Mach II of the Betta Beta test… Cannabis and mutated fish


Meet Makara Mach II and the betta beta test. A while back I got a Betta fish only to sadly find that the very quality that drew me to him was a mutation of the breed (some curls that went all the way around on his dorsal fin).

This mutation dooms the fish to an even shorter than usual fish life and most serious breeders would never breed a betta male with this trait. I treated that first betta with drops of cannabis infused coconut oil once every 3 weeks and that fish outlived what the estimated expected life span for this mutation. Had I known it was going to work so well I would have documented the first test better.  THIS IS A HIGHLY DILUTED FORM OF WHOLE PLANT (THC INCLUDED) CANNABIS OIL! IT DOES NOT TAKE MUCH TO MEDICATE A FISH! REGULAR TANK MAINTENANCE IS A MUST!

Here are some images and the above video of Makara Mach II of the betta beta test. We found another betta male. This male had the curl on both the dorsal and caudal fins. He has already been with us for some time but I didn’t want to unveil him before he got acclimated to his new enclosure and survived the trauma of the initial trip home from the pet shop. We also gave him some glass shrimp as tank cleaners. He only allowed the smartest one to live initially, then he killed them all off for cleaning up his bubble nest. We got him a snail to use as algae eaters he can’t kill. The ghost shrimp were there to clean his poo and to see if the cannabinoids have any effect on the tank mates. I’m keeping a field journal so I will have all the info on my method this time. Cannabis can even help mutant fish if you know what you’re doing.
Mach II of the beta Betta test reached 1/3 of his expected lifespan on 3/15/2015 for the mutations he has. That day, I changed his water again and gave him his allotment of cannabinoids onto the filter.

Untreated, I would expect him to live as many as 4 more months.

This lucky dude has been getting 3 drops of coconut oil infused with cannabinoids every two weeks along with his filter change, and water cleaning/care. He is thriving!

Although, initially there was no change in his fun curling, Now I see and can believe the cannabinoids have made him a much more robust specimen than he would be had I left him untreated. I’m studying the effects of cannabinoids on mutated fish.

A second video on Mach II
More information:

Here Is Mach II on day one… he was just getting used to having space. He was in a truly tiny container when when bought him.

Mach II as he was up for sale at the petstore... doomed to a life in this tiny bowl chancing someone would take him home in spite of his mutations.

Mach II as he was up for sale at the petstore… doomed to a life in this tiny bowl chancing someone would take him home in spite of his mutations.

Mach II got a much bigger place to exercise first of all. And in addition to my cannabis oil treatment, I have kept his tank in the best condition one can including ph testing his water and giving him living plants.

This photo shows fairly well the curling of his fins. He could not display properly like a male Betta (expanding his fins to show himself in a display to attract females and dissuade other males from his territory.) This photo was within one month of getting him, so this is really with one month of treatment. Just wait until you see him in the video taken yesterday.

This photo shows fairly well the curling of his fins. He could not display properly like a male Betta (expanding his fins to show himself in a display to attract females and dissuade other males from his territory.) This photo was within one month of getting him, so this is really with one month of treatment. Just wait until you see him in the video taken yesterday. (above video)

2 Days Later he was much more acclimated to his new home and began trying to display for us.  Note the curling on the lower fin and the drooping dorsal fin. These are the defects that may have caused other betta lovers to pass him up. I took him home and gave him loving care instead based upon my last experience with a betta with similar (though less severe) mutations. I’m documenting this case carefully. I didn’t take notes for the last fish who got this treatment. With all the changes to the world on a climate scale, maybe my research might be important and built upon one day.

2015-04-24 12.52.25Here He is a little over Over the next few months, I kept my logbook and kept his water and cannabis oil dosage in the tank. I should note 


Update July 7, 2015

Mach II has exceeded life expectancy for his mutations. Today, Mach II got some new tank mates. We added 2 zebra snails and 5 ghost shrimp to help clean the tank. He likely will eventually kill all the shrimp, but they clean his tank in a way I can’t even if I drained all the water and cleaned it (something I do on a regular basis). Each and every time I’ve done anything more than feed Mach II has been carefully documented.

For  more information on what Betta fish breeders expect to see when they look at a fish, please consult the following links:

International Betta Congress Standards

Forms and Finnage

BETTAS by Jim Sonnier

Wikipedia on Betta Fish

For more information on cannabis oil, how to make it, and dilute it visit:

Remember to wrap yourself in greenfaith

Cannabis Kills Cancer


First, for beginners, here’s a FAQ:

An In-Depth Look at Making Cannabis Cure Oil Easily at Home (set to The Wall!)

The “Large Batch” Method:

How to Make Cannabis Oil Without Alerting the Neighbors!

A powerful Youtube Playlist full of good info on Cannabis Oil / Phoenix Tears!


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snail mail:

Bréedhéen O’Rilley Keefer

P.O. Box 849

Franktown, Colorado 80116

About Breezy Kiefair

links about breezy blog on youtube ~ Do all that you can to cultivate peace within yourself, that it might shine out from you, and plant the seed of peace in other spirits, for them to cultivate.~ {Remember... it is when we choose act on the issues that are in front of our faces, when we choose to get involved instead of looking the other way as our fellow man struggles, when we choose to take those small simple little actions, working on righting little wrongs in our everyday lives that really make change happen, those seemingly small actions are what really make the world a better place and are a catalyst for greater social change.} ~Both quotes by Breedheen "Bree" O'Rilley Keefer~ an interview in the 420 times Cannabis Health News Magazine... see pages 37-39

Posted on 2015/04/24, in Beta test, Betta, Betta fish, Breezy, Breezy Kiefair, Cancer, cancer increase, Cannabidiol, Cannabis, cannabis issue, Cannabis Legalization, cannabis oil, cannabis plant, cbd, Colorado, Conditions and Diseases, current-events, endocannabinoid system in animals, environment, experience the experience, experimental science, mutated betta fish, mutated fish, mutations, phoenix tears for pets, phoenixtears and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 13 Comments.

  1. Breezy Kiefair

    Mach II the mutated Betta fish has now exceeded the expected lifespan for a Betta with these mutations. We’ve been treating him with cannabis oil thinned in coconut oil with the hypothesis being that cannabis increases longevity in mutated systems, even fish.


  2. Breezy Kiefair

    Mach II has now exceeded lifespan estimates proving my hypothesis that cannabinoids can increase longevity in mutated systems


  3. Breezy Kiefair

    Mach II got some new tank mates today. We added 2 zebra snails and 5 ghost shrimp to help clean the tank. He likely will eventually kill all the shrimp, but they clean his tank in a way I can’t even if I drained all the water and cleaned it (something I do on a regular basis). Each and every time I’ve done anything more than feed Mach II has been carefully documented.


  4. Breezy Kiefair



  5. Breezy Kiefair

    New update on Mach II


  6. Really cool ideal !


  7. Breezy Kiefair

    Mach II is feeling much better. I switched his food from “national geographic betta flakes” to a combination of those flakes, dried bloodworms, myisis, and daphnia. I’ve also been using an “all in one remedy” (a broad spectrum heal most things tablets for fish) I changed his filter and re-applied the cannabis oil. He’s doing a lot better, especially for a mutated betta this ancient.

    Mach II of the Betta Beta test… Cannabis and mutated fish


  8. Breezy Kiefair

    Mach II is feeling much better. I switched his food from “national geographic betta flakes” to a combination of those flakes, dried bloodworms, myisis, and daphnia. I’ve also been using an “all in one remedy” (a broad spectrum heal most things tablets for fish) I changed his filter and re-applied the cannabis oil. He’s doing a lot better, especially for a mutated betta this ancient.

    Mach II of the Betta Beta test… Cannabis and mutated fish


  9. Breezy Kiefair

    More videos of Mach Ii


  10. Breezy Kiefair

    November 8, 2015
    Mach II, my dear friend and cannabinoids in mutated systems increasing longevity. While my friend has gone, I consider the experiment an unqualified success. My first entry in my experiment log was on January 1, 2015. He lived nearly 10 months. With his mutations, life expectancy is 6 months or less. The cannabinoids nearly doubled his lifespan. Next time I’ll get a control group betta with similar mutations to my treated fish.

    While this post may seem cold and scientific and even morbid, but I assure you that my heart is broken over the loss of my fishy friend.


  11. Breezy Kiefair

    Please help me keep the research on mutated fish and cannabinoids going and help me make the experiment more credible to the scientific community, without a control group, I really have little proof. At very least, I need another 2.5 gallon aquarium. I want plants and decorations to be identical in all tanks in order to keep the experiment identical except for the cannabinoids variable.

    Many of you were very interested in my work with betta fish, mutations, and cannabinoids. I happen to be between experiments right now and would really like to take this experiment to the next level by adding control group animals and beginning to experiment on the female mutations of the species as well. You can put betta females in a tank together which would also expand the experiment greatly just by having more subjects to observe. Currently, I only have 1 2.5 gallon aquarium waiting on a water and plant change and some new research subjects. The supplies I need to keep this experiment going are not cheap. I’ve made a list of items I need to continue these experiments and expand them so they are more credible to scientific circles. I have snails in my one aquarium currently and was going to split the snails between the tanks to see what, if any effects the cannabinoids have on the snails, particularly their reproductive rates. If you’d like to support the work with mutated fish and cannabis to continue, please consider a purchase off this prioritized list of supplies.

    Supplies list:


  12. Breezy Kiefair

    I believe I forgot to mention that all the supplies except one have finally arrived for my next beta experiment. I have sorted all the supplies and set the aquaria in their proper places. Next I need to rinse the rock substrate and all the decorations. After that, I’ll fill up the aquaria and set the decorations up and plant the live plant bulbs. Once the plants have sprouted and the Christmas season is over…. That’s the best time to find mutant fish, male and female… Somewhere 12 fish get a lucky home. 6 of them get cannabinoids.

    beta gamma control group study on cannabinoids and beta fish mutations and longevity


  1. Pingback: beta gamma control group study on cannabinoids and beta fish mutations and longevity |

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