowers are removed and the enfleurage pomade – the fat and fragrant oil – then washed with alcohol to separate the extract from the remaining fat, which is then used to make soap.

As soon as the alcohol evaporates from the mixture you are left with the essential oil. This is a very labor-intensive way of extraction, and needless to say a very costly way to obtain essential oil and is nowadays only sometimes used to extract essential oil from tuberoses and jasmine.


Solvent extraction in essential oil manufacture

Essential oils can be extracted by using solvents such as petroleum ether, methanol, ethanol or hexane and is often used on fragile material such as jasminehyacinthnarcissus and tuberose, which would not be able to handle the heat of steam distillation.

hydrocarbon solvent extraction essential oil

A solvent extracted essential oil is very concentrated and is very close to the natural fragrance of the material used.

Although solvent extraction is used extensively, some people do not believe that it should be used for aromatherapy oils since a residue of solvent could be present in the finished product.

Some reports site a solvent residue of 6 – 20% still present in the finished extraction, but this was normally the case when benzene was the standard solvent used.

With hexane (a hydrocarbon) as the solvent material the solvent residue goes down to about 10 ppm (parts per million) and this is a extremely low concentration of solvent in the resultant product.

As mentioned, benzene is no longer used in the extraction method, since it is regarded as carcinogenic (cancer forming).

After the plant material has been treated with the solvent, it produces a waxy aromatic compound referred to as a “concrete“.


Hypercritical Carbon Dioxide gas
CO2 extraction of essential oils

The use of hypercritical carbon dioxide extraction is a fairly new way to extract essential oils from botanical material and although a bit on the expensive side, does yield good quality oils.

CO2 extraction essential oils hypercritical carbon dioxide gas

Carbon dioxide becomes hypercritical at 33 degrees Celsius, which is a state in which it is not really gas or liquid, but has qualities of both, and is an excellent solvent to use in the extraction of essential oils since the low temperature required and the fact that the process is near to instantaneous.

The carbon dioxide is furthermore inert and therefore does not chemically interact with the essence that is being extracted. To remove the carbon dioxide solvent, you simply need to remove the pressure under which it is kept.

This process has to take place in a closed chamber for the hypercritical pressure required for carbon dioxide is 200 atmospheres – that is 200 times the pressure of normal atmosphere.

To achieve this type of pressure some heavy-duty stainless steel equipment is required, and this is where high capital investment is required for this extraction method.



Why is the art of perfume making important? Safety, purity of medications as well as spiritual use.

Sula Benet (1903 – 1982), also known as Sara Benetowa, was a Polish anthropologist of the 20th century who studied Polish and Judaic customs and traditions.




Born in Poland, Benet was fascinated with peasant culture of Poland since her early youth. This interest eventually led her to enroll as a student of literature and philosophy in the Faculty of Humanities in the University of Warsaw but graduated with a degree in anthropology. Upon receiving her degree in 1935, she attended graduate school at Columbia University, where she received her doctorate in 1944.


  • Festive recipes and festival menus 1957
  • Song, Dance, and Customs of Peasant Poland[when?]
  • Riddles of many lands Carl Withers, Sula Benet – 1956
  • Early Diffusion and Folk Uses of Hemp. 1967
  • Abkhasians: the long-living people of the Caucasus 1974
  • How to live to be 100: the life-style of the people of the Caucasus 1976

[edit]Early Diffusion and Folk Uses of Hemp. 1967

Benet’s writings have gained modern notability[citation needed] for her interpretations of the herb appearing in Hebrew text as kaneh-bosim (Hebrew קְנֵה-בֹשֶׂם) five times in the Hebrew Bible and how it relates to the religious use of cannabisKaneh-bosm is mentioned twice as part of the holy anointing oil used in the temple, and has been interpreted traditionally as calamus (an herb that is known in North American shamanism and in vedic atharva and has been discovered in modern times to contain a molecule known as Asarone that is a precursor of trimethoxyamphetamine, a psychedelic). Through comparative etymology, analysis of ancient texts (including pre-Hebrew Semitic language), and pharmacological consistencies she contends that the word kaneh-bosm actually refers to cannabis and was used in ancient Jewish religious rites, as a medicine and ritual sacrament. Benet’s work claims that cannabis use has a long culturally important history, and that the criminalization and demonization of cannabis is a recent invention (an occurrence of the previous century compared to Torah: dating back at least 3,000 years). While Benet’s conclusion regarding the psychoactive use of cannabis are not generally recognized among Jewishscholars, there is general agreement that hemp (“Kaneh”) is used in talmudic sources to refer to hemp fibers, as hemp was a vital commodity before linen replaced it.[1] Benet claims that traditional identifications of kaneh bosom do not account for hemp shirts being produced from industrial hemp, which Benet claims is “Kaneh” in Hebrew.[2] Benet claims that this kaneh differs from the “fragrant” or “sweet” hemp called especially kaneh bosm, because the latter produces much more of aromatic and psychotropic substances like CBD and THC.[2] [3]

Exodus records Moses receiving the instructions for making and distributing the holy anointing oil, as follows:

Then the LORD said to Moses, “Take the following fine spices: 500 shekels of liquid myrrh, half as much of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels of kaneh bosm, 500 shekels of cassia – all according to the sanctuary shekel–and a hind of olive oil. Make these into a sacred anointing oil” (Exodus 30: 22-33)

The Hebrew term kaneh (קָנֶה) is the standard Hebrew word for “cane” or “reed,” occurring 62 times in the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible [4] It usually occurs without the adjective “sweet,” and is translated “reed,” though twice as calamus (Song of Songs 4:14 and Ezekiel 27:19 KJV). It occurs with the adjective “sweet” in three places (Exodus 30:22-33, Isaiah 43:24, Jeremiah 6:20), where kaneh bosm is typically translated as “calamus,” “sweet cane” or “fragrant cane” in English versions.

Sula Benet’s theory is not supported by academic or popular dictionaries of plants in the Hebrew Bible, which typically identify the plant as acorus calamus or cymbopogon citratus.[5]

[edit]See also


  1. ^ Encyclopedia Judaica. Volume 8. p. 323.
  2. a b Sula Benet, Early Diffusion and Folk Uses of Hemp. (Reprinted in Cannabis and Culture, Vera Rubin, Ed. pg.41 The Hague: Mouton, 1975.) Transcribed and available online by inactive Anchorage NORML chapter, at [1]
  3. ^ Sara Benetowa (Sula Benet), Tracing One Word Through Different Languages. (1936). (Reprinted in The Book of Grass, 1967.)
  4. ^ Hebrew Concordance
  5. ^ Lytton J. Musselman Figs , dates, laurel, and myrrh: plants of the Bible and the Quran p73


Exodus 30:25
Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
25 and make them into a holy anointing oil; blend it and perfume it as would an expert perfume-maker; it will be a holy anointing oil.

other translations:
New International Version (©1984)
Make these into a sacred anointing oil, a fragrant blend, the work of a perfumer. It will be the sacred anointing oil.
New Living Translation (©2007)
Like a skilled incense maker, blend these ingredients to make a holy anointing oil.

English Standard Version (©2001)
And you shall make of these a sacred anointing oil blended as by the perfumer; it shall be a holy anointing oil.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
“You shall make of these a holy anointing oil, a perfume mixture, the work of a perfumer; it shall be a holy anointing oil.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil.

GOD’S WORD® Translation (©1995)
Have a perfumer make these into a holy oil, a fragrant mixture, used only for anointing. This will be the holy oil used for anointing.

King James 2000 Bible (©2003)
And you shall make it an oil of holy anointing, an ointment compounded after the art of the perfumer: it shall be a holy anointing oil.

American King James Version
And you shall make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the are of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil.

American Standard Version
And thou shalt make it a holy anointing oil, a perfume compounded after the art of the perfumer: it shall be a holy anointing oil.

Douay-Rheims Bible
And thou shalt make the holy oil of unction, an ointment compounded after the art of the perfumer,

Darby Bible Translation
and make of it an oil of holy ointment, a perfume of perfumery after the work of the perfumer: it shall be the holy anointing oil.

English Revised Version
and thou shalt make it an holy anointing oil, a perfume compounded after the art of the perfumer: it shall be an holy anointing oil.

Webster’s Bible Translation
And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary: it shall be a holy anointing oil.

World English Bible
You shall make it a holy anointing oil, a perfume compounded after the art of the perfumer: it shall be a holy anointing oil.

Young’s Literal Translation
and thou hast made it a holy anointing oil, a compound mixture, work of a compounder; it is a holy anointing oil.

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Hemp Seed and Hemp Seed Oil ~ a superfood, but not a cancer cure…

Hemp Seed and Hemp Seed Oil

~ a superfood, but not a cancer cure…


Not to be confused with hash oil.

Is Hemp SEED oil the same as the cannabis cure oil?

NO! they are produced in entirely different methods from different parts and even different sexes of the plant!!! While I do recommend people cook with hemp seed oil whenever possible, It is not the cure for cancer. It is “health food” because  its 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids, which matches the balance required by the human body.  If you need more protein, I suggest eating raw shelled hemp seeds. Any vegetarian having trouble getting enough protein in their diet should buy some. A serving of 3 tablespoons packs 10 grams of protein.



What is Hemp Seed Oil?


Bottles of hempseed oil

Click here for reference 

Hemp oil or hempseed oil is obtained by pressing hemp seeds. Cold pressed, unrefined hemp oil is dark to clear light green in color, with a pleasant nutty flavour. The darker the color, the grassier the flavour.

Refined hempseed oil is clear and colorless, with little flavor and lacks natural vitamins and antioxidants. Refined hempseed oil is primarily used in body care products. Industrial hempseed oil is used in lubricants, paints, inks, fuel, and plastics. Hempseed oil has found some limited use in the production of soaps, shampoos and detergents. The oil is of high nutritional value because its 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids, which matches the balance required by the human body.[1] It has also received attention in recent years as a possible feedstock for the large-scale production of biodiesel.[2][3] There are a number of organisations that promote the production and use of hempseed oil.[4]

Hemp seed oil (right)

Hempseed oil is manufactured from varieties of Cannabis sativa that do not contain significant amounts of THC, the psychoactive element present in the cannabis plant. This manufacturing process typically includes cleaning the seed to 99.99% before pressing the oil. There is no THC within the hempseed, although trace amounts of THC may be found in hempseed oil when plant matter adheres to the seed surface during manufacturing. The modern production of hempseed oil, particularly in Canada, has successfully lowered THC values since 1998.[5]Hash oil, not to be confused with hempseed oil, is used for both medicinal and recreational purposes and made from the mature female flowers and leaves of the drug cannabis, thus having a much higher THC content. Hash oil should not be confused with hemp, as the modern usage of the word ‘hemp’ is reserved for plants that meet the legal requirement of containing 0.3% THC or less.[citation needed]_____________________________


Main article: hemp

Hempseeds from which hempseed oilcan be extracted

About 30–35% of the weight of hempseed is an edible oil that contains about 80% as essential fatty acids (EFAs); i.e., linoleic acid,omega-6 (LA, 55%), alpha-linolenic acidomega-3 (ALA, 22%), in addition to gamma-linolenic acidomega-6 (GLA, 1–4%) andstearidonic acidomega-3 (SDA, 0–2%).

The proportions of linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid in one tablespoon per day (15 ml) of hempseed oil easily provides human daily requirements for EFAs. Unlike flaxseed oil, hempseed oil can be used continuously without developing a deficiency or other imbalance of EFAs. This has been demonstrated in a clinical study, where the daily ingestion of flaxseed oil decreased the endogenous production of GLA.[6]In common with other oils, hempseed oil provides 9 kcal/g. Compared with other culinary oils it is low in saturated fatty acids.[7]Highly unsaturated oils, and especially poor quality oils, can spontaneously oxidize and turn rancid within a short period of time when they are not stored properly; i.e., in a cool/cold, dark place, preferably in a dark glass bottle. Hempseed oil can be frozen for longer periods of storage time. Preservatives (antioxidants) are not necessary for high-quality oils that are stored properly.

Hempseed oil has a relatively low smoke point and is not suitable for frying. Hempseed oil is primarily used as a food oil and dietary supplement, and has been shown to relieve the symptoms of eczema (atopic dermatitis).[8]Benefits

Hemp is a high protein seed containing all nine of the essential amino acids (like flax). It also has high amounts of fatty acids and fiber as well as containing vitamin E and trace minerals. It has a balanced ratio of omega 3 to 6 fats at around a three to one ratio. This won’t help correct your omega balance if it’s off, but it gives you the right balance to start with.

Further the protein content of the hemp seed is supposed to be very digestible. Many people noted their personal experience of finding that hemp seed protein did not cause bloating or gas, like some of their whey, or other protein shakes did.

And, get this, unlike soy which has super high amounts of phytic acid (that anti-nutrient that prevents us from absorbing minerals), hemp seed doesn’t contain phytic acid. At the very least, this makes hemp seed a step up from soy.

The Body Ecology Diet site has an article discussing hemp here.

It contains a list of benefits including what I mentioned above plus including some others as well.

Hemp contains:

* All 20 amino acids, including the 9 essential amino acids (EAAs) our bodies cannot produce.
* A high protein percentage of the simple proteins that strengthen immunity and fend off toxins.
* Eating hemp seeds in any form could aid, if not heal, people suffering from immune deficiency diseases. This conclusion is supported by the fact that hemp seed has been used to treat nutritional deficiencies brought on by tuberculosis, a severe nutrition blocking disease that causes the body to waste away.3
* Nature’s highest botanical source of essential fatty acid, with more essential fatty acid than flax or any other nut or seed oil.
* A perfect 3:1 ratio of Omega-6 Linoleic Acid and Omega-3 Linolenic Acid – for cardiovascular health and general strengthening of the immune system.
* A superior vegetarian source of protein considered easily digestible.
* A rich source of phytonutrients, the disease-protective element of plants with benefits protecting your immunity, bloodstream, tissues, cells, skin, organs and mitochondria.
* The richest known source of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids.

This article claims that because hemp’s protein is in the globulin edistin form it is a superior source of protein. It ends that thought with this paragraph.

“The best way to insure the body has enough amino acid material to make the globulins is to eat foods high in globulin proteins. Since hemp seed protein is 65% globulin edistin, and also includes quantities of albumin, its protein is readily available in a form quite similar to that found in blood plasma. Eating hemp seeds gives the body all the essential amino acids required to maintain health, and provides the necessary kinds and amounts of amino acids the body needs to make human serum albumin and serum globulins like the immune enhancing gamma globulins. Eating hemp seeds could aid, if not heal, people suffering from immune deficiency diseases. This conclusion is supported by the fact that hemp seed was used to treat nutritional deficiencies brought on by tuberculosis, a severe nutrition blocking disease that causes the body to waste away. [Czechoslovakia Tubercular Nutritional Study, 1955] “

reference for above centered “benefits section):


[edit]Wood finish

Hemp oil is a “drying oil”, as it can polymerize into a solid form. Due to its polymer-forming properties, hemp oil is used on its own or blended with other oils, resins, and solvents as an impregnator and varnish in wood finishing, as a pigment binder in oil paints, as a plasticizer and hardener in putty. It has uses similar to Linseed oil and characteristics similar totung oil.[9]click here for reference information for the above hemp seed oil portion of the post


Is there a difference between Hemp and Cannabis?

Yes and no… Hemp generally refers to either the male plant or the portions of the plant used for their fiber. Cannabis generally refers to the female plant and the portions of the plant used for it’s psychoactive and healing effects.

Merriam-Webster definitions of Hemp and Cannabis:


noun ˈhemp


a : a tall widely cultivated Asian herb
(Cannabis sativa of the family Cannabaceae, the hemp family)
that has a tough bast fiber used especially for cordage
and that is often separated into a tall loosely branched species (C. sativa)
and a low-growing densely branched species (C. indica)

b : the fiber of hemp

c : a psychoactive drug (as marijuana or hashish) from hemp


: a fiber (as jute) from a plant other than the true hemp;

also: a plant yielding such fiber

Origin of HEMP

Middle English, from Old English hænep;

akin to Old High German hanaf hemp,

Greek kannabis

First Known Use: before 12th century


: hemp 1a
: any of the preparations (as marijuana or hashish) or chemicals (as THC) that are derived from the hemp
and are psychoactive

Origin of CANNABIS

Latin, hemp, from Greek kannabis; akin to Old English hænephemp

First Known Use: 1783


Author’s note ~ there is so much more to know on the origin of the word Cannabis!!!

If you do your homework on cannabis well,
you should have come across kaneh-bosim (Hebrew קְנֵה-בֹשֶׂם)

The anthropologist Sula Benet did a lot of work
on the etymology of this word and it’s association
with Old Testament biblical recipe for
Holy Anointing Oil given in Exodus 30:22-25.

The term sweet calamus was mistranslated
and put in place of Kaneh-Bosim
when King James of england commissioned a new translation (circa 1604-1611).



Other nutritional concerns for Cancer Patients


Foods to avoid to heal Cancer more effectively:

Red meat and refined sugars are a bad idea.  If you have a sweet tooth, try to stay away from the white sugar and any sugars that have been through a lengthy refining process. Natural sugars such as honey or molasses and naturally occurring sugars in fruit are a good option. As I said in the introduction to this article, If you need more protein, I suggest eating raw shelled hemp seeds. Any vegetarian having trouble getting enough protein in their diet should buy some. A serving of 3 tablespoons packs 10 grams of protein!


Red Meat


A March 2012 study from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers has found that red meat consumption is associated with an increased risk of total, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality. The results also showed that substituting other healthy protein sources, such as fish, poultry, nuts, and legumes, was associated with a lower risk of mortality.

click here to learn more


Refined Sugar


n 1931, German biologist Otto Heinrich Warburg won a Nobel Prize for his research into the causes of cancer. In his studies, Warburg found that cancerous tumors fueled their growth through the metabolism of glucose — digested sugar. Although some scientists rejected Warburg’s theories for many decades, recent studies have drawn connections between different types of cancer and refined sugar intake.

Insulin Resistance and Cancer

The pancreas works with your digestive system to produce the hormone insulin, which aids in the metabolism of glucose. When you eat carbohydrates, the pancreas automatically releases insulin to help break the carbs down into glucose to fuel your cells. If you are insulin-resistant and eating a diet of primarily high-glycemic foods, your pancreas becomes overworked and cannot keep up with the demand for insulin, allowing glucose to build up in your bloodstream. Insulin resistance increases your risk of several diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. To prevent cancer, the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research recommended against consuming sugary beverages and snacks in a 2007 report.

Research into Specific Cancers

Many later studies have shown a direct connection between insulin resistance, high-glycemic diets and certain types of cancer. In a study of more than 2,500 women published in the “Annals of Oncology” in 2001, the findings supported a connection between insulin resistance and breast cancer development. Another study published in the “American Journal of Epidemiology” in 2006 followed 16,000 Norwegian men for 27 years and found insulin resistance to be a predictor of prostate cancer. An analysis of a study conducted in Italy from 1986 to 1992 published in the “Annals of Oncology” in 2008 drew a link between high-glycemic diets and thyroid cancer risk.

click here to learn more


*****note***** this post is an excerpt from another much longer and more detailed post regarding Phoenix Tears oil and frequently asked questions about the cannabis cure oil. please take the time to fully educate yourself by clicking here.


endnote: a top-shelf bud asked me to create this excerpt from the FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears Therapy for the Beginner post. She makes the most beautiful hempwork necklaces. Here is a collage of pieces that I own created by the an artist from Ohio, Ms. Katarina Marie of Grateful Hemp

you may purchase some of her Grateful Hemp Here



Breedheen O’Rilley Keefer
AKA Breezy Kiefair

links about breezy

Reefer Gurl “like” page on FB
Gardening Tips for the Medically Damned “like” page on FB
the more in depth, needs editing, 31 page version to help you understand why i sit at my machine fighting the machine day in and day out.


~ Do all that you can to cultivate peace within yourself, that it might
shine out from you, and plant the seed of peace in other spirits, for them
to cultivate.~{Remember… it is when we choose act on the issues that are in front of
our faces, when we choose to get involved instead of looking the other way
as our fellow man struggles, when we choose to take those small simple
little actions, working on righting little wrongs in our everyday lives that
really make change happen, those seemingly small actions are what really
make the world a better place and are a catalyst for greater social change.}
~Both quotes by Breedheen “Bree” O’Rilley Keefer~



send a pm through facebook to this profile

snail mail:

Bréedhéen O’Rilley Keefer

P.O. Box 849

Franktown, Colorado 80116

FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears Therapy for the Beginner

A Heart Filled with love is like a phoenix that no cage can imprison ~Rumi
A Heart Filled with love is like a phoenix that no cage can imprison ~Rumi

There is a cure for cancer and we are here to help you in your pursuit of life.

What if there is an answer to Cancer?

What if doctors already had the knowledge to cure cancer? What if that answer to cancer was a plant easily grown both indoors and out. These are not hypothetical “what if’s” There is an answer to cancer, that answer is Phoenix Tears.

What Are Phoenix Tears?

Quite simply, Phoenix Tears are a potent, concentrated form of the cannabis plant.  This therapy is also known as R.S.O (Rick Simpson Oil), Cannabis Cure Oil, Run From the Cure Oil, F.E.C.O (Fully Extracted Cannabis Oil), Ronnie Smith Oil, Jamaican Hash Oil (like you used to get “back in the day”) Cannabis extract, or simply hash oil. Whatever you call it, it is strong medicine that cures most cancers and can treat many disorders/diseases in the body.

Have Questions? You are Not Alone…

I hope I can offer you a few answers about Cannabis Cure Oil

I get a lot of questions about Phoenix Tears Therapy from people who know very little about cannabis or the healing process with Phoenix Tears Therapy. Therefore, I have decided to provide some information here on the blog to make it easier for everyone.

If you do not know what phoenix tears are or that they cure cancer, or have never heard that cannabis oil can treat and cure a wide variety of diseases, please take time to acquaint yourself with the following information/videos. I have made every attempt to quote my sources wherever appropriate.

2 ounces of oil, eaten over a 90-day time period is the cure for most cancers.  For some patients,it takes less oil/duration of therapy, for others, it takes more. If a patient can tolerate the psychoactive effects of the medication, they should eat as much as they can as quickly as they can.


What if cannabis cured cancer?

Could the chemicals found in marijuana prevent and even heal several deadly cancers? Could the tumor regulating properties of cannabinoids someday replace the debilitating drugs, chemotherapy, and radiation that harms as often as it heals? Discover the truth about this ancient medicine as world renowned scientists in the field of cannabinoid research explain and illustrate their truly mind-blowing discoveries. QUOTES: “What If Cannabis Cured Cancer summarizes the remarkable research findings of recent years about the cancer-protective effects of novel compounds in marijuana. Most medical doctors are not aware of this information and its implications for prevention and treatment. If we need more evidence that our current policy on cannabis is counterproductive and foolish, here it is.” -Andrew Weil, M.D. “A hugely important film” – Julie Holland, M.D. NYU School of Medicine

As the documentary explains, cannabis grew prolifically during ancient times and is thought to be mankind’s firs cultivated plant. Whether it was ground up and used as an ancient ingredient or simply eaten whole, marijuana was thought to be a component of ancient man’s diet, as well as one of his most trusted tools. As recently as the 1940’s, the US government grew marijuana over hundreds of acres and used it to make the ropes on America’s naval warships during World War 2.

In the 1800’s, medical journals published more than one hundred articles touting the benefits and uses of marijuana. The film insists that during the days of house-call-making doctors, marijuana was a part of every physician’s medical bag. One of the most widely prescribed treatments by doctors a century and a half ago, it was used to counter complaints such as labor pains, asthma, rheumatism, nervous disorders, colic in babies and menstrual cramps.

Today, even with the limited testing allowed by the world’s governments, marijuana is inspiring new medical discoveries and unlocking the mysteries of the human body. Some of the quotes put forth in the documentary by experts in the medical marijuana field include, “This group of chemicals has significant anti-tumor properties”, “Cannabis kills cancer cells, in many cases”, “They have anti-tumor effects” and “We know that it kills cancer cells without hurting the non-transformed cells”.

The documentary goes on to remind viewers that marijuana has already been proven to have anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and anti-bacterial properties – some of the most pharmaceutically-prescribed ailments in America today. The plant’s chemical effects have also proved to safely and successfully treat depression, traumatic stress syndrome, chronic pain, glaucoma, migraine headaches, multiple sclerosis, turrets, nausea and more – all without the deadly and dangerous side effects accompanying pharmaceutical drugs.

click here for reference 


visit the following url:

What if there is an answer to Cancer Video Playlist
At the below link, you will find a youtube playlist of pro-Phoenix Tears therapy/medicinal cannabis videos regarding cancer and other diseases for all them Marijana Men and Reefer Gurls out there as well as for all those poor souls stuck needing Gardening Tips for the Medically Damned because their bodies are falling apart. The Art of Breezy Kiefair includes the healing arts.  I have been working on expanding this post to include further details and resources because the initial post was so well received. I thank you for your kind shares and likes on this post. It is my sincerest hope that this does answer some questions for people. If you have a video suggestion to add to the list, please let me know (the list is in no way complete, I am just running out of strength for the day). If you have a question that I missed, please ask it on the post so that all may benefit from whatever answer I may be able to dig up. Thanks again all my friends, fans and fiends. Virtual tokes to those who need them, and as always, have a blessed day. (added 11/1/2012)

What if there is an answer to Cancer video playlist



Medical Marijuana Mice

Most of the evidence available about this amazing treatment is anecdotal, however the visual images of the healing are stunning and hard to ignore, even when it is the lowly lab mouse showing us what it can do.


Have Questions? You are Not Alone…

I hope I can offer you a few answers about Cannabis Cure Oil

I get a lot of questions about Phoenix Tears Therapy from people who know very little about cannabis or the healing process with Phoenix Tears Therapy. Therefore, I have decided to provide some information here on the blog to make it easier for everyone.

If you do not know what phoenix tears are or that they cure cancer, or have never heard that cannabis oil can treat and cure a wide variety of diseases, please take time to acquaint yourself with the following information/videos. I have made every attempt to quote my sources wherever appropriate.

2 ounces of oil, eaten over a 90-day time period is the cure for most cancers.  For some patients,it takes less oil/duration of therapy, for others, it takes more. If a patient can tolerate the psychoactive effects of the medication, they should as much as they can as quickly as they can.


Let’s begin with a bit of my personal cancer history


anyone else notice the big lump on the left? look just above the leaves over my shoulder. It began as a lump behind my left ear the ulcer on the top of the head has been there off and on since I was about 9 years old… it would heal up and reopen unexpectedly years later.
there is a cure for cancer… how many beautiful women need butchered because doctors wanna run from the cure for the sake of monetary gain… are you curious about the cure?

I have a genetic disorder that gives me an extremely high tolerance, and I ate 4-10 grams a day for about a month and cured my cancer. VERY few individuals can tolerate that much oil that quickly. It is not going to kill you  no matter how much you take (given that the tears have been made properly and no solvents remain). Most people just can’t take as much as I did and function on any level. I am a unique case on several levels, so my path and speed down that path need not be yours. You know your own body better than anyone else does (with the exception of your understanding of a creator if you have one.) You should be your own judge of what your body needs.

I am not a doctor or licensed herbalist. I am just a lady who has travelled this path trying to offer information to other people considering walking down this path of their own free will.

Just this August, I had cancer for the fourth time.

I fought with myself for a long time about even going to a doctor. MY FREE WILL said that a doctor visit is only a diagnostic tool…. I knew I would not be allowing any cutting… I would not be allowing any chemo… I seriously doubted I’d even submit to imaging (radiation of its own).  Another part of me thought that perhaps I would find some benefit from seeing a western medicine doctor for my cancer… I have had it 3 times before… Still, it was not as if I did not know what I was in for…. I make the cure… I’m was left wondering what to do or to think about it, and it was torture for me and everyone I am connected with…. I made up my own damn mind as always (would you expect anything less?) but, took wise take counsel in many forms before coming to a decision… I hate doctors with a passion, but for the good of my sanity and those around me, I went to the doctor. He said “malignant”, and I went home to eat oil.

I began using the phoenix tears therapy in November 2011 ( 1 drop – 1/4 gram of cannabis oil per day) to aid in the agony that had been diagnosed as “fibromyalgia” (a misdiagnosis, but we will get to that part of the tale later) Even before I went in to see the doctor, I had been stepping up my dosing of phoenix tears from my previous dosing.

On August 20, 2012, my facebook status message read:

my mission for the day? do good and try to heal my own body (we have not gone into a doc, but the phoenix tears is pulling some “very bad things” out of me) We have not decided if a trip to see an oncologist is in order, and even if it is in order, i’m not sure i wanna go see the butchers, submit to the diagnostic torture, and fight with them about my alternative therapy choices… so is my remission at an end or not? does it really matter? the answer is the same… I live in a house that makes the cure…. So I will be doing high dose phoenix tears therapy until all these masses are gone… By the way, I have DVD copies of Run From The Cure available for anyone who needs them… I intend to hand them out free at hospitals and Run for the Cure events……

I fulfilled that mission. I have given out at least 50 free copies of the “Run from the Cure” that I had paid a company to make for me. I still have around 50 to go. Some went to dispensaries (as you would expect), some were handed out in the doctor’s office(s) I visited, others went to health food stores, some went to herbalists and naturopathic healers, some went to people I happened to speak to in the grocery store line, more went in random places where it was up to fate to decide whose hands the video ended up in… like outside of tobacco shops, liquor stores, and gambling dens. 

After a conversation with a Dude collecting donations for homeless vets. Before giving, I made sure the vets are allowed to medicate with weed. They are and brother man has his red card.I donated $108 to his cause when I meant to donate $9… there is a benjamin doing good things for homeless vets… wow am i glad i asked if they had a place for the vets to use their canna-medicine if they have a colorado license to do so… 

I had to shave the back of my head to make topical application of the cannabis oil thinned slightly with olive oil an easier thing to do. I remembered a haircut that had been popular in my youth, and secure in the knowledge that my treatment would not make my hair fall out, I only shaved the back of my head. If I wore a scarf, no one could tell that the back of my head was so lumpy, uneven and working on using the cancer cure. But it wasn’t just a mass on the back of my head, I also had a mass in my left breast and small masses in various other parts of my body (along the lymphatic system’s pathways).  My digestive tract was so messed up that I have lived on a liquid diet almost exclusively from March 2012-the present (although I have recently been able to eat/digest more solid food). There were a ton of other symptoms as well. It was agony. By taking the phoenix tears in very high doses, I was able to eliminate all the masses the doctors had found. They were shocked, amazed, and educated by my “miraculous healing”. They had given me about a month to live, and within that month, I made all the cancer go away using cannabis oil.

On September 24, 2012 at 10:46pm my Facebook status proudly read:

Doc says I am cancer free…. Doc said the remaining portion of the mass on the back of my head is acute muscle tension (thank you fibro). Doc says my doggie gave me a minor head injury while playing with me… doc also says I have Acute Pancreatitis and need to be on bed-rest and clear liquids for a while….. I was afraid of people showing up at the er, so I had to say it was a bud of mine and not me…. They wanted to keep me at the hospital for a few days to control the pain and ensure I was ok, but I just couldn’t handle that and I know I can get a shit-ton of things done on bedrest at home where as I couldn’t get jack and shit done at the hospital…. Thanks for the love and support guys…. I needed it and still do….

Issues with my gut continued. I was diagnosed later with pancreatitis, then colitis, and finally a root cause to all my pain was discovered. I have a rare genetic disease called Familial Mediterranean Fever. Sadly, cannabis cannot cure a defect in my genes (to my knowledge) but it remains an important part of my pain control regimen to ensure I function. You can read more about my crazy genes by clicking this paragraph.

The good news is I can eat solid foods again (sometimes) and I am getting a lot more sleep than I have been capable of in years with the addition of the new treatment based on the diagnosis of Familial Mediterranean Fever.


Even harry pot-head (i mean potter) knows Phoenix Tears have healing powers!!!


Still Curious about the Cure for Cancer? Read ON!


Is there a difference between Hemp and Cannabis?

Yes and no… Hemp generally refers to either the male plant or the portions of the plant used for their fiber. Cannabis generally refers to the female plant and the portions of the plant used for it’s psychoactive and healing effects.

Merriam-Webster definitions of Hemp and Cannabis:


noun ˈhemp


a : a tall widely cultivated Asian herb
(Cannabis sativa of the family Cannabaceae, the hemp family)
that has a tough bast fiber used especially for cordage
and that is often separated into a tall loosely branched species (C. sativa)
and a low-growing densely branched species (C. indica)

b : the fiber of hemp

c : a psychoactive drug (as marijuana or hashish) from hemp


: a fiber (as jute) from a plant other than the true hemp;

also: a plant yielding such fiber

Origin of HEMP

Middle English, from Old English hænep;

akin to Old High German hanaf hemp,

Greek kannabis

First Known Use: before 12th century

: hemp 1a
: any of the preparations (as marijuana or hashish) or chemicals (as THC) that are derived from the hemp
and are psychoactive

Origin of CANNABIS

Latin, hemp, from Greek kannabis; akin to Old English hænephemp

First Known Use: 1783

Author’s note ~ there is so much more to know on the origin of the word Cannabis!!!

If you do your homework on cannabis well,
you should have come across kaneh-bosim (Hebrew קְנֵה-בֹשֶׂם)

The anthropologist Sula Benet did a lot of work
on the etymology of this word and it’s association
with Old Testament biblical recipe for
Holy Anointing Oil given in Exodus 30:22-25.

The term sweet calamus was mistranslated
and put in place of Kaneh-Bosim
when King James of england commissioned a new translation (circa 1604-1611).

Benet’s writings have gained modern notability[citation needed]
for her interpretations of the herb appearing in
Hebrew text as kaneh-bosim (Hebrew קְנֵה-בֹשֶׂם)
five times in the Hebrew Bible and how it
relates to the religious use of cannabis.
Kaneh-bosm is mentioned twice as part of
the holy anointing oil used in the temple,
and has been interpreted traditionally as calamus
(an herb that is known in North American shamanism
and in vedic atharva and has been discovered in
modern times to contain a molecule known as Asarone
that is a precursor of trimethoxyamphetamine, a psychedelic).
Through comparative etymology, analysis of ancient texts
(including pre-Hebrew Semitic language), a
nd pharmacological consistencies she contends that
the word kaneh-bosm actually refers to cannabis
and was used in ancient Jewish religious rites,
as a medicine and ritual sacrament.
Benet’s work claims that cannabis use has a long culturally important history,
and that the criminalization and demonization of cannabis is a recent invention
(an occurrence of the previous century compared to Torah: dating back at least 3,000 years).
While Benet’s conclusion regarding the psychoactive use of cannabis
are not generally recognized among Jewish scholars,
there is general agreement that hemp (“Kaneh”)
is used in talmudic sources to refer to hemp fibers,
as hemp was a vital commodity before linen replaced it.[1]
Benet claims that traditional identifications of kaneh bosom
do not account for hemp shirts being produced from industrial hemp,
which Benet claims is “Kaneh” in Hebrew.[2]
Benet claims that this kaneh differs from the “fragrant” or “sweet” hemp
called especially kaneh bosm, because the latter
produces much more of aromatic and psychotropic substances like CBD and THC.[2] [3]
reference url:

I am grateful to live in a country that has freedom of religion. I personally believe that  cannabis was out on our planet by a loving creator to  enrich our lives and keep us healthy. 


Is Hemp SEED oil the same as the cannabis cure oil?

NO! they are produced in entirely different methods from different parts and even different sexes of the plant!!! While I do recommend people cook with hemp seed oil whenever possible, It is not the cure for cancer. It is “health food” because   its 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids, which matches the balance required by the human body.


What is Hemp Seed Oil?


Click here for reference 
Not to be confused with hash oil.
Bottles of hempseed oil

Hemp oil or hempseed oil is obtained by pressing hemp seeds. Cold pressed, unrefined hemp oil is dark to clear light green in color, with a pleasant nutty flavour. The darker the color, the grassier the flavour.

Refined hempseed oil is clear and colorless, with little flavor and lacks natural vitamins and antioxidants. Refined hempseed oil is primarily used in body care products. Industrial hempseed oil is used in lubricants, paints, inks, fuel, and plastics. Hempseed oil has found some limited use in the production of soaps, shampoos and detergents. The oil is of high nutritional value because its 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids, which matches the balance required by the human body.[1] It has also received attention in recent years as a possible feedstock for the large-scale production of biodiesel.[2][3] There are a number of organisations that promote the production and use of hempseed oil.[4]

Hemp seed oil (right)

Hempseed oil is manufactured from varieties of Cannabis sativa that do not contain significant amounts of THC, the psychoactive element present in the cannabis plant. This manufacturing process typically includes cleaning the seed to 99.99% before pressing the oil. There is no THC within the hempseed, although trace amounts of THC may be found in hempseed oil when plant matter adheres to the seed surface during manufacturing. The modern production of hempseed oil, particularly in Canada, has successfully lowered THC values since 1998.[5]Hash oil, not to be confused with hempseed oil, is used for both medicinal and recreational purposes and made from the mature female flowers and leaves of the drug cannabis, thus having a much higher THC content. Hash oil should not be confused with hemp, as the modern usage of the word ‘hemp’ is reserved for plants that meet the legal requirement of containing 0.3% THC or less.[citation needed]Nutrition

Main article: hemp

Hempseeds from which hempseed oilcan be extracted

About 30–35% of the weight of hempseed is an edible oil that contains about 80% as essential fatty acids (EFAs); i.e., linoleic acid,omega-6 (LA, 55%), alpha-linolenic acidomega-3 (ALA, 22%), in addition to gamma-linolenic acidomega-6 (GLA, 1–4%) andstearidonic acidomega-3 (SDA, 0–2%).

The proportions of linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid in one tablespoon per day (15 ml) of hempseed oil easily provides human daily requirements for EFAs. Unlike flaxseed oil, hempseed oil can be used continuously without developing a deficiency or other imbalance of EFAs. This has been demonstrated in a clinical study, where the daily ingestion of flaxseed oil decreased the endogenous production of GLA.[6]In common with other oils, hempseed oil provides 9 kcal/g. Compared with other culinary oils it is low in saturated fatty acids.[7]Highly unsaturated oils, and especially poor quality oils, can spontaneously oxidize and turn rancid within a short period of time when they are not stored properly; i.e., in a cool/cold, dark place, preferably in a dark glass bottle. Hempseed oil can be frozen for longer periods of storage time. Preservatives (antioxidants) are not necessary for high-quality oils that are stored properly.

Hempseed oil has a relatively low smoke point and is not suitable for frying. Hempseed oil is primarily used as a food oil and dietary supplement, and has been shown to relieve the symptoms of eczema (atopic dermatitis).[8]Benefits

Hemp is a high protein seed containing all nine of the essential amino acids (like flax). It also has high amounts of fatty acids and fiber as well as containing vitamin E and trace minerals. It has a balanced ratio of omega 3 to 6 fats at around a three to one ratio. This won’t help correct your omega balance if it’s off, but it gives you the right balance to start with.

Further the protein content of the hemp seed is supposed to be very digestible. Many people noted their personal experience of finding that hemp seed protein did not cause bloating or gas, like some of their whey, or other protein shakes did.

And, get this, unlike soy which has super high amounts of phytic acid (that anti-nutrient that prevents us from absorbing minerals), hemp seed doesn’t contain phytic acid. At the very least, this makes hemp seed a step up from soy.

The Body Ecology Diet site has an article discussing hemp here.

It contains a list of benefits including what I mentioned above plus including some others as well.

Hemp contains:

* All 20 amino acids, including the 9 essential amino acids (EAAs) our bodies cannot produce.
* A high protein percentage of the simple proteins that strengthen immunity and fend off toxins.
* Eating hemp seeds in any form could aid, if not heal, people suffering from immune deficiency diseases. This conclusion is supported by the fact that hemp seed has been used to treat nutritional deficiencies brought on by tuberculosis, a severe nutrition blocking disease that causes the body to waste away.3
* Nature’s highest botanical source of essential fatty acid, with more essential fatty acid than flax or any other nut or seed oil.
* A perfect 3:1 ratio of Omega-6 Linoleic Acid and Omega-3 Linolenic Acid – for cardiovascular health and general strengthening of the immune system.
* A superior vegetarian source of protein considered easily digestible.
* A rich source of phytonutrients, the disease-protective element of plants with benefits protecting your immunity, bloodstream, tissues, cells, skin, organs and mitochondria.
* The richest known source of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids.

This article claims that because hemp’s protein is in the globulin edistin form it is a superior source of protein. It ends that thought with this paragraph.

“The best way to insure the body has enough amino acid material to make the globulins is to eat foods high in globulin proteins. Since hemp seed protein is 65% globulin edistin, and also includes quantities of albumin, its protein is readily available in a form quite similar to that found in blood plasma. Eating hemp seeds gives the body all the essential amino acids required to maintain health, and provides the necessary kinds and amounts of amino acids the body needs to make human serum albumin and serum globulins like the immune enhancing gamma globulins. Eating hemp seeds could aid, if not heal, people suffering from immune deficiency diseases. This conclusion is supported by the fact that hemp seed was used to treat nutritional deficiencies brought on by tuberculosis, a severe nutrition blocking disease that causes the body to waste away. [Czechoslovakia Tubercular Nutritional Study, 1955] “

reference for above centered “benefits section):

[edit]Wood finish

Hemp oil is a “drying oil”, as it can polymerize into a solid form. Due to its polymer-forming properties, hemp oil is used on its own or blended with other oils, resins, and solvents as an impregnator and varnish in wood finishing, as a pigment binder in oil paints, as a plasticizer and hardener in putty. It has uses similar to Linseed oil and characteristics similar totung oil.[9]click here for reference information for the above hemp seed oil portion of the post


Foods to avoid to heal Cancer more effectively:

Red meat and refined sugars are a bad idea. If you need more protein, I suggest eating raw shelled hemp seeds. Any vegetarian having trouble getting enough protein in their diet should buy some. A serving of 3 tablespoons packs 10 grams of protein! If you have a sweet tooth, try to stay away from the white sugar and any sugars that have been through a lengthy refining process. Natural sugars such as honey or molasses and naturally occurring sugars in fruit are a good option.

Red Meat

A March 2012 study from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers has found that red meat consumption is associated with an increased risk of total, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality. The results also showed that substituting other healthy protein sources, such as fish, poultry, nuts, and legumes, was associated with a lower risk of mortality.

click here to learn more

Refined Sugar

n 1931, German biologist Otto Heinrich Warburg won a Nobel Prize for his research into the causes of cancer. In his studies, Warburg found that cancerous tumors fueled their growth through the metabolism of glucose — digested sugar. Although some scientists rejected Warburg’s theories for many decades, recent studies have drawn connections between different types of cancer and refined sugar intake.

Insulin Resistance and Cancer

The pancreas works with your digestive system to produce the hormone insulin, which aids in the metabolism of glucose. When you eat carbohydrates, the pancreas automatically releases insulin to help break the carbs down into glucose to fuel your cells. If you are insulin-resistant and eating a diet of primarily high-glycemic foods, your pancreas becomes overworked and cannot keep up with the demand for insulin, allowing glucose to build up in your bloodstream. Insulin resistance increases your risk of several diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. To prevent cancer, the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research recommended against consuming sugary beverages and snacks in a 2007 report.

Research into Specific Cancers

Many later studies have shown a direct connection between insulin resistance, high-glycemic diets and certain types of cancer. In a study of more than 2,500 women published in the “Annals of Oncology” in 2001, the findings supported a connection between insulin resistance and breast cancer development. Another study published in the “American Journal of Epidemiology” in 2006 followed 16,000 Norwegian men for 27 years and found insulin resistance to be a predictor of prostate cancer. An analysis of a study conducted in Italy from 1986 to 1992 published in the “Annals of Oncology” in 2008 drew a link between high-glycemic diets and thyroid cancer risk.

click here to learn more



How Much Oil Should the Patient take?

Beginning dosing of this medication is truly tiny for most individuals. The patient should eat their doses, not smoke them. I have had people who have smoked their tears out of desperation due to a lack of cannabis flowers, but it does not do you nearly as much good to smoke it. If you are in severe pain, the lungs can be the fastest way for the medication to begin to ease it, but this method does not offer the deeper levels of healing that eating it can give you.

Tears made properly have been through a process known as decarboxylation that makes the compounds within the cannabis plant more easily used by the body’s endocannabinoid system when ingested. Be careful not to overheat your medication either. You lose your active compounds if you cook with too much heat. Never store your cannabis oil in the sunshine, though it does not need to be refrigerated (it actually becomes too thick to get out of the oral syringe if it is too cold…) if your meds won’t flow from the syringe, try putting upright in a cup of warm water for 10-15 minutes. Be sure the syringe opening is pointing towards the ceiling  You don’t want the hassle of trying to reclaim your tears from the cup of water)

The term “decarboxylation” literally means removal of the COOH (carboxyl group) and its replacement with a proton. The term simply relates the state of the reactant and product. Decarboxylation is one of the oldest organic reactions, since it often entails simple pyrolysis, and volatile products distill from the reactor. Heating is required because the reaction is less favorable at low temperatures. Yields are highly sensitive to conditions. In retrosynthesis, decarboxylation reactions can be considered the opposite of homologation reactions, in that the chain length becomes one carbon shorter. Metals, especially copper compounds,[1] are usually required. Such reactions proceed via the intermediacy of metal carboxylate complexes.

Beginners should ingest 1/2-1 grain of rice sized dab of oil 2-3 times a day. Doses must be increased with the patient’s tolerance.


How many grams to a milliliter of phoenix tears oil?

I do NOT recommend people be on the oil and chemotherapy/radiation at the same time they are on the oil. When people do that, the oil spends all its time repairing the damage that the chemo/radiation caused within their body and does not seem to fight the cancer as effectively (takes more oil and a longer duration of therapy if they are determined to keep up with the “big pharma” solutions.) I have seen people who made the choice to stay on chemo and they still got better on the oil… It is all a matter of free will in the end.
I guess the point of that is: Don’t make the oil’s job any harder than it already is by introducing more poison into the system.


Side Effects of the oil?

Some patients find it a bad idea to take the oil on an empty stomach (usually people who have issues with SEVERE nausea anyway). Those patients should take their doses with a meal. Some patients find the taste undesirable  For those patients, I recommend either putting the oil in a vegetable capsule (almost any vitamin shop or health food store carries empty ones) or they could put the dose on a piece of bread and swallow it like a pill.

Most patients start with a dab of oil that is about the size of a grain of rice (and for some people, even that is too potent because they dislike the psychoactive effects… those individuals begin on 1/2 of a grain of rice sized dose)
This dose should be taken 2-3 times a day until the patient begins to notice a drop off in the psychoactive effects and/or a drop off in the ways the oil had been helping.

For many patients, they notice a drop off in the appetite stimulation at this point. When the patient reaches this treatment plateau, you begin increasing the dose amount (within the patient’s tolerance for the oil/psychoactive effects)
The goal is to reach a total weight of one gram per day. The syringes I fill are clearly marked with 1ml graduations. 1ml=1.2 grams of oil.

Some patients have experienced visual hallucinations on this medication. This can be quite unnerving the first time it happens, however most of the patients I have dealt with describe very pleasant “trips” such as sitting on a cloud and speaking with their creator or having the feeling of balls of light invading the body and healing them. Hallucinations tend to happen more often in older patients and in patients who have no prior experience with cannabis (never even smoked a joint). If the patient finds the hallucinations uncomfortable or wants to avoid the experience, reduce dosing until a tolerance is built.

Some patients find they will run a fever off and on during the therapy. Often it is localized to the area where the cancer is (warm to the to the touch) I am a firm believer in letting a fever run it’s course unless it gets to a level where it is dangerously high {about 104 for adults or sustained 102 (constant not up and down) for a few days….} and even then there are plenty of non-big pharma ways to lower the temp…. several herbs do the trick well…. there are even plenty of non-chemical ways to lower a dangerous fever. Most people reach for the tylenol if they are even a degree above what they think they should be… they are damaging their liver and not even giving their immune system the benefit of the purpose of a fever… to help your immune system get rid of whatever invader it is responding to. click here for wikipedia article on fevers

This medication is psychoactive and there is really no way around “feeling high” while you are on it. People who hate the psychoactive effects should take their largest dose of medication primarily at night when they want to sleep anyway. Caregivers should be aware of a fall hazard to the patient. Some people it makes a bit unsteady on their feet, especially when getting up for the bathroom at night. For males with this issue, I recommend a bedside urinal to reduce the danger of a fall. Same solution works for ladies (a bedpan) but fewer women are willing to use a bedpan than men are willing to use a urinal.

If you are ingesting cannabis oil that has been made properly at all, You WILL test positive for cannabis use on any drug test. Most regular cannabis smokers know that you will test positive for weed for about 30 days after smoking it. It is important to note that the 30 days rule of thumb DOES NOT APPLY TO CANNABIS OIL. Those who have ingested cannabis oil (particularly at high doses) could test positive for cannabis in a drug test up to 90 days after the treatment has stopped.

What Solvent to use?

What solvent you use to create your cannabis oil is very important. If you are thinking of making your own oil, please take the time to educate yourself on the benefits and risks of any solvent you are thinking of using.

I recommend use of food grade alcohol and nothing else for beginners (because the solvent is already food grade, it is good for beginners who are learning the method… that way, IF any solvent is left behind due to inexperience, it is still safe to consume. Those proficient with use of alcohol as a solvent may then begin using isopropyl alcohol 91% (rubbing alcohol) once they have learned to tell when no solvent remains. If you use a still, you can reclaim your solvent for reuse to cut down on costs.

There have been cases of people eating cold water extracted hash or kief and seeing benefits as well. You just have to eat a higher volume of those substances because they are in a less concentrated form.


Someone actually said to me….. ” Butane is so safe,it is used in food with no label”

Is that why I (and many others) cannot tolerate butane extracted hash? is that why it makes my body ache every time I smoke it? again… I will follow my common sense and you follow yours….

“Despite its usefulness, butane is also a toxic chemical. Inhalation of the gas can lead to drowsiness, narcosis, cardiac arrhythmia, frostbite, and death from asphyxiation, acute toxicity, and ventricular fibrillation. Butane inhalation is the most common single cause of solvent-related death. Thus, butane needs to be handled with care.”


I do not believe that Naphtha should be used to create this medication for ANYONE. I have received a great deal of hate for taking this position, however this substance is dangerous on MANY levels and I cannot in good conscience stop educating people on it’s dangers when others are actively encouraging its use. Many people have subtle or undiagnosed multiple chemical sensitivities. There are many reasons Naphtha is not a healthy solvent. I encourage you to read this post that speaks in detail about the dangers (just click this sentence)

and watch this video:

Please also be sure to read the commentary on both versions of this video. I kindly call it a debate, but anyone who reads it will see that I have taken a great deal of heat for educating people to the dangers of using the petrochemical naphtha  to create cannabis oil.

Commentary on the first version of the video.

Commentary on the second version of the video.



Cannabis Oil Stains/Cleanup

This oil will stain fabric and just about anything you get it on. It can be very difficult to clean up when spilled. ISO alcohol is the best method I have found to clean up spills and messes. It does not always take stains out of fabric (time is of the essence in treating those stains), but it is excellent for cleaning up spills just about everywhere else. Syringes I provide have a toothpick in the opening of the syringe that MUST be removed prior to pressing on the plunger to get your dose. Keep that toothpick in the syringe when not actually taking a dose to reduce medication loss. You should also release some of the pressure on the plunger (by pulling it back out some post dose time) every time you use it for the same reason. Putting oil in capsules, and the capsules in a pill bottle is the most effective way  I have found to dose “on the go” (while the patient is away from home, i.e. out running errands).


Ronnie Smith taught me how to make the oil. Mr. Smith has been making the Cannabis oil for 6 years and has seen over 250 of his patients be cured by this amazing plant gifted to the animal kingdom by the loving creator responsible for us all. Mr. Smith of provides the following information sheet to his patients.

Hemp Oil Dosage Information


It takes the average person about 90 days to ingest the full 60 gram treatment. I suggest that people start with 3 doses per day about half the size of a grain of dry rice. A dose such as this would equal about ¼ of a drop. After four days at this dosage, increase your doses every four days until you are at the point where you are ingesting about 1 gram in 24 hours, so each dose should equal 1/3 of a gram.

It takes the average person about 5 weeks to get to the point where they can ingest a gram per day. Once they reach this dosage they can continue at this rate until the cancer disappears. A gram is 1.2 milliliters.

By using this method it allows the body to build up its tolerance slowly, in fact, I have many reports from people who took the oil treatment and never got ‘high’. We all have different tolerances for any medication. Your size and body weight have little to do with your tolerance for hemp oil.

Be aware when commencing treatment with hemp oil that it will lower your blood pressure, so if you are currently taking blood pressure medication, it is very likely that you will no longer need it.

When people are taking the oil, I like to see them stay within their comfort zone, but the truth is, the faster you take the oil the better the chance of surviving. At the end of their treatment most people continue taking the oil but at a much reduced rate. 6 to 12 grams a year would be a good maintenance dose. I do not like to see people overdosing on the oil, but an overdose does no harm. The main side effect of this medication is sleep and rest which plays an important role in the healing process. Usually, within an hour or so of taking a dose, the oil is telling you to lay down and relax. Don’t fight the sleepy feeling, just lay down and go with it. Usually within a month, the daytime tiredness associated with this treatment fades away but the patient continues to sleep very well at night. The only time I would recommend that people start out with larger doses would be to get off addictive and dangerous pain medications. When people who are using such medications begin the oil treatment, they usually cut their pain medications in half. The object is to take enough oil to take care of the pain and to help the patient get off these dangerous pharmaceutical drugs. Taking the oil makes it much easier for the patient to get off these addictive chemicals.

I simply tell people the oil will do one of two things; it will either cure your cancer or in cases where it is too late to affect a cure, the oil will ease their way out and they can at least die with dignity. Hemp oil has a very high success rate in the treatment of cancer; unfortunately many people who come to me have been badly damaged by the medical system with their chemo and radiation etc. The damage such treatments cause have a lasting effect and people who have suffered the effects of such treatments are the hardest to cure. It should also be mentioned that the oil rejuvenates vital organs like the pancreas. Many diabetics who have taken the oil find that after about six weeks on the oil that they no longer require insulin since their pancreas is again doing its job. Properly made hemp medicine is the greatest healer on this planet bar none. Once you experience what this medication can do you will understand why history and I call hemp medicine a cure all.


A bit of Cancer poetry for thought…

To Whom It May Concern
I was run over by the truth one day.
Ever since the diagnosis I have been this way
So burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer.

Heard the alarm clock screaming with pain,
Couldn’t find myself so I went back to sleep again
So fill my veins with Chemo
burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer. Every time I shut my eyes, all I see is pain.
Made a little ribbon to remember all the names
So empty out my bank account
fill my veins with chemo
burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer.I hear they are thinking surgery, hope it’s not my brains.
They’re only cuttin wishes and feeding casket sales
So numb my brain with Morphine
empty out my bank  account
fill my veins with chemo
burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer.Where were you at the time of the crime?
Ripping up the hippocratic oath, just to make a dime?
So chain my Life with hopelessness
numb my brain with Morphine
empty out my bank account
fill my veins with chemo
burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer
You put your doctors in, they take their conscience out,
They take the human being and they twist it all about
So take my world away
chain my Life with hopelessness
numb my brain with Morphine
empty out my bank account
fill my veins with chemo
burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer– 
There is a cure for cancer…
how many beautiful women and men need to be butchered
because doctors want to run from the cure
for the sake of monetary gain?



Thinking of beginning on this therapy for yourself or a loved one?  Please be sure that the patient and the patient’s caregiver have seen the “Run from the Cure” movie and are willing to ingest cannabis.

Do you need a DVD copy of the video to show a loved one who does not have internet access?  Click Here to order a copy for $2 plus the cost of shipping.


Here is a video of how to make the oil.

 Please also visit the text tutorial here:


Keep Reading for more Information on this therapy, 



What It Does & How It Works

excerpt from link:

If you are looking for a safe medication, look no further than what the hemp plant can provide. On top of all that it’s a medicine we can all grow and produce ourselves. Also there is no need for a doctor’s supervision with its use.

When the hemp plant is grown for medicinal use, you now have your own medical system that is much safer and effective than anything our current medical system provides. You still may require a doctor to set your broken leg, but you will no longer need the chemicals they have been pushing upon us.

Hemp is medicine for the masses and no one has the right to control its use. We are all different and we all have different tolerances for practically everything. So it is up to each and every one of us to determine for ourselves how much oil we require to maintain good health.

Over the years people have come to me who after years of treatment by the medical system did not even have a diagnosis for their conditions. But the oil exercised its amazing healing power and their medical problems were solved.

Another aspect of the use of hemp as medicine is its anti-aging properties. As we age, our vital organs deteriorate and of course this impairs the function of these organs.

Hemp oil rejuvenates vital organs even in small doses it is very common for people to report to me that they feel 20 to 30 years younger after only ingesting the oil for a short time.

Now let’s take it to the next level. What about people who ingest larger quantities of oil over a longer period of time like myself? After 9 years on the oil my body does not appear to be that of a 60 year old man. Instead, my body has the appearance of someone who is a great deal younger. When I have the oil at my disposal I like to take about a quarter of a gram a day. Of course, due to short supply, quite often I must go without so my own treatment has been erratic to say the least.

From my own experience with the oil I cannot help but wonder what would happen if a person was to ingest larger quantities of oil over a longer period of time. If a person were to do this, can they actually reverse the aging process and grow younger instead of aging.

From the oils effect on my own body by all appearances this seems to be the case. Someday soon when I have enough oil I intend to start taking a gram a day for a year to see what effect it has on my body.

Many people who have taken the oil have stated that they thought it to be the fountain of youth. From my own experiences with the oil I believe this to be true.

Please also see dosing information:

Please also see testimonials:


Whose oil can you trust?

please also read:

I make oil/give away oil and even sell oil, however, I DO encourage everyone to learn how to make their own medicine. That being said, I understand that not everyone has the desire or strength to make the oil for themselves.

You can make a monetary donation to help keep the free tears going by clicking this sentence  we began this link for art supplies, but have used it to accept donations online as well. remember that healing is an art as well.


Want to read more about the success people are seeing with this oil?


Cannabis Oil Success Stories

is a group on Facebook. It is full of knowledgeable individuals who have seen the healing that can come from this therapy. Often, people have to hide the fact they are on this treatment for fear of persecution/prosecution. Cannabis Oil Success Stories gives people on the therapy a forum to share information and to help each other get through any bumps along the road during therapy. They lend support to both patients and caregivers who are embarking on this Cannabis Healing Journey.


This medication is very effective when used topically  Please take a look at these stories!


Phoenix Tears Healing a Diabetic Ulcer (8 months of treatment)

I must admit that I have not updated you all on this story in FAR too long. I must also admit that all I was truly able to do for this ulcer is to prevent it from becoming overly dangerous to a very resistive patient. I could have achieved more success had I been able to convince Fat Freddy (the patient) to stop wearing his suspenders. I believe that the wound began as a pressure sore from those suspenders, and as long as he continues to wear them, he will continue to have a sore there. During my prolonged illness this summer, I had someone else take over his wound care. Initially, they did not follow instructions or treat his wound and within a few weeks, his shoulder looked like the “before” images in the below video. When therapy resumed, his wound resumed the healing process and was back to the level of healing it had been when I last provided documentation. I have a few videos and images that have been piling up on this story, however due to the patient’s stubbornness, I have little faith that this wound will ever truly heal. What can be done is continuing the therapy and preventing a major infection in a geriatric body.


Patient testimonial “I have cancer, cancer does not have me”

This is a patient under Mr. Ronnie Smith’s care. Mr. Smith runs The video was created by the patient and the audio track was added by Ms. Breezy.


Cured: A Cannabis Story (A Film By David Triplett)

Cannabis cured David Triplett’s skin cancer. The above video is his story.

It has been proven that concentrated cannabis extract oil cures cancer.

Why hasn’t The U.S. National Cancer Institute or The American Cancer Society tested Cannabis Oil?. Is it lack of personnel (2,100 USNCI staff members) or limited financial support (USNCI 2010 budget of $5.1 Billion dollars!)

Cannabis Concentrate or extract is the same as Rick Simpson’s “Hemp Oil”. Hemp seed oil is NOT what Rick Simpson is making and using.

Google “cannabinoids” and “cancer”.
Google “endocannabinoids” and “cancer”
Google “THC” and “Cancer”.
Google pubmed, go there and look up “endocannabinoids” and “cancer”, as well as “cannabinoids” and “cancer”.

*****Note, in the interest of full disclosure,  David Triplett is not my personal patient. His story is so powerful that I felt the need to include it here with this information.


See the effects of Cannabis oil on a Parkinson’s Patient

This is a patient under Mr. Ronnie Smith’s care. Mr. Smith runs


Stopping Epileptic seizures with Hemp Oil

This is a patient under Mr. Ronnie Smith’s care. Mr. Smith runs

A Note from Breezy on Seizures
If you have seizures, strain choice can make a big difference. For some patients with seizures, a concentrated form of cannabis is not even necessary when the right strain choices of flowers for smoking are available. Generally, any strain from the white widow branch of the cannabis family tree is a good choice. Please view the Cannabis products and Colorado Dispensary Reviews Page here on for more information on strain choice for epilepsy and several other conditions. Check the description of the videos for more information.


txt msg from a patient’s daughter who wishes anonymity:

“I hope you are in the mood to be showered with praise. I want you to hear what YOUR medicine is doing. Mom outlived her prognosis. She is feeling as healthy as a horse. Labs are great. Tumors have shrunk even more. There is NO new metastasis. Doctor doesn’t know what to think. This is shaking him up a bit. He says her chemo would not do this and even if it did, there is no way she could be this healthy. Breezy you are a true gift from God!”

~anonymous daughter of a cancer patient

This is a patient under Ms. Breezy Kiefair’s care. Ms. Breezy runs


Message from anonymous Chronic Back Pain Patient

back injury patient…. the injury has long since healed as far as it wants to, but the pain has stuck around for them making work/day to day life difficult. She had this to say regarding their night spent sleeping with a gram of phoenix tears oil in a capsule…..

“I slept like a rock last night only after spinning like crazy. Think that was a little too much even for me! Had the worst case of cotton mouth ever and I think I am still feeling the effects. just got home from cleaning my aunts bathrooms woo that was an easy $50”

~anonymous back pain patient

This is a patient under Ms. Breezy Kiefair’s care. Ms. Breezy runs


On Use of Phoenix Tears to Treat

Severe Pain or Chronic Intractable Pain


Higher dosing may be necessary for those with severe pain. Dosing for Intractable pain can match that of a cancer patient (a gram a day), and in some cases even exceed it. Remember folks… your nervous system can only send so many pain signals to the brain before the brain senses an attack/danger of some kind. Your brain may not understand in the least what the threat is or where it is coming from… enough pain=physiological responses to a threat in the brain. Once the threat is sensed, it turns on our most primitive parts of the brain out of sheer survival mode…. when someone is bathed in adrenalyne because of their pain, they are not really themselves any more… there is a primitive auto-pilot in the captains chair that doesn’t give a damn about logic or reason or anything other than mitigating the threat it thinks is there because of all the pain signals. Real Niacin (not niacinamide) can help circumvent this cycle, but only if you can tolerate the flushing (remember itching powder you could put in someone’s drink? remember how it said it was harmless? that is because it was niacin)

This also explains why people can be exhausted, weak and seemingly unable to even rise out of bed one moment, and then when that adrenaline kicks in… why, you’re a screaming banshee with all the energy you could possibly need to destroy yourself and those you love around you? I try to channel it into things like getting caught up on cleaning, or directing the anger/passion somewhere (anywhere) it is more deserved than on my loved ones….. if that means crafting a letter to the government telling them what’s up or if that means telling someone that really needs to hear it in a powerful way what the causes their actions are having… I try to direct all that adrenaline into more positive places when it happens, but it is such a negative feeling that it is really easy to loose track of the fact that there is no real threat other than the ones coming from your own central nervous system…

I learned most of this through attempting to treat my own severe intractable pain. If you would like to read up on the science behind these involuntary responses, I suggest you read the article on wikipedia regarding the Fight-or-Flight response to stressors. 


Fibromyalgia and Cannabis oil

I believe that fibromyalgia patients need to supplement with cannabis oil. There is research that suggests the disease may be a disorder/deficiency in the endocannabinoid system. Here is a link for the fibro peeps on the endocannabinoid system and their potential deficiency….


Not Every Story is a clear success…

In some cases, all that can be done is to ease the passing of a dear friend with the only mercy you can find. Sometimes the cure just gets there too late to do much more than ease the pain of passing away. Sometimes people are just too stubborn and wait too long to begin treatment. Other times, the knowledge of this treatment remains elusive to the patient or their loved one’s attention  until there just isn’t enough time left for the oil to work. We had a pet owner recently who valiantly tried to save his best friend’s life (his dog). Duke the Cancer fighting dog may not have had the “happy ending” we were all hoping for, but it did make the end of life less painful for this dog. We also got word that after the pooch no longer could use the medicine, his human companion was able to use the oil and see the benefits in his own body. Sometimes it’s a mixed blessing like that. This is a joint patient under Mr. Ronnie Smith and Ms. Breezy Kiefair’s care. Mr. Smith runs and Ms. Breezy Kiefair runs


Gramps’ Cannabis Oil & Cancer Journey

*****Note, in the interest of full disclosure,  “Gramps”  is not my personal patient. His story is so powerful that I felt the need to include it here with this information.

from the healing files of Auntie Debi Phillips
“I am so sorry I haven’t got back to you. First the hand: fantastic. Almost totally healed, after the first treatment with the oil all inflammation was gone infection was almost cleared up, I aired it all day then just washed it & re-bandaged it . I had had an allergic reaction to the lasik they used & had a bad red burn around I that hurt. The next morning it was gone, burn healed. The scar tissue that had formed before oil had been so tight I could hardly move my thumb, after the oil it became elastic again & I’ve been able to move my thumb again without pain. Yesterday the skin graft they put on it fell off & the wound looks fantastic. Going to treat with oil again & a sore the Dr. Wants to remove when I go next time on my elbow. I don’t want to have it cut on like this one so if I treat it now I’m praying when he scraps it again this time there won’t be any cancer cells this time & when he wonders why I am handing him educational material, maybe he will convert or at least be receptive.

I am so grateful for saving my hand. I really believe if you hadn’t sent the oil I wouldn’t be able to use my thumb & first finger. I’ve also been working as secretary where my life partner works as a mechanic. I have two more spots of skin cancer. I”m gonna take pictures of before & during treatment & the end results also.” (Debi is breezy’s adopted auntie)


What is the bottom line if you desire to make the oil yourself or are unable to make it?


It takes one pound of cannabis to create 2 ounces of oil. For those who are financially secure, the price for the cure is $2,000. The smallest amount I can sell is one oral syringe of oil for $500. 1 oral syringe = 12 grams of treatment.
12 grams is about 1 month’s worth of medicine for the beginner. It takes 5 syringes (2 ounces) to cure most cases of cancer.


Free Phoenix Tears???

I have a free phoenix tears patient to patient program for those who are low income or out of the treatment temporarily.


Unfortunately, demand for the free oil is so high that (as I type 10/29/12) I am looking at a month before that line even moves,  I do triage people based on severity of illness and financial need for the free list. Please remember that I provide these mercies out of my own pocket. Donations of raw materials or monetary support are few and far between. When they happen, I am grateful. When support is absent, I still try and find a way to serve those in need regardless of ability to pay.

I know that waiting on someone else’s mercy is one of the hardest things to do in the world. Especially when you are waiting on something that could save your life (or your loved one’s life)
I really appreciate your patience my darling patients…

Some people get angry at me during the wait-list period not realizing that I am trying to help as many people as possible with as little as possible… even going unmedicated myself at times to do it… I really hate dry times like these… I try and remind myself and others getting low on patience that I do this out of my own pocket… no one (on any sort of regular basis) donates raw materials to me to get these mercies done.

No matter how much i wish to heal sick people, there have been some I had to harden my heart to because they became abusive… Now, I can understand better than most how pain can turn you into a monster…

If people are able to act like adults later and make amends, my heart softens… if not, then i just have to close the door to contact and feel guilty… (i have taken more than my fair share of abuse in this life already.. verbal and otherwise… and I cannot continue to do this work if I do not set firm boundaries with individuals like this)

Remember! Love and Mercy are things everyone is willing to take and few are willing to give. When the well of kindness that the few give from runs dry, whose responsibility is it to refresh the well we all need to drink of? The “givers” run dry and the “takers” get mad that there is nothing left to give.

To those of you mature enough to stick around for the long haul, I’m saying how much I appreciate working with people like you who see the larger picture. looking like a month or so before the list begins to move again… and cancer waits for no man woman or child. For these cold realities, I apologize.

Free Program and ALL OIL REFERRALS through this site closed as of March 2013 through due to change in author’s circumstances! I will update if I begin to offer them again. I do still offer informational consultations.



you can also communicate via email:

Contact Breezy for patient to patient compassion and for information regarding cannabis oil or friend me on facebook and send me a private message

You can make a monetary donation to help the author by clicking this sentence.



There is a cure for cancer and I am here to help you in your pursuit of life.


i’ve done a lot of time walking with the creator to get from where I was to where I am now…. that’s what faith can do… even if i am a ball of drama 99% of the time because of my past…..

I’ve been able to move from a position of the person with their had out begging to the person filling hands…. read some of the old notes i recently posted…. and then think about how far I have actually come.


I have been long winded (as always), and for that I apologize.

I’d like to speak to Colorado for a moment and it’s voters…. I feel I must leave you with the following thoughts regarding how you cast your vote on the Amendment 64 issue in a few days.

For the record, I STILL do NOT SUPPORT COLORADO CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 64 Corporate Greed IS NOT LEGAL WEED! Vote NO on Colorado State Constitutional Amendment 64! (or at least read the damn bill and see how corporate minded it is and then make up your mind…. don’t listen to the pamphlets or the tv spots… trust your own reasoning after reading the LANGUAGE you are making yourself subject to!)….. Read the bill and think about who they wrote the bill to benefit… their own freaking pocketbooks, that’s who… read the text of the AMMENDMENT (provided in red letters at the link ) and then decide how to vote… don’t just think “YAY legal weed” and vote… you’re not getting what you think you are babies!

The bill that is written to serve those who already have money (dispensary owners wanting to convert to party stores to sell to recreational users and stop dealing with us “difficult” sick people). If you read the bills closely, it is really easy to see whom they were written to serve…. the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol serves those already deep in the industry and keeps the grows in corporate hands…. I believe the recreational users should be allowed to grow. It’s just a plant….. When people see the shackles and chains
slapped on them by this bill in reality (the words put into practice) people are going to be just as pissed about these regulations as they are about the regs under hb-1284/sb-109

curious? follow this link and read more:


October 25, 2012

Proponents of Amendment 64 Continue their Smoke Screen of Deceit
Denver, CO: Deceit and deception, the folks behind Amendment 64 are becoming masters of spin. Those that have taken the time to think critically about Amendment 64 have determined that the law continues to criminalize marijuana and that simply removing the word prohibition is just a smoke screen used to hide the fact that people will still go to jail for marijuana possession.
They continue their deceit and word spinning while defending themselves from Roger Sherman’s recent criticism of the findings from Colorado Center on Law & Policy stating that Colorado could see $100 million in revenues by 2017. While ending marijuana “prohibition” would certainly generate more income for the state, an almost laughably obvious point, Amendment 64 still criminalizes marijuana possession and positions the initiative to only benefit those with easy access to the significant investment funds needed to meet the requirements of the initiative. Those wanting to build their business in the true American way of starting small and growing big, will be left out in the lurch and probably end up in jail for trying.
Consider the following statements from some of Amendment 64’s largest proponents:
“we believe that once the people of Colorado end marijuana prohibition in the state by passing Amendment 64, there will be far more thought given to whether it is appropriate to force the state to have marijuana sold to non-patients by drug cartels and other criminal enterprises.” Mason Tvert
Amendment 64 is exclusively for its wealthy backers since everyone else will be suspected of having ties to drug cartels and other criminal enterprises requiring additional resources for law enforcement. It begs to question how many minority and low-income communities will be considered as having ties to drug cartels.
And, here is Art Way’s line by line breakdown of what Roger Sherman said followed by the Denver 420 Rally’s line by line analysis in bold:
“Art Way, Senior Policy Manager for the Drug Policy Alliance in Colorado, is and has been part of that reform. He is a fifth generation native of Denver’s eastside and a virulent advocate for issues impacting his community.”
No, Art Way is a sell out to big business. That is his new community. If he were truly a community advocate he would help those in his community, who by birth into dire circumstances became drug dealers as a means of survival, become legal. Instead he advocates for an initiative that will continue to incriminate those in his community by creating unrealistic limitations on marijuana possession for those choosing to grow six plants and by requiring significant investments to start a legal operation, money that is not easily accessible to minority and low-income communities. The issues that plague Art’s community will continue, only now under the word criminalization instead of prohibition.
“The Legislative Council staff is well-respected. And their analysis is sound. But their analysis is more limited. The CCLP report includes excise tax revenue and the Blue Analysis did not factor in the savings that will be realized when the police and courts no longer enforce prohibition. Legislative Council did not include those two factors.”
Bold faced lie. The courts and law enforcement will still be enforcing a different form of prohibition. Amendment 64 is nothing more than a play on words. It still clearly and quite obviously criminalizes marijuana. So, the Blue Analysis did not factor in the savings from no longer needing to enforce “prohibition” because instead they will still be enforcing the criminal penalties set forth by Amendment-64. Therefore, they will not be realizing the saving that the analysis by the Colorado Center on Law and Policy claims because the Legislative Council sees through the play on words that Amendment 64 uses to deceive the public.
Contact: Miguel Lopez, Denver 420 Rally
(720) 338-8766


I am also very disappointed in the CDPHE for not approving PTSD on the Colorado APPROVED conditions list for a medicinal cannabis card…. THE PEOPLE petitioned to have it added as afforded by Amendment 20. Are you incapable of handling the research? I guess you want our soldiers offing themselves for a job done for their country? You have no heart and no business controlling our medicine.” read more:



Colorado Department Of Public Health and Environment website

 Colorado Medical Marijuana Registry Home Page

Information every low income applicant to the Colorado Medical Marijuana Registry should know


Effective January 1, 2012, the Registry will no longer accept Food Stamp and Supplemental Security Income letters as proof of low-income status.

Patients with a household income that is 185% of the Federal Poverty Level or less, qualify for fee waiver. The chart below indicates the annual household incomes, adjusted for family size, that qualify.

Household incomes at 185% of 2012  Federal Poverty Guidelines*

# in Family Annual Income
1 $20,664.50
2 $27,990.50
3 $35,316.50
4 $42,642.50
5 $49,968.50
6 $57,294.50
7 $64,620.50
8 $71,946.50
Each Additional $ 7,067.00

Source: Federal Register, Vol 75, No. 17, January 26, 2012, ppl 4034-4035

*Poverty guidelines are updated periodically in the Federal Register by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under the authority of 42 U.S.C. 9902(2)

To apply for a Fee Waiver/Tax Exempt Status, patients must:

1. Request a certified copy of their most current State tax returnfrom the Department of Revenue. Tax returns must be within the last two years to qualify. Patients can request a certified copy of their tax return by completing form DR-5714 ‘Request for Copy of Tax Returns’ available logo The form must be completed, notarized and sent to the Colorado Department of Revenue for processing.

2. Complete form MMR1010 Request for Fee Waiver/Tax-Exempt Status. 1010.pdf pdf file .

3. Send the Request for Fee Waiver/Tax-Exempt Status form and the certified copy of the most current State tax return with the patient’s application.

4. Patients who already have a Medical Marijuana Registration Card, may submit form MMR 1010 and a copy of their certified State tax return to have their card status modified to “Tax Exempt.”

You Can’t see my pain with your eyes. The only thing that relieves my pain is Cannabis! You could never imagine the pain I suffer, yet you deny me my freedom. Image by: The Art of Breezy Kiefair for the Reefer Gurl Facebook page


as always, thank you for your time and attention in reading this. If you found it useful or of value please share it with your friends. Did I miss something you think needs covered? Please comment in a respectful manner or message me so that the issue has been brought to my attention.



Breedheen O’Rilley Keefer
AKA Breezy Kiefair

links about breezy

Reefer Gurl “like” page on FB
Gardening Tips for the Medically Damned “like” page on FB
the more in depth, needs editing, 31 page version to help you understand why i sit at my machine fighting the machine day in and day out.


~ Do all that you can to cultivate peace within yourself, that it might
shine out from you, and plant the seed of peace in other spirits, for them
to cultivate.~{Remember… it is when we choose act on the issues that are in front of
our faces, when we choose to get involved instead of looking the other way
as our fellow man struggles, when we choose to take those small simple
little actions, working on righting little wrongs in our everyday lives that
really make change happen, those seemingly small actions are what really
make the world a better place and are a catalyst for greater social change.}
~Both quotes by Breedheen “Bree” O’Rilley Keefer~


Always remember you can tell what a person really believes in by their actions… your actions prove to all the world who and what you bow down to in this life… Your actions tell people what your free will wants far louder and more plainly than your words ever could… When you are gone, those same seemingly small actions will give you exactly what you deserve.. to quote a long forgotten bit of poetry I read once on a faded newspaper clipping in a children’s reader from the 1860’s “how will men remember you when that you are gone… the little things you say and do, they shall linger on.”So I ask each of you to take a good look inside your own heads, hearts, spirits and souls and ask yourself… who do you serve? do you serve only yourself and ignore your fellow man? We all have areas we need improvement…. If you look in there and find your actions are not showing what is in your heart, then maybe it’s time to change your behavior to be more in line with the light shining within you however you choose to understand it….. that being said…. have a blessed day fully in line with your own free will and heart….
~Breedheen O’Rilley


Related articles


send a pm through facebook to this profile

snail mail:

Bréedhéen O’Rilley Keefer

P.O. Box 849

Franktown, Colorado 80116

FAQ’s about Phoenix Tears Therapy for the Beginner

A Heart Filled with love is like a phoenix that no cage can imprison ~Rumi

A Heart Filled with love is like a phoenix that no cage can imprison ~Rumi

There is a cure for cancer and we are here to help you in your pursuit of life.

What if there is an answer to Cancer?

What if doctors already had the knowledge to cure cancer? What if that answer to cancer was a plant easily grown both indoors and out. These are not hypothetical “what if’s” There is an answer to cancer, that answer is Phoenix Tears.

What Are Phoenix Tears?

Quite simply, Phoenix Tears are a potent, concentrated form of the cannabis plant.  This therapy is also known as R.S.O (Rick Simpson Oil), Cannabis Cure Oil, Run From the Cure Oil, F.E.C.O (Fully Extracted Cannabis Oil), Ronnie Smith Oil, Jamaican Hash Oil (like you used to get “back in the day”) Cannabis extract, or simply hash oil. Whatever you call it, it is strong medicine that cures most cancers and can treat many disorders/diseases in the body.

Have Questions? You are Not Alone…

I hope I can offer you a few answers about Cannabis Cure Oil

I get a lot of questions about Phoenix Tears Therapy from people who know very little about cannabis or the healing process with Phoenix Tears Therapy. Therefore, I have decided to provide some information here on the blog to make it easier for everyone.

If you do not know what phoenix tears are or that they cure cancer, or have never heard that cannabis oil can treat and cure a wide variety of diseases, please take time to acquaint yourself with the following information/videos. I have made every attempt to quote my sources wherever appropriate.

2 ounces of oil, eaten over a 90-day time period is the cure for most cancers.  For some patients,it takes less oil/duration of therapy, for others, it takes more. If a patient can tolerate the psychoactive effects of the medication, they should eat as much as they can as quickly as they can.


What if cannabis cured cancer?

Could the chemicals found in marijuana prevent and even heal several deadly cancers? Could the tumor regulating properties of cannabinoids someday replace the debilitating drugs, chemotherapy, and radiation that harms as often as it heals? Discover the truth about this ancient medicine as world renowned scientists in the field of cannabinoid research explain and illustrate their truly mind-blowing discoveries. QUOTES: “What If Cannabis Cured Cancer summarizes the remarkable research findings of recent years about the cancer-protective effects of novel compounds in marijuana. Most medical doctors are not aware of this information and its implications for prevention and treatment. If we need more evidence that our current policy on cannabis is counterproductive and foolish, here it is.” -Andrew Weil, M.D. “A hugely important film” – Julie Holland, M.D. NYU School of Medicine

As the documentary explains, cannabis grew prolifically during ancient times and is thought to be mankind’s firs cultivated plant. Whether it was ground up and used as an ancient ingredient or simply eaten whole, marijuana was thought to be a component of ancient man’s diet, as well as one of his most trusted tools. As recently as the 1940’s, the US government grew marijuana over hundreds of acres and used it to make the ropes on America’s naval warships during World War 2.

In the 1800’s, medical journals published more than one hundred articles touting the benefits and uses of marijuana. The film insists that during the days of house-call-making doctors, marijuana was a part of every physician’s medical bag. One of the most widely prescribed treatments by doctors a century and a half ago, it was used to counter complaints such as labor pains, asthma, rheumatism, nervous disorders, colic in babies and menstrual cramps.

Today, even with the limited testing allowed by the world’s governments, marijuana is inspiring new medical discoveries and unlocking the mysteries of the human body. Some of the quotes put forth in the documentary by experts in the medical marijuana field include, “This group of chemicals has significant anti-tumor properties”, “Cannabis kills cancer cells, in many cases”, “They have anti-tumor effects” and “We know that it kills cancer cells without hurting the non-transformed cells”.

The documentary goes on to remind viewers that marijuana has already been proven to have anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and anti-bacterial properties – some of the most pharmaceutically-prescribed ailments in America today. The plant’s chemical effects have also proved to safely and successfully treat depression, traumatic stress syndrome, chronic pain, glaucoma, migraine headaches, multiple sclerosis, turrets, nausea and more – all without the deadly and dangerous side effects accompanying pharmaceutical drugs.

click here for reference 


visit the following url:

What if there is an answer to Cancer Video Playlist
At the below link, you will find a youtube playlist of pro-Phoenix Tears therapy/medicinal cannabis videos regarding cancer and other diseases for all them Marijana Men and Reefer Gurls out there as well as for all those poor souls stuck needing Gardening Tips for the Medically Damned because their bodies are falling apart. The Art of Breezy Kiefair includes the healing arts.  I have been working on expanding this post to include further details and resources because the initial post was so well received. I thank you for your kind shares and likes on this post. It is my sincerest hope that this does answer some questions for people. If you have a video suggestion to add to the list, please let me know (the list is in no way complete, I am just running out of strength for the day). If you have a question that I missed, please ask it on the post so that all may benefit from whatever answer I may be able to dig up. Thanks again all my friends, fans and fiends. Virtual tokes to those who need them, and as always, have a blessed day. (added 11/1/2012)

What if there is an answer to Cancer video playlist



Medical Marijuana Mice

Most of the evidence available about this amazing treatment is anecdotal, however the visual images of the healing are stunning and hard to ignore, even when it is the lowly lab mouse showing us what it can do.


Have Questions? You are Not Alone…

I hope I can offer you a few answers about Cannabis Cure Oil

I get a lot of questions about Phoenix Tears Therapy from people who know very little about cannabis or the healing process with Phoenix Tears Therapy. Therefore, I have decided to provide some information here on the blog to make it easier for everyone.

If you do not know what phoenix tears are or that they cure cancer, or have never heard that cannabis oil can treat and cure a wide variety of diseases, please take time to acquaint yourself with the following information/videos. I have made every attempt to quote my sources wherever appropriate.

2 ounces of oil, eaten over a 90-day time period is the cure for most cancers.  For some patients,it takes less oil/duration of therapy, for others, it takes more. If a patient can tolerate the psychoactive effects of the medication, they should as much as they can as quickly as they can.


Let’s begin with a bit of my personal cancer history


anyone else notice the big lump on the left? look just above the leaves over my shoulder. It began as a lump behind my left ear the ulcer on the top of the head has been there off and on since I was about 9 years old… it would heal up and reopen unexpectedly years later.
there is a cure for cancer… how many beautiful women need butchered because doctors wanna run from the cure for the sake of monetary gain… are you curious about the cure?

I have a genetic disorder that gives me an extremely high tolerance, and I ate 4-10 grams a day for about a month and cured my cancer. VERY few individuals can tolerate that much oil that quickly. It is not going to kill you  no matter how much you take (given that the tears have been made properly and no solvents remain). Most people just can’t take as much as I did and function on any level. I am a unique case on several levels, so my path and speed down that path need not be yours. You know your own body better than anyone else does (with the exception of your understanding of a creator if you have one.) You should be your own judge of what your body needs.

I am not a doctor or licensed herbalist. I am just a lady who has travelled this path trying to offer information to other people considering walking down this path of their own free will.

Just this August, I had cancer for the fourth time.

I fought with myself for a long time about even going to a doctor. MY FREE WILL said that a doctor visit is only a diagnostic tool…. I knew I would not be allowing any cutting… I would not be allowing any chemo… I seriously doubted I’d even submit to imaging (radiation of its own).  Another part of me thought that perhaps I would find some benefit from seeing a western medicine doctor for my cancer… I have had it 3 times before… Still, it was not as if I did not know what I was in for…. I make the cure… I’m was left wondering what to do or to think about it, and it was torture for me and everyone I am connected with…. I made up my own damn mind as always (would you expect anything less?) but, took wise take counsel in many forms before coming to a decision… I hate doctors with a passion, but for the good of my sanity and those around me, I went to the doctor. He said “malignant”, and I went home to eat oil.

I began using the phoenix tears therapy in November 2011 ( 1 drop – 1/4 gram of cannabis oil per day) to aid in the agony that had been diagnosed as “fibromyalgia” (a misdiagnosis, but we will get to that part of the tale later) Even before I went in to see the doctor, I had been stepping up my dosing of phoenix tears from my previous dosing.

On August 20, 2012, my facebook status message read:

my mission for the day? do good and try to heal my own body (we have not gone into a doc, but the phoenix tears is pulling some “very bad things” out of me) We have not decided if a trip to see an oncologist is in order, and even if it is in order, i’m not sure i wanna go see the butchers, submit to the diagnostic torture, and fight with them about my alternative therapy choices… so is my remission at an end or not? does it really matter? the answer is the same… I live in a house that makes the cure…. So I will be doing high dose phoenix tears therapy until all these masses are gone… By the way, I have DVD copies of Run From The Cure available for anyone who needs them… I intend to hand them out free at hospitals and Run for the Cure events……

I fulfilled that mission. I have given out at least 50 free copies of the “Run from the Cure” that I had paid a company to make for me. I still have around 50 to go. Some went to dispensaries (as you would expect), some were handed out in the doctor’s office(s) I visited, others went to health food stores, some went to herbalists and naturopathic healers, some went to people I happened to speak to in the grocery store line, more went in random places where it was up to fate to decide whose hands the video ended up in… like outside of tobacco shops, liquor stores, and gambling dens. 

After a conversation with a Dude collecting donations for homeless vets. Before giving, I made sure the vets are allowed to medicate with weed. They are and brother man has his red card.I donated $108 to his cause when I meant to donate $9… there is a benjamin doing good things for homeless vets… wow am i glad i asked if they had a place for the vets to use their canna-medicine if they have a colorado license to do so… 

I had to shave the back of my head to make topical application of the cannabis oil thinned slightly with olive oil an easier thing to do. I remembered a haircut that had been popular in my youth, and secure in the knowledge that my treatment would not make my hair fall out, I only shaved the back of my head. If I wore a scarf, no one could tell that the back of my head was so lumpy, uneven and working on using the cancer cure. But it wasn’t just a mass on the back of my head, I also had a mass in my left breast and small masses in various other parts of my body (along the lymphatic system’s pathways).  My digestive tract was so messed up that I have lived on a liquid diet almost exclusively from March 2012-the present (although I have recently been able to eat/digest more solid food). There were a ton of other symptoms as well. It was agony. By taking the phoenix tears in very high doses, I was able to eliminate all the masses the doctors had found. They were shocked, amazed, and educated by my “miraculous healing”. They had given me about a month to live, and within that month, I made all the cancer go away using cannabis oil.

On September 24, 2012 at 10:46pm my Facebook status proudly read:

Doc says I am cancer free…. Doc said the remaining portion of the mass on the back of my head is acute muscle tension (thank you fibro). Doc says my doggie gave me a minor head injury while playing with me… doc also says I have Acute Pancreatitis and need to be on bed-rest and clear liquids for a while….. I was afraid of people showing up at the er, so I had to say it was a bud of mine and not me…. They wanted to keep me at the hospital for a few days to control the pain and ensure I was ok, but I just couldn’t handle that and I know I can get a shit-ton of things done on bedrest at home where as I couldn’t get jack and shit done at the hospital…. Thanks for the love and support guys…. I needed it and still do….

Issues with my gut continued. I was diagnosed later with pancreatitis, then colitis, and finally a root cause to all my pain was discovered. I have a rare genetic disease called Familial Mediterranean Fever. Sadly, cannabis cannot cure a defect in my genes (to my knowledge) but it remains an important part of my pain control regimen to ensure I function. You can read more about my crazy genes by clicking this paragraph.

The good news is I can eat solid foods again (sometimes) and I am getting a lot more sleep than I have been capable of in years with the addition of the new treatment based on the diagnosis of Familial Mediterranean Fever.


Even harry pot-head (i mean potter) knows Phoenix Tears have healing powers!!!


Still Curious about the Cure for Cancer? Read ON!


Is there a difference between Hemp and Cannabis?

Yes and no… Hemp generally refers to either the male plant or the portions of the plant used for their fiber. Cannabis generally refers to the female plant and the portions of the plant used for it’s psychoactive and healing effects.

Merriam-Webster definitions of Hemp and Cannabis:


noun ˈhemp


a : a tall widely cultivated Asian herb
(Cannabis sativa of the family Cannabaceae, the hemp family)
that has a tough bast fiber used especially for cordage
and that is often separated into a tall loosely branched species (C. sativa)
and a low-growing densely branched species (C. indica)

b : the fiber of hemp

c : a psychoactive drug (as marijuana or hashish) from hemp


: a fiber (as jute) from a plant other than the true hemp;

also: a plant yielding such fiber

Origin of HEMP

Middle English, from Old English hænep;

akin to Old High German hanaf hemp,

Greek kannabis

First Known Use: before 12th century

: hemp 1a
: any of the preparations (as marijuana or hashish) or chemicals (as THC) that are derived from the hemp
and are psychoactive

Origin of CANNABIS

Latin, hemp, from Greek kannabis; akin to Old English hænephemp

First Known Use: 1783

Author’s note ~ there is so much more to know on the origin of the word Cannabis!!!

If you do your homework on cannabis well,
you should have come across kaneh-bosim (Hebrew קְנֵה-בֹשֶׂם)

The anthropologist Sula Benet did a lot of work
on the etymology of this word and it’s association
with Old Testament biblical recipe for
Holy Anointing Oil given in Exodus 30:22-25.

The term sweet calamus was mistranslated
and put in place of Kaneh-Bosim
when King James of england commissioned a new translation (circa 1604-1611).

Benet’s writings have gained modern notability[citation needed]
for her interpretations of the herb appearing in
Hebrew text as kaneh-bosim (Hebrew קְנֵה-בֹשֶׂם)
five times in the Hebrew Bible and how it
relates to the religious use of cannabis.
Kaneh-bosm is mentioned twice as part of
the holy anointing oil used in the temple,
and has been interpreted traditionally as calamus
(an herb that is known in North American shamanism
and in vedic atharva and has been discovered in
modern times to contain a molecule known as Asarone
that is a precursor of trimethoxyamphetamine, a psychedelic).
Through comparative etymology, analysis of ancient texts
(including pre-Hebrew Semitic language), a
nd pharmacological consistencies she contends that
the word kaneh-bosm actually refers to cannabis
and was used in ancient Jewish religious rites,
as a medicine and ritual sacrament.
Benet’s work claims that cannabis use has a long culturally important history,
and that the criminalization and demonization of cannabis is a recent invention
(an occurrence of the previous century compared to Torah: dating back at least 3,000 years).
While Benet’s conclusion regarding the psychoactive use of cannabis
are not generally recognized among Jewish scholars,
there is general agreement that hemp (“Kaneh”)
is used in talmudic sources to refer to hemp fibers,
as hemp was a vital commodity before linen replaced it.[1]
Benet claims that traditional identifications of kaneh bosom
do not account for hemp shirts being produced from industrial hemp,
which Benet claims is “Kaneh” in Hebrew.[2]
Benet claims that this kaneh differs from the “fragrant” or “sweet” hemp
called especially kaneh bosm, because the latter
produces much more of aromatic and psychotropic substances like CBD and THC.[2] [3]
reference url:

I am grateful to live in a country that has freedom of religion. I personally believe that  cannabis was out on our planet by a loving creator to  enrich our lives and keep us healthy. 


Is Hemp SEED oil the same as the cannabis cure oil?

NO! they are produced in entirely different methods from different parts and even different sexes of the plant!!! While I do recommend people cook with hemp seed oil whenever possible, It is not the cure for cancer. It is “health food” because   its 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids, which matches the balance required by the human body.


What is Hemp Seed Oil?


Click here for reference 
Not to be confused with hash oil.
Bottles of hempseed oil

Hemp oil or hempseed oil is obtained by pressing hemp seeds. Cold pressed, unrefined hemp oil is dark to clear light green in color, with a pleasant nutty flavour. The darker the color, the grassier the flavour.

Refined hempseed oil is clear and colorless, with little flavor and lacks natural vitamins and antioxidants. Refined hempseed oil is primarily used in body care products. Industrial hempseed oil is used in lubricants, paints, inks, fuel, and plastics. Hempseed oil has found some limited use in the production of soaps, shampoos and detergents. The oil is of high nutritional value because its 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids, which matches the balance required by the human body.[1] It has also received attention in recent years as a possible feedstock for the large-scale production of biodiesel.[2][3] There are a number of organisations that promote the production and use of hempseed oil.[4]

Hemp seed oil (right)

Hempseed oil is manufactured from varieties of Cannabis sativa that do not contain significant amounts of THC, the psychoactive element present in the cannabis plant. This manufacturing process typically includes cleaning the seed to 99.99% before pressing the oil. There is no THC within the hempseed, although trace amounts of THC may be found in hempseed oil when plant matter adheres to the seed surface during manufacturing. The modern production of hempseed oil, particularly in Canada, has successfully lowered THC values since 1998.[5]Hash oil, not to be confused with hempseed oil, is used for both medicinal and recreational purposes and made from the mature female flowers and leaves of the drug cannabis, thus having a much higher THC content. Hash oil should not be confused with hemp, as the modern usage of the word ‘hemp’ is reserved for plants that meet the legal requirement of containing 0.3% THC or less.[citation needed]Nutrition

Main article: hemp

Hempseeds from which hempseed oilcan be extracted

About 30–35% of the weight of hempseed is an edible oil that contains about 80% as essential fatty acids (EFAs); i.e., linoleic acid,omega-6 (LA, 55%), alpha-linolenic acidomega-3 (ALA, 22%), in addition to gamma-linolenic acidomega-6 (GLA, 1–4%) andstearidonic acidomega-3 (SDA, 0–2%).

The proportions of linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid in one tablespoon per day (15 ml) of hempseed oil easily provides human daily requirements for EFAs. Unlike flaxseed oil, hempseed oil can be used continuously without developing a deficiency or other imbalance of EFAs. This has been demonstrated in a clinical study, where the daily ingestion of flaxseed oil decreased the endogenous production of GLA.[6]In common with other oils, hempseed oil provides 9 kcal/g. Compared with other culinary oils it is low in saturated fatty acids.[7]Highly unsaturated oils, and especially poor quality oils, can spontaneously oxidize and turn rancid within a short period of time when they are not stored properly; i.e., in a cool/cold, dark place, preferably in a dark glass bottle. Hempseed oil can be frozen for longer periods of storage time. Preservatives (antioxidants) are not necessary for high-quality oils that are stored properly.

Hempseed oil has a relatively low smoke point and is not suitable for frying. Hempseed oil is primarily used as a food oil and dietary supplement, and has been shown to relieve the symptoms of eczema (atopic dermatitis).[8]Benefits

Hemp is a high protein seed containing all nine of the essential amino acids (like flax). It also has high amounts of fatty acids and fiber as well as containing vitamin E and trace minerals. It has a balanced ratio of omega 3 to 6 fats at around a three to one ratio. This won’t help correct your omega balance if it’s off, but it gives you the right balance to start with.

Further the protein content of the hemp seed is supposed to be very digestible. Many people noted their personal experience of finding that hemp seed protein did not cause bloating or gas, like some of their whey, or other protein shakes did.

And, get this, unlike soy which has super high amounts of phytic acid (that anti-nutrient that prevents us from absorbing minerals), hemp seed doesn’t contain phytic acid. At the very least, this makes hemp seed a step up from soy.

The Body Ecology Diet site has an article discussing hemp here.

It contains a list of benefits including what I mentioned above plus including some others as well.

Hemp contains:

* All 20 amino acids, including the 9 essential amino acids (EAAs) our bodies cannot produce.
* A high protein percentage of the simple proteins that strengthen immunity and fend off toxins.
* Eating hemp seeds in any form could aid, if not heal, people suffering from immune deficiency diseases. This conclusion is supported by the fact that hemp seed has been used to treat nutritional deficiencies brought on by tuberculosis, a severe nutrition blocking disease that causes the body to waste away.3
* Nature’s highest botanical source of essential fatty acid, with more essential fatty acid than flax or any other nut or seed oil.
* A perfect 3:1 ratio of Omega-6 Linoleic Acid and Omega-3 Linolenic Acid – for cardiovascular health and general strengthening of the immune system.
* A superior vegetarian source of protein considered easily digestible.
* A rich source of phytonutrients, the disease-protective element of plants with benefits protecting your immunity, bloodstream, tissues, cells, skin, organs and mitochondria.
* The richest known source of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids.

This article claims that because hemp’s protein is in the globulin edistin form it is a superior source of protein. It ends that thought with this paragraph.

“The best way to insure the body has enough amino acid material to make the globulins is to eat foods high in globulin proteins. Since hemp seed protein is 65% globulin edistin, and also includes quantities of albumin, its protein is readily available in a form quite similar to that found in blood plasma. Eating hemp seeds gives the body all the essential amino acids required to maintain health, and provides the necessary kinds and amounts of amino acids the body needs to make human serum albumin and serum globulins like the immune enhancing gamma globulins. Eating hemp seeds could aid, if not heal, people suffering from immune deficiency diseases. This conclusion is supported by the fact that hemp seed was used to treat nutritional deficiencies brought on by tuberculosis, a severe nutrition blocking disease that causes the body to waste away. [Czechoslovakia Tubercular Nutritional Study, 1955] “

reference for above centered “benefits section):

[edit]Wood finish

Hemp oil is a “drying oil”, as it can polymerize into a solid form. Due to its polymer-forming properties, hemp oil is used on its own or blended with other oils, resins, and solvents as an impregnator and varnish in wood finishing, as a pigment binder in oil paints, as a plasticizer and hardener in putty. It has uses similar to Linseed oil and characteristics similar totung oil.[9]click here for reference information for the above hemp seed oil portion of the post


Foods to avoid to heal Cancer more effectively:

Red meat and refined sugars are a bad idea. If you need more protein, I suggest eating raw shelled hemp seeds. Any vegetarian having trouble getting enough protein in their diet should buy some. A serving of 3 tablespoons packs 10 grams of protein! If you have a sweet tooth, try to stay away from the white sugar and any sugars that have been through a lengthy refining process. Natural sugars such as honey or molasses and naturally occurring sugars in fruit are a good option.

Red Meat

A March 2012 study from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers has found that red meat consumption is associated with an increased risk of total, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality. The results also showed that substituting other healthy protein sources, such as fish, poultry, nuts, and legumes, was associated with a lower risk of mortality.

click here to learn more

Refined Sugar

n 1931, German biologist Otto Heinrich Warburg won a Nobel Prize for his research into the causes of cancer. In his studies, Warburg found that cancerous tumors fueled their growth through the metabolism of glucose — digested sugar. Although some scientists rejected Warburg’s theories for many decades, recent studies have drawn connections between different types of cancer and refined sugar intake.

Insulin Resistance and Cancer

The pancreas works with your digestive system to produce the hormone insulin, which aids in the metabolism of glucose. When you eat carbohydrates, the pancreas automatically releases insulin to help break the carbs down into glucose to fuel your cells. If you are insulin-resistant and eating a diet of primarily high-glycemic foods, your pancreas becomes overworked and cannot keep up with the demand for insulin, allowing glucose to build up in your bloodstream. Insulin resistance increases your risk of several diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. To prevent cancer, the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research recommended against consuming sugary beverages and snacks in a 2007 report.

Research into Specific Cancers

Many later studies have shown a direct connection between insulin resistance, high-glycemic diets and certain types of cancer. In a study of more than 2,500 women published in the “Annals of Oncology” in 2001, the findings supported a connection between insulin resistance and breast cancer development. Another study published in the “American Journal of Epidemiology” in 2006 followed 16,000 Norwegian men for 27 years and found insulin resistance to be a predictor of prostate cancer. An analysis of a study conducted in Italy from 1986 to 1992 published in the “Annals of Oncology” in 2008 drew a link between high-glycemic diets and thyroid cancer risk.

click here to learn more



How Much Oil Should the Patient take?

Beginning dosing of this medication is truly tiny for most individuals. The patient should eat their doses, not smoke them. I have had people who have smoked their tears out of desperation due to a lack of cannabis flowers, but it does not do you nearly as much good to smoke it. If you are in severe pain, the lungs can be the fastest way for the medication to begin to ease it, but this method does not offer the deeper levels of healing that eating it can give you.

Tears made properly have been through a process known as decarboxylation that makes the compounds within the cannabis plant more easily used by the body’s endocannabinoid system when ingested. Be careful not to overheat your medication either. You lose your active compounds if you cook with too much heat. Never store your cannabis oil in the sunshine, though it does not need to be refrigerated (it actually becomes too thick to get out of the oral syringe if it is too cold…) if your meds won’t flow from the syringe, try putting upright in a cup of warm water for 10-15 minutes. Be sure the syringe opening is pointing towards the ceiling  You don’t want the hassle of trying to reclaim your tears from the cup of water)

The term “decarboxylation” literally means removal of the COOH (carboxyl group) and its replacement with a proton. The term simply relates the state of the reactant and product. Decarboxylation is one of the oldest organic reactions, since it often entails simple pyrolysis, and volatile products distill from the reactor. Heating is required because the reaction is less favorable at low temperatures. Yields are highly sensitive to conditions. In retrosynthesis, decarboxylation reactions can be considered the opposite of homologation reactions, in that the chain length becomes one carbon shorter. Metals, especially copper compounds,[1] are usually required. Such reactions proceed via the intermediacy of metal carboxylate complexes.

Beginners should ingest 1/2-1 grain of rice sized dab of oil 2-3 times a day. Doses must be increased with the patient’s tolerance.


How many grams to a milliliter of phoenix tears oil?

I do NOT recommend people be on the oil and chemotherapy/radiation at the same time they are on the oil. When people do that, the oil spends all its time repairing the damage that the chemo/radiation caused within their body and does not seem to fight the cancer as effectively (takes more oil and a longer duration of therapy if they are determined to keep up with the “big pharma” solutions.) I have seen people who made the choice to stay on chemo and they still got better on the oil… It is all a matter of free will in the end.
I guess the point of that is: Don’t make the oil’s job any harder than it already is by introducing more poison into the system.


Side Effects of the oil?

Some patients find it a bad idea to take the oil on an empty stomach (usually people who have issues with SEVERE nausea anyway). Those patients should take their doses with a meal. Some patients find the taste undesirable  For those patients, I recommend either putting the oil in a vegetable capsule (almost any vitamin shop or health food store carries empty ones) or they could put the dose on a piece of bread and swallow it like a pill.

Most patients start with a dab of oil that is about the size of a grain of rice (and for some people, even that is too potent because they dislike the psychoactive effects… those individuals begin on 1/2 of a grain of rice sized dose)
This dose should be taken 2-3 times a day until the patient begins to notice a drop off in the psychoactive effects and/or a drop off in the ways the oil had been helping.

For many patients, they notice a drop off in the appetite stimulation at this point. When the patient reaches this treatment plateau, you begin increasing the dose amount (within the patient’s tolerance for the oil/psychoactive effects)
The goal is to reach a total weight of one gram per day. The syringes I fill are clearly marked with 1ml graduations. 1ml=1.2 grams of oil.

Some patients have experienced visual hallucinations on this medication. This can be quite unnerving the first time it happens, however most of the patients I have dealt with describe very pleasant “trips” such as sitting on a cloud and speaking with their creator or having the feeling of balls of light invading the body and healing them. Hallucinations tend to happen more often in older patients and in patients who have no prior experience with cannabis (never even smoked a joint). If the patient finds the hallucinations uncomfortable or wants to avoid the experience, reduce dosing until a tolerance is built.

Some patients find they will run a fever off and on during the therapy. Often it is localized to the area where the cancer is (warm to the to the touch) I am a firm believer in letting a fever run it’s course unless it gets to a level where it is dangerously high {about 104 for adults or sustained 102 (constant not up and down) for a few days….} and even then there are plenty of non-big pharma ways to lower the temp…. several herbs do the trick well…. there are even plenty of non-chemical ways to lower a dangerous fever. Most people reach for the tylenol if they are even a degree above what they think they should be… they are damaging their liver and not even giving their immune system the benefit of the purpose of a fever… to help your immune system get rid of whatever invader it is responding to. click here for wikipedia article on fevers

This medication is psychoactive and there is really no way around “feeling high” while you are on it. People who hate the psychoactive effects should take their largest dose of medication primarily at night when they want to sleep anyway. Caregivers should be aware of a fall hazard to the patient. Some people it makes a bit unsteady on their feet, especially when getting up for the bathroom at night. For males with this issue, I recommend a bedside urinal to reduce the danger of a fall. Same solution works for ladies (a bedpan) but fewer women are willing to use a bedpan than men are willing to use a urinal.

If you are ingesting cannabis oil that has been made properly at all, You WILL test positive for cannabis use on any drug test. Most regular cannabis smokers know that you will test positive for weed for about 30 days after smoking it. It is important to note that the 30 days rule of thumb DOES NOT APPLY TO CANNABIS OIL. Those who have ingested cannabis oil (particularly at high doses) could test positive for cannabis in a drug test up to 90 days after the treatment has stopped.

What Solvent to use?

What solvent you use to create your cannabis oil is very important. If you are thinking of making your own oil, please take the time to educate yourself on the benefits and risks of any solvent you are thinking of using.

I recommend use of food grade alcohol and nothing else for beginners (because the solvent is already food grade, it is good for beginners who are learning the method… that way, IF any solvent is left behind due to inexperience, it is still safe to consume. Those proficient with use of alcohol as a solvent may then begin using isopropyl alcohol 91% (rubbing alcohol) once they have learned to tell when no solvent remains. If you use a still, you can reclaim your solvent for reuse to cut down on costs.

There have been cases of people eating cold water extracted hash or kief and seeing benefits as well. You just have to eat a higher volume of those substances because they are in a less concentrated form.


 Someone actually said to me….. ” Butane is so safe,it is used in food with no label”

Is that why I (and many others) cannot tolerate butane extracted hash? is that why it makes my body ache every time I smoke it? again… I will follow my common sense and you follow yours….

“Despite its usefulness, butane is also a toxic chemical. Inhalation of the gas can lead to drowsiness, narcosis, cardiac arrhythmia, frostbite, and death from asphyxiation, acute toxicity, and ventricular fibrillation. Butane inhalation is the most common single cause of solvent-related death. Thus, butane needs to be handled with care.”


I do not believe that Naphtha should be used to create this medication for ANYONE. I have received a great deal of hate for taking this position, however this substance is dangerous on MANY levels and I cannot in good conscience stop educating people on it’s dangers when others are actively encouraging its use. Many people have subtle or undiagnosed multiple chemical sensitivities. There are many reasons Naphtha is not a healthy solvent. I encourage you to read this post that speaks in detail about the dangers (just click this sentence)

and watch this video:

Please also be sure to read the commentary on both versions of this video. I kindly call it a debate, but anyone who reads it will see that I have taken a great deal of heat for educating people to the dangers of using the petrochemical naphtha  to create cannabis oil.

Commentary on the first version of the video.

Commentary on the second version of the video.



Cannabis Oil Stains/Cleanup

This oil will stain fabric and just about anything you get it on. It can be very difficult to clean up when spilled. ISO alcohol is the best method I have found to clean up spills and messes. It does not always take stains out of fabric (time is of the essence in treating those stains), but it is excellent for cleaning up spills just about everywhere else. Syringes I provide have a toothpick in the opening of the syringe that MUST be removed prior to pressing on the plunger to get your dose. Keep that toothpick in the syringe when not actually taking a dose to reduce medication loss. You should also release some of the pressure on the plunger (by pulling it back out some post dose time) every time you use it for the same reason. Putting oil in capsules, and the capsules in a pill bottle is the most effective way  I have found to dose “on the go” (while the patient is away from home, i.e. out running errands).


Ronnie Smith taught me how to make the oil. Mr. Smith has been making the Cannabis oil for 6 years and has seen over 250 of his patients be cured by this amazing plant gifted to the animal kingdom by the loving creator responsible for us all. Mr. Smith of provides the following information sheet to his patients.

Hemp Oil Dosage Information


It takes the average person about 90 days to ingest the full 60 gram treatment. I suggest that people start with 3 doses per day about half the size of a grain of dry rice. A dose such as this would equal about ¼ of a drop. After four days at this dosage, increase your doses every four days until you are at the point where you are ingesting about 1 gram in 24 hours, so each dose should equal 1/3 of a gram.

It takes the average person about 5 weeks to get to the point where they can ingest a gram per day. Once they reach this dosage they can continue at this rate until the cancer disappears. A gram is 1.2 milliliters.

By using this method it allows the body to build up its tolerance slowly, in fact, I have many reports from people who took the oil treatment and never got ‘high’. We all have different tolerances for any medication. Your size and body weight have little to do with your tolerance for hemp oil.

Be aware when commencing treatment with hemp oil that it will lower your blood pressure, so if you are currently taking blood pressure medication, it is very likely that you will no longer need it.

When people are taking the oil, I like to see them stay within their comfort zone, but the truth is, the faster you take the oil the better the chance of surviving. At the end of their treatment most people continue taking the oil but at a much reduced rate. 6 to 12 grams a year would be a good maintenance dose. I do not like to see people overdosing on the oil, but an overdose does no harm. The main side effect of this medication is sleep and rest which plays an important role in the healing process. Usually, within an hour or so of taking a dose, the oil is telling you to lay down and relax. Don’t fight the sleepy feeling, just lay down and go with it. Usually within a month, the daytime tiredness associated with this treatment fades away but the patient continues to sleep very well at night. The only time I would recommend that people start out with larger doses would be to get off addictive and dangerous pain medications. When people who are using such medications begin the oil treatment, they usually cut their pain medications in half. The object is to take enough oil to take care of the pain and to help the patient get off these dangerous pharmaceutical drugs. Taking the oil makes it much easier for the patient to get off these addictive chemicals.

I simply tell people the oil will do one of two things; it will either cure your cancer or in cases where it is too late to affect a cure, the oil will ease their way out and they can at least die with dignity. Hemp oil has a very high success rate in the treatment of cancer; unfortunately many people who come to me have been badly damaged by the medical system with their chemo and radiation etc. The damage such treatments cause have a lasting effect and people who have suffered the effects of such treatments are the hardest to cure. It should also be mentioned that the oil rejuvenates vital organs like the pancreas. Many diabetics who have taken the oil find that after about six weeks on the oil that they no longer require insulin since their pancreas is again doing its job. Properly made hemp medicine is the greatest healer on this planet bar none. Once you experience what this medication can do you will understand why history and I call hemp medicine a cure all.


A bit of Cancer poetry for thought…

To Whom It May Concern
I was run over by the truth one day.
Ever since the diagnosis I have been this way
So burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer.

Heard the alarm clock screaming with pain,
Couldn’t find myself so I went back to sleep again
So fill my veins with Chemo
burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer. Every time I shut my eyes, all I see is pain.
Made a little ribbon to remember all the names
So empty out my bank account
fill my veins with chemo
burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer.I hear they are thinking surgery, hope it’s not my brains.
They’re only cuttin wishes and feeding casket sales
So numb my brain with Morphine
empty out my bank  account
fill my veins with chemo
burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer.Where were you at the time of the crime?
Ripping up the hippocratic oath, just to make a dime?
So chain my Life with hopelessness
numb my brain with Morphine
empty out my bank account
fill my veins with chemo
burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer
You put your doctors in, they take their conscience out,
They take the human being and they twist it all about
So take my world away
chain my Life with hopelessness
numb my brain with Morphine
empty out my bank account
fill my veins with chemo
burn my body with radiation
Tell me lies about cancer– 
There is a cure for cancer…
how many beautiful women and men need to be butchered
because doctors want to run from the cure
for the sake of monetary gain?



Thinking of beginning on this therapy for yourself or a loved one?  Please be sure that the patient and the patient’s caregiver have seen the “Run from the Cure” movie and are willing to ingest cannabis.

Do you need a DVD copy of the video to show a loved one who does not have internet access?  Click Here to order a copy for $2 plus the cost of shipping.


Here is a video of how to make the oil.

 Please also visit the text tutorial here:


Keep Reading for more Information on this therapy, 



What It Does & How It Works

excerpt from link:

If you are looking for a safe medication, look no further than what the hemp plant can provide. On top of all that it’s a medicine we can all grow and produce ourselves. Also there is no need for a doctor’s supervision with its use.

When the hemp plant is grown for medicinal use, you now have your own medical system that is much safer and effective than anything our current medical system provides. You still may require a doctor to set your broken leg, but you will no longer need the chemicals they have been pushing upon us.

Hemp is medicine for the masses and no one has the right to control its use. We are all different and we all have different tolerances for practically everything. So it is up to each and every one of us to determine for ourselves how much oil we require to maintain good health.

Over the years people have come to me who after years of treatment by the medical system did not even have a diagnosis for their conditions. But the oil exercised its amazing healing power and their medical problems were solved.

Another aspect of the use of hemp as medicine is its anti-aging properties. As we age, our vital organs deteriorate and of course this impairs the function of these organs.

Hemp oil rejuvenates vital organs even in small doses it is very common for people to report to me that they feel 20 to 30 years younger after only ingesting the oil for a short time.

Now let’s take it to the next level. What about people who ingest larger quantities of oil over a longer period of time like myself? After 9 years on the oil my body does not appear to be that of a 60 year old man. Instead, my body has the appearance of someone who is a great deal younger. When I have the oil at my disposal I like to take about a quarter of a gram a day. Of course, due to short supply, quite often I must go without so my own treatment has been erratic to say the least.

From my own experience with the oil I cannot help but wonder what would happen if a person was to ingest larger quantities of oil over a longer period of time. If a person were to do this, can they actually reverse the aging process and grow younger instead of aging.

From the oils effect on my own body by all appearances this seems to be the case. Someday soon when I have enough oil I intend to start taking a gram a day for a year to see what effect it has on my body.

Many people who have taken the oil have stated that they thought it to be the fountain of youth. From my own experiences with the oil I believe this to be true.

Please also see dosing information:

Please also see testimonials:


Whose oil can you trust?

please also read:

I make oil/give away oil and even sell oil, however, I DO encourage everyone to learn how to make their own medicine. That being said, I understand that not everyone has the desire or strength to make the oil for themselves.

You can make a monetary donation to help keep the free tears going by clicking this sentence  we began this link for art supplies, but have used it to accept donations online as well. remember that healing is an art as well.


Want to read more about the success people are seeing with this oil?


Cannabis Oil Success Stories

is a group on Facebook. It is full of knowledgeable individuals who have seen the healing that can come from this therapy. Often, people have to hide the fact they are on this treatment for fear of persecution/prosecution. Cannabis Oil Success Stories gives people on the therapy a forum to share information and to help each other get through any bumps along the road during therapy. They lend support to both patients and caregivers who are embarking on this Cannabis Healing Journey.


This medication is very effective when used topically  Please take a look at these stories!


Phoenix Tears Healing a Diabetic Ulcer (8 months of treatment)

I must admit that I have not updated you all on this story in FAR too long. I must also admit that all I was truly able to do for this ulcer is to prevent it from becoming overly dangerous to a very resistive patient. I could have achieved more success had I been able to convince Fat Freddy (the patient) to stop wearing his suspenders. I believe that the wound began as a pressure sore from those suspenders, and as long as he continues to wear them, he will continue to have a sore there. During my prolonged illness this summer, I had someone else take over his wound care. Initially, they did not follow instructions or treat his wound and within a few weeks, his shoulder looked like the “before” images in the below video. When therapy resumed, his wound resumed the healing process and was back to the level of healing it had been when I last provided documentation. I have a few videos and images that have been piling up on this story, however due to the patient’s stubbornness, I have little faith that this wound will ever truly heal. What can be done is continuing the therapy and preventing a major infection in a geriatric body.


Patient testimonial “I have cancer, cancer does not have me”

This is a patient under Mr. Ronnie Smith’s care. Mr. Smith runs The video was created by the patient and the audio track was added by Ms. Breezy.


Cured: A Cannabis Story (A Film By David Triplett)

Cannabis cured David Triplett’s skin cancer. The above video is his story.

It has been proven that concentrated cannabis extract oil cures cancer.

Why hasn’t The U.S. National Cancer Institute or The American Cancer Society tested Cannabis Oil?. Is it lack of personnel (2,100 USNCI staff members) or limited financial support (USNCI 2010 budget of $5.1 Billion dollars!)

Cannabis Concentrate or extract is the same as Rick Simpson’s “Hemp Oil”. Hemp seed oil is NOT what Rick Simpson is making and using.

Google “cannabinoids” and “cancer”.
Google “endocannabinoids” and “cancer”
Google “THC” and “Cancer”.
Google pubmed, go there and look up “endocannabinoids” and “cancer”, as well as “cannabinoids” and “cancer”.

*****Note, in the interest of full disclosure,  David Triplett is not my personal patient. His story is so powerful that I felt the need to include it here with this information.


See the effects of Cannabis oil on a Parkinson’s Patient

This is a patient under Mr. Ronnie Smith’s care. Mr. Smith runs


Stopping Epileptic seizures with Hemp Oil

This is a patient under Mr. Ronnie Smith’s care. Mr. Smith runs

A Note from Breezy on Seizures
If you have seizures, strain choice can make a big difference. For some patients with seizures, a concentrated form of cannabis is not even necessary when the right strain choices of flowers for smoking are available. Generally, any strain from the white widow branch of the cannabis family tree is a good choice. Please view the Cannabis products and Colorado Dispensary Reviews Page here on for more information on strain choice for epilepsy and several other conditions. Check the description of the videos for more information.


txt msg from a patient’s daughter who wishes anonymity:

“I hope you are in the mood to be showered with praise. I want you to hear what YOUR medicine is doing. Mom outlived her prognosis. She is feeling as healthy as a horse. Labs are great. Tumors have shrunk even more. There is NO new metastasis. Doctor doesn’t know what to think. This is shaking him up a bit. He says her chemo would not do this and even if it did, there is no way she could be this healthy. Breezy you are a true gift from God!”

~anonymous daughter of a cancer patient

This is a patient under Ms. Breezy Kiefair’s care. Ms. Breezy runs


Message from anonymous Chronic Back Pain Patient

back injury patient…. the injury has long since healed as far as it wants to, but the pain has stuck around for them making work/day to day life difficult. She had this to say regarding their night spent sleeping with a gram of phoenix tears oil in a capsule…..

“I slept like a rock last night only after spinning like crazy. Think that was a little too much even for me! Had the worst case of cotton mouth ever and I think I am still feeling the effects. just got home from cleaning my aunts bathrooms woo that was an easy $50”

~anonymous back pain patient

This is a patient under Ms. Breezy Kiefair’s care. Ms. Breezy runs


On Use of Phoenix Tears to Treat

Severe Pain or Chronic Intractable Pain


Higher dosing may be necessary for those with severe pain. Dosing for Intractable pain can match that of a cancer patient (a gram a day), and in some cases even exceed it. Remember folks… your nervous system can only send so many pain signals to the brain before the brain senses an attack/danger of some kind. Your brain may not understand in the least what the threat is or where it is coming from… enough pain=physiological responses to a threat in the brain. Once the threat is sensed, it turns on our most primitive parts of the brain out of sheer survival mode…. when someone is bathed in adrenalyne because of their pain, they are not really themselves any more… there is a primitive auto-pilot in the captains chair that doesn’t give a damn about logic or reason or anything other than mitigating the threat it thinks is there because of all the pain signals. Real Niacin (not niacinamide) can help circumvent this cycle, but only if you can tolerate the flushing (remember itching powder you could put in someone’s drink? remember how it said it was harmless? that is because it was niacin)

This also explains why people can be exhausted, weak and seemingly unable to even rise out of bed one moment, and then when that adrenaline kicks in… why, you’re a screaming banshee with all the energy you could possibly need to destroy yourself and those you love around you? I try to channel it into things like getting caught up on cleaning, or directing the anger/passion somewhere (anywhere) it is more deserved than on my loved ones….. if that means crafting a letter to the government telling them what’s up or if that means telling someone that really needs to hear it in a powerful way what the causes their actions are having… I try to direct all that adrenaline into more positive places when it happens, but it is such a negative feeling that it is really easy to loose track of the fact that there is no real threat other than the ones coming from your own central nervous system…

I learned most of this through attempting to treat my own severe intractable pain. If you would like to read up on the science behind these involuntary responses, I suggest you read the article on wikipedia regarding the Fight-or-Flight response to stressors. 


Fibromyalgia and Cannabis oil

I believe that fibromyalgia patients need to supplement with cannabis oil. There is research that suggests the disease may be a disorder/deficiency in the endocannabinoid system. Here is a link for the fibro peeps on the endocannabinoid system and their potential deficiency….


Not Every Story is a clear success…

In some cases, all that can be done is to ease the passing of a dear friend with the only mercy you can find. Sometimes the cure just gets there too late to do much more than ease the pain of passing away. Sometimes people are just too stubborn and wait too long to begin treatment. Other times, the knowledge of this treatment remains elusive to the patient or their loved one’s attention  until there just isn’t enough time left for the oil to work. We had a pet owner recently who valiantly tried to save his best friend’s life (his dog). Duke the Cancer fighting dog may not have had the “happy ending” we were all hoping for, but it did make the end of life less painful for this dog. We also got word that after the pooch no longer could use the medicine, his human companion was able to use the oil and see the benefits in his own body. Sometimes it’s a mixed blessing like that. This is a joint patient under Mr. Ronnie Smith and Ms. Breezy Kiefair’s care. Mr. Smith runs and Ms. Breezy Kiefair runs


Gramps’ Cannabis Oil & Cancer Journey

*****Note, in the interest of full disclosure,  “Gramps”  is not my personal patient. His story is so powerful that I felt the need to include it here with this information.

from the healing files of Auntie Debi Phillips
“I am so sorry I haven’t got back to you. First the hand: fantastic. Almost totally healed, after the first treatment with the oil all inflammation was gone infection was almost cleared up, I aired it all day then just washed it & re-bandaged it . I had had an allergic reaction to the lasik they used & had a bad red burn around I that hurt. The next morning it was gone, burn healed. The scar tissue that had formed before oil had been so tight I could hardly move my thumb, after the oil it became elastic again & I’ve been able to move my thumb again without pain. Yesterday the skin graft they put on it fell off & the wound looks fantastic. Going to treat with oil again & a sore the Dr. Wants to remove when I go next time on my elbow. I don’t want to have it cut on like this one so if I treat it now I’m praying when he scraps it again this time there won’t be any cancer cells this time & when he wonders why I am handing him educational material, maybe he will convert or at least be receptive.

I am so grateful for saving my hand. I really believe if you hadn’t sent the oil I wouldn’t be able to use my thumb & first finger. I’ve also been working as secretary where my life partner works as a mechanic. I have two more spots of skin cancer. I”m gonna take pictures of before & during treatment & the end results also.” (Debi is breezy’s adopted auntie)


What is the bottom line if you desire to make the oil yourself or are unable to make it?


It takes one pound of cannabis to create 2 ounces of oil. For those who are financially secure, the price for the cure is $2,000. The smallest amount I can sell is one oral syringe of oil for $500. 1 oral syringe = 12 grams of treatment.
12 grams is about 1 month’s worth of medicine for the beginner. It takes 5 syringes (2 ounces) to cure most cases of cancer.


Free Phoenix Tears???

I have a free phoenix tears patient to patient program for those who are low income or out of the treatment temporarily.


Unfortunately, demand for the free oil is so high that (as I type 10/29/12) I am looking at a month before that line even moves,  I do triage people based on severity of illness and financial need for the free list. Please remember that I provide these mercies out of my own pocket. Donations of raw materials or monetary support are few and far between. When they happen, I am grateful. When support is absent, I still try and find a way to serve those in need regardless of ability to pay.

I know that waiting on someone else’s mercy is one of the hardest things to do in the world. Especially when you are waiting on something that could save your life (or your loved one’s life)
I really appreciate your patience my darling patients…

Some people get angry at me during the wait-list period not realizing that I am trying to help as many people as possible with as little as possible… even going unmedicated myself at times to do it… I really hate dry times like these… I try and remind myself and others getting low on patience that I do this out of my own pocket… no one (on any sort of regular basis) donates raw materials to me to get these mercies done.

No matter how much i wish to heal sick people, there have been some I had to harden my heart to because they became abusive… Now, I can understand better than most how pain can turn you into a monster…

If people are able to act like adults later and make amends, my heart softens… if not, then i just have to close the door to contact and feel guilty… (i have taken more than my fair share of abuse in this life already.. verbal and otherwise… and I cannot continue to do this work if I do not set firm boundaries with individuals like this)

Remember! Love and Mercy are things everyone is willing to take and few are willing to give. When the well of kindness that the few give from runs dry, whose responsibility is it to refresh the well we all need to drink of? The “givers” run dry and the “takers” get mad that there is nothing left to give.

To those of you mature enough to stick around for the long haul, I’m saying how much I appreciate working with people like you who see the larger picture. looking like a month or so before the list begins to move again… and cancer waits for no man woman or child. For these cold realities, I apologize.

Free Program and ALL OIL REFERRALS through this site closed as of March 2013 through due to change in author’s circumstances! I will update if I begin to offer them again. I do still offer informational consultations.



you can also communicate via email:

Contact Breezy for patient to patient compassion and for information regarding cannabis oil or friend me on facebook and send me a private message




There is a cure for cancer and I am here to help you in your pursuit of life.


i’ve done a lot of time walking with the creator to get from where I was to where I am now…. that’s what faith can do… even if i am a ball of drama 99% of the time because of my past…..

I’ve been able to move from a position of the person with their had out begging to the person filling hands…. read some of the old notes i recently posted…. and then think about how far I have actually come.


I have been long winded (as always), and for that I apologize.

I’d like to speak to Colorado for a moment and it’s voters…. I feel I must leave you with the following thoughts regarding how you cast your vote on the Amendment 64 issue in a few days.

For the record, I STILL do NOT SUPPORT COLORADO CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 64 Corporate Greed IS NOT LEGAL WEED! Vote NO on Colorado State Constitutional Amendment 64! (or at least read the damn bill and see how corporate minded it is and then make up your mind…. don’t listen to the pamphlets or the tv spots… trust your own reasoning after reading the LANGUAGE you are making yourself subject to!)….. Read the bill and think about who they wrote the bill to benefit… their own freaking pocketbooks, that’s who… read the text of the AMMENDMENT (provided in red letters at the link ) and then decide how to vote… don’t just think “YAY legal weed” and vote… you’re not getting what you think you are babies!

The bill that is written to serve those who already have money (dispensary owners wanting to convert to party stores to sell to recreational users and stop dealing with us “difficult” sick people). If you read the bills closely, it is really easy to see whom they were written to serve…. the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol serves those already deep in the industry and keeps the grows in corporate hands…. I believe the recreational users should be allowed to grow. It’s just a plant….. When people see the shackles and chains
slapped on them by this bill in reality (the words put into practice) people are going to be just as pissed about these regulations as they are about the regs under hb-1284/sb-109

curious? follow this link and read more:


October 25, 2012

Proponents of Amendment 64 Continue their Smoke Screen of Deceit
Denver, CO: Deceit and deception, the folks behind Amendment 64 are becoming masters of spin. Those that have taken the time to think critically about Amendment 64 have determined that the law continues to criminalize marijuana and that simply removing the word prohibition is just a smoke screen used to hide the fact that people will still go to jail for marijuana possession.
They continue their deceit and word spinning while defending themselves from Roger Sherman’s recent criticism of the findings from Colorado Center on Law & Policy stating that Colorado could see $100 million in revenues by 2017. While ending marijuana “prohibition” would certainly generate more income for the state, an almost laughably obvious point, Amendment 64 still criminalizes marijuana possession and positions the initiative to only benefit those with easy access to the significant investment funds needed to meet the requirements of the initiative. Those wanting to build their business in the true American way of starting small and growing big, will be left out in the lurch and probably end up in jail for trying.
Consider the following statements from some of Amendment 64’s largest proponents:
“we believe that once the people of Colorado end marijuana prohibition in the state by passing Amendment 64, there will be far more thought given to whether it is appropriate to force the state to have marijuana sold to non-patients by drug cartels and other criminal enterprises.” Mason Tvert
Amendment 64 is exclusively for its wealthy backers since everyone else will be suspected of having ties to drug cartels and other criminal enterprises requiring additional resources for law enforcement. It begs to question how many minority and low-income communities will be considered as having ties to drug cartels.
And, here is Art Way’s line by line breakdown of what Roger Sherman said followed by the Denver 420 Rally’s line by line analysis in bold:
“Art Way, Senior Policy Manager for the Drug Policy Alliance in Colorado, is and has been part of that reform. He is a fifth generation native of Denver’s eastside and a virulent advocate for issues impacting his community.”
No, Art Way is a sell out to big business. That is his new community. If he were truly a community advocate he would help those in his community, who by birth into dire circumstances became drug dealers as a means of survival, become legal. Instead he advocates for an initiative that will continue to incriminate those in his community by creating unrealistic limitations on marijuana possession for those choosing to grow six plants and by requiring significant investments to start a legal operation, money that is not easily accessible to minority and low-income communities. The issues that plague Art’s community will continue, only now under the word criminalization instead of prohibition.
“The Legislative Council staff is well-respected. And their analysis is sound. But their analysis is more limited. The CCLP report includes excise tax revenue and the Blue Analysis did not factor in the savings that will be realized when the police and courts no longer enforce prohibition. Legislative Council did not include those two factors.”
Bold faced lie. The courts and law enforcement will still be enforcing a different form of prohibition. Amendment 64 is nothing more than a play on words. It still clearly and quite obviously criminalizes marijuana. So, the Blue Analysis did not factor in the savings from no longer needing to enforce “prohibition” because instead they will still be enforcing the criminal penalties set forth by Amendment-64. Therefore, they will not be realizing the saving that the analysis by the Colorado Center on Law and Policy claims because the Legislative Council sees through the play on words that Amendment 64 uses to deceive the public.
Contact: Miguel Lopez, Denver 420 Rally
(720) 338-8766


I am also very disappointed in the CDPHE for not approving PTSD on the Colorado APPROVED conditions list for a medicinal cannabis card…. THE PEOPLE petitioned to have it added as afforded by Amendment 20. Are you incapable of handling the research? I guess you want our soldiers offing themselves for a job done for their country? You have no heart and no business controlling our medicine.” read more:



Colorado Department Of Public Health and Environment website

 Colorado Medical Marijuana Registry Home Page

Information every low income applicant to the Colorado Medical Marijuana Registry should know


Effective January 1, 2012, the Registry will no longer accept Food Stamp and Supplemental Security Income letters as proof of low-income status.

Patients with a household income that is 185% of the Federal Poverty Level or less, qualify for fee waiver. The chart below indicates the annual household incomes, adjusted for family size, that qualify.

Household incomes at 185% of 2012  Federal Poverty Guidelines*

# in Family Annual Income
1 $20,664.50
2 $27,990.50
3 $35,316.50
4 $42,642.50
5 $49,968.50
6 $57,294.50
7 $64,620.50
8 $71,946.50
Each Additional $ 7,067.00

Source: Federal Register, Vol 75, No. 17, January 26, 2012, ppl 4034-4035

*Poverty guidelines are updated periodically in the Federal Register by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under the authority of 42 U.S.C. 9902(2)

To apply for a Fee Waiver/Tax Exempt Status, patients must:

1. Request a certified copy of their most current State tax returnfrom the Department of Revenue. Tax returns must be within the last two years to qualify. Patients can request a certified copy of their tax return by completing form DR-5714 ‘Request for Copy of Tax Returns’ available logo The form must be completed, notarized and sent to the Colorado Department of Revenue for processing.

2. Complete form MMR1010 Request for Fee Waiver/Tax-Exempt Status. 1010.pdf pdf file .

3. Send the Request for Fee Waiver/Tax-Exempt Status form and the certified copy of the most current State tax return with the patient’s application.

4. Patients who already have a Medical Marijuana Registration Card, may submit form MMR 1010 and a copy of their certified State tax return to have their card status modified to “Tax Exempt.”

You Can’t see my pain with your eyes. The only thing that relieves my pain is Cannabis! You could never imagine the pain I suffer, yet you deny me my freedom. Image by: The Art of Breezy Kiefair for the Reefer Gurl Facebook page


as always, thank you for your time and attention in reading this. If you found it useful or of value please share it with your friends. Did I miss something you think needs covered? Please comment in a respectful manner or message me so that the issue has been brought to my attention.



Breedheen O’Rilley Keefer
AKA Breezy Kiefair

links about breezy

Reefer Gurl “like” page on FB
Gardening Tips for the Medically Damned “like” page on FB
the more in depth, needs editing, 31 page version to help you understand why i sit at my machine fighting the machine day in and day out.


~ Do all that you can to cultivate peace within yourself, that it might
shine out from you, and plant the seed of peace in other spirits, for them
to cultivate.~{Remember… it is when we choose act on the issues that are in front of
our faces, when we choose to get involved instead of looking the other way
as our fellow man struggles, when we choose to take those small simple
little actions, working on righting little wrongs in our everyday lives that
really make change happen, those seemingly small actions are what really
make the world a better place and are a catalyst for greater social change.}
~Both quotes by Breedheen “Bree” O’Rilley Keefer~


Always remember you can tell what a person really believes in by their actions… your actions prove to all the world who and what you bow down to in this life… Your actions tell people what your free will wants far louder and more plainly than your words ever could… When you are gone, those same seemingly small actions will give you exactly what you deserve.. to quote a long forgotten bit of poetry I read once on a faded newspaper clipping in a children’s reader from the 1860’s “how will men remember you when that you are gone… the little things you say and do, they shall linger on.”So I ask each of you to take a good look inside your own heads, hearts, spirits and souls and ask yourself… who do you serve? do you serve only yourself and ignore your fellow man? We all have areas we need improvement…. If you look in there and find your actions are not showing what is in your heart, then maybe it’s time to change your behavior to be more in line with the light shining within you however you choose to understand it….. that being said…. have a blessed day fully in line with your own free will and heart….
~Breedheen O’Rilley



send a pm through facebook to this profile

snail mail:

Bréedhéen O’Rilley Keefer

P.O. Box 849

Franktown, Colorado 80116

Levity Wellness Agent Orange, Jack Herer, and Super Lemon Haze Review

2012-08-11 2117 Levity Wellness Agent Orange, Jack Herer, and Super Lemon Haze Review

Levity Wellness
426 W. Fillmore
Colorado Springs, CO
1 (719) 266-5463

super lemon haze info:

read Jack Herer’s book

agent orange strain info:

Review of Denver Dispensary Alameda Wellness Strain: Bubba Kush


2012-08-16 1247 Review of Denver Dispensary Alameda Wellness Strain: Bubba Kush

Alameda Wellness Center
183 W. Alameda Ave
Denver, Co 80223

(post incomplete.. watch for more info)

music: Janis Joplin “Summertime”


Phoenix Tears Healing a Diabetic Ulcer (8 months of treatment)

Phoenix Tears aka Rick Simpson Oil aka Hash Oil

Phoenix Tears aka Rick Simpson Oil aka Hash Oil

Before I begin this testimonial, Please take a few moments to acquaint yourself with Phoenix Tears.

Here is a video of how to make the oil. Please also visit the text tutorial here:

for more information on this therapy, please visit the following links:

What It Does & How It Works

excerpt from link:

If you are looking for a safe medication, look no further than what the hemp plant can provide. On top of all that it’s a medicine we can all grow and produce ourselves. Also there is no need for a doctor’s supervision with its use.

When the hemp plant is grown for medicinal use, you now have your own medical system that is much safer and effective than anything our current medical system provides. You still may require a doctor to set your broken leg, but you will no longer need the chemicals they have been pushing upon us.

Hemp is medicine for the masses and no one has the right to control its use. We are all different and we all have different tolerances for practically everything. So it is up to each and every one of us to determine for ourselves how much oil we require to maintain good health.

Over the years people have come to me who after years of treatment by the medical system did not even have a diagnosis for their conditions. But the oil exercised its amazing healing power and their medical problems were solved.

Another aspect of the use of hemp as medicine is its anti-aging properties. As we age, our vital organs deteriorate and of course this impairs the function of these organs.

Hemp oil rejuvenates vital organs even in small doses it is very common for people to report to me that they feel 20 to 30 years younger after only ingesting the oil for a short time.

Now let’s take it to the next level. What about people who ingest larger quantities of oil over a longer period of time like myself? After 9 years on the oil my body does not appear to be that of a 60 year old man. Instead, my body has the appearance of someone who is a great deal younger. When I have the oil at my disposal I like to take about a quarter of a gram a day. Of course, due to short supply, quite often I must go without so my own treatment has been erratic to say the least.

From my own experience with the oil I cannot help but wonder what would happen if a person was to ingest larger quantities of oil over a longer period of time. If a person were to do this, can they actually reverse the aging process and grow younger instead of aging.

From the oils effect on my own body by all appearances this seems to be the case. Someday soon when I have enough oil I intend to start taking a gram a day for a year to see what effect it has on my body.

Many people who have taken the oil have stated that they thought it to be the fountain of youth. From my own experiences with the oil I believe this to be true.

Please also see dosing information:

Please also see testimonials:

Finally, Whose oil can you trust?

please also read:

*****Author’s note… the above information is my research source. It is how I learned about Phoenix Tears and why I wanted to try them… ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^




*****THE BELOW information is data gathered based on personal observation. I have utmost respect for Mr. Rick Simpson and his work, but I in no way have his permission or endorsement… just for honesty and clarity.

Fat Freddy has had a sore on his back for about 3 years and it would not heal! We started putting Rick Simpson Oil on it on November 23, then the next day we checked it and then checked it every 3 days afterwards, changing the oil and bandage every 3 days as well! Here is the progress so far! (WARNING THIS IS GRAPHIC!)

NOVEMBER 23, 2011 First treatment

November 23, 2011 9:32am fat freddy's diabetic ulcer on his back before treatement of phoenix tears with 1984 penny for scale

November 23, 2011 9:32am fat freddy’s diabetic ulcer on his back before treatment of phoenix tears with 1984 penny for scale


November 24, 2011

11/24/11 10:04 Fat freddy's diabetic ulcer progress day #2

11/24/11 10:04 Fat freddy’s diabetic ulcer progress day #2

11/24/11 10:04 Fat freddy's diabetic ulcer progress day #2

11/24/11 10:04 Fat freddy’s diabetic ulcer progress day #2

11/24/11 10:04 Fat freddy's diabetic ulcer progress day #2

11/24/11 10:04 Fat freddy’s diabetic ulcer progress day #2

Please view this video of the continuing progress.


On December 9, 2011 this is how the wound looked….

12/09/11 7:12pm progress on Fat Freddy's shoulder... WOW!

12/09/11 7:12pm progress on Fat Freddy’s shoulder… WOW!

*note* our supply of Phoenix Tears AKA Rick Simpson Oil AKA Hash oil ran out during the course of therapy. We substituted one treatment for Hemp-EaZe™ THERAPY CREAM. We have also been using the Hemp-EaZe™ for Baby & Me Spray to wipe away any excess oil when we change the bandage. Hemp-EaZe™ THERAPY CREAM is available here: Hemp-EaZe™ for Baby & Me Spray is available here:

In the future, I plan to do a blog post about my personal experience with the phoenix tears for my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I doubt I will have any fantastic images, but I have already seen improvement since I have been ingesting this therapy.


For more information on getting Phoenix Tears

 please call 678-362-3245

or  email




A note before we begin…

You can also view all the relevant videos for this patient on this youtube playlist

And now…

The Healing Continues….

Fat Freddy‘s treatment began on November 23, 2011. We changed his bandage (covered with phoenix tears oil) every 3 days until around December 12, 2011.

Here is the progress from ! December 12, 2011 to December 26. 2011  (WARNING THIS IS GRAPHIC!)

We saw amazing progress. When the scab initially fell off in November, it left a pitted area from where the sore had been for so many years. In addition to healing over, this ugly pit began to fill in with pretty pink, healthy skin.

We began changing the bandage every 6 days as the healing proceeded.


December 30, 2011 to January 12, 2012

I did some additional research on diabetes and it’s effects on the skin. 

According to WebMD, “Every 30 seconds, somewhere in the world, someone loses a lower limb as a result of diabetes”…… 

In my opinion, nearly all of those amputations could be prevented if we would stop running from the cure for so many diseases & start using Rick Simpson‘s Run From The Cure method to make Hemp oil.

(link to reference article from WebMD

I did not realize how many DIFFERENT ways Diabetes affects the skin! I’m so glad that I know about the many diseases that are treated and cured with Rick Simpson oil…. There is a cure for Cancer, but it is not FDA approved. Phoenix Tears work! (and diabetes, and Fibromyalgia, and Autism, and so much more!!!)

the below link details the many ways that diabetes affects the skin



for more info on phoenix tears, please visit:

For more info on “Fat Freddy” of the Freak Brother’s Comics (a longtime cannabis freedom fighter and the dude whose back we are healing) please visit:

to buy Hemp EaZe Baby & Me Spray (the non thc lotion I have been using along with the PTO) please visit: Spray-335.htm

need to know more?


April 1, 2012 Update… No April Fool’s joke here!

4/1/2012 Updated image of the healing.

Around one edge, some light scaling of skin remains. The scar itself continues to fill in where it had been an sunken area on the back. We are continuing to change the bandage about once a week. Have a blessed day. We will continue to update this post as we can. The authoress of the post is currently nursing a broken pelvis.


April 11, 2012

We changed the bandage this morning, lo and behold, all the scaling has gone! We are now continuing treatment only as scar reduction! It has been so amazing to watch this horrible wound heal up and begin to disappear. Here are the latest pics.


April 20, 2012 to May 5, 2012 UPDATE

There seemed to have been a deeper infection going on. We continued therapy for scar reductive therapy. Now we have entered a second phase of deeper healing. We’re calling it the “Dave Triplett effect”


for more information please also see:

Cured: A Cannabis Story (A Film By David Triplett)

Cannabis cured my skin cancer. This is my story.
It has been proven that concentrated cannabis extract oil cures cancer.
Why hasn’t The U.S. National Cancer Institute or The American Cancer Society tested Cannabis Oil?. Is it lack of personnel (2,100 USNCI staff members) or limited financial support (USNCI 2010 budget of $5.1 Billion dollars!)

Cannabis Concentrate or extract is the same as Rick Simpson’s “Hemp Oil”. Hemp seed oil is NOT what Rick Simpson is making and using.

Google “cannabinoids” and “cancer”.
Google “endocannabinoids” and “cancer”
Google “THC” and “Cancer”.
Google pubmed, go there and look up “endocannabinoids” and “cancer”, as well as “cannabinoids” and “cancer”.
Google Dr. Robert Dr Robert Melamede and cancer”.


May 18, 2011 still images…. We left Fat Fred’s back open to the air for nearly 1 week prior to these images. This gave his skin some time to breathe without a bandage and demonstrates how quickly the phoenix tears therapy treats wounds and also how quickly a wound suffers when therapy is removed.

May 12 -18 2012 UPDATE

Update of the healing of fat Freddy’s back with Rick Simpson’s Phoenix Tears Method applied topically to the skin.

view all the relevant videos in this play-list:


2012-05-24 fat freddy’s pto update

Washing and Debridement ( of Fat Freddy’s Back. Then we cover it with a bandage covered in Phoenix Tears Oil (hash oil, hemp oil, concentrated cannabis oil)
musical selection composed by: Tchaikovsky
“Nutcracker Suite” “March”


2012-05-27 – 2012-05-31 Fat Freddy’s Phoenix Tears Update


June 2012

2012-06-07 Fat Freddy’s Phoenix Tears Healing update

Continuing the healing with phoenix tears therapy on Fat Freddy’s back. We suspect the sore to be a diabetic ulcer and/or skin cancer. Fat Freddy does not like doctors, so a “proper diagnosis” is impossible. There is already a lively debate in the comments on youtube for this video. I will be altering my method slightly to prove a point because of the complaints registered there.

see the comments here


June 18, 2012 to July 3, 2012 Cumulative Update

watch it on youtube

Please also see this related post on Naphtha


July 6 – 20 Update

We show what 11 days without the Phoenix tears therapy does and discuss the Naphtha video a little more. Fat Freddy has a few words to say to you as well.


I must admit that I have not updated you all on this story in FAR too long. I must also admit that all I was truly able to do for this ulcer is to prevent it from becoming overly dangerous to a very resistive patient. I could have achieved more success had I been able to convince Fat Freddy to stop wearing his suspenders. I believe that the wound began as a pressure sore from those suspenders, and as long as he continues to wear them, he will continue to have a sore there. During my prolonged illness this summer, I had someone else take over his wound care for a time. They did not follow instructions or treat his wound and within a few weeks, his shoulder looked like the “before” images in this post. When therapy resumed, his wound resumed the healing process and was back to the level of healing it had been when I last provided documentation. I have a few videos and images that have been piling up on this story, however due to the patient’s stubbornness, I have little faith that this wound will ever truly heal. What can be done is continuing the therapy and preventing a major infection in a geriatric body.


For more information getting Phoenix Tears

  email breezy at 
